(Apr. 21, 2012 5:19 AM)ShadowBlader619 Wrote: Please build me a combo with kreis cygnus, storm pegasus, counter leone, thermal lacerta, meteo l-drago, midnight bull and rey unicorno.Attack: Meteo L-Drago 105 RF
Defense: Kreis Cygnus 105/145 CS
Stamina: Kreis Cygnus 145/105 WD
(Apr. 21, 2012 6:40 AM)maxusleo Wrote: heres an idea cycloneleone 100rf2 attackCyclone is not good for attack.
omega byxis 230 with ifraids tip
or if you want a stable one for a zero g stadium or x tornado/cyclone stadium hres the combo
bigbang/cosmic can be stacked with hell/hades wheel then eternal deffencse with wb
Omega sucks on 230
RF is better than CF in BB-10
The last part is confusing