[Brooklyn, New York, 7/20/2011] King/Queen of Blades




One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Name: King/Queen of Blades
[Image: m757ah.jpg]
Date: July 20, 2011 - Wednesday
I plan to have this tournament at 1PM and free play from 12pm-1pm. I will hold the tournament back an hour (maximum) if some bladers are stuck in traffic. Please eat lunch before you arrive. Once the 2nd round starts, I will not be accepting any entrants. If you are not present, when i call your usernames, you will lose by default. I can postpone your match if you are in the bathroom however that is the only exception. it is important to let me know ahead of time. the longest i can postpone is at the end of the round. any longer, you get a loss by default. If you postpone and you are the last battle for the round, i will wait ONLY for 15 minutes. it's more than enough time.
Venue: Kings Games 2nd floor (Please click for directions or use google maps)
1685 East 15 Street
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(516) 428-6361
Don't call me unless it's an emergency or you're stuck in traffic. If you need directions, look online. do it now and write it down. I have no sense of direction so i would be pretty useless in terms of direction if you asked last minute.
have passport + store fee = $5
buying passport + store fee = $15
WBO Entrance fee + store fee = $10

Expected Turnout: 30-50 people
Format: Unseeded double elimination
Prize system: store credit - it will be run by Deikailo who will possibly be selling beyblades as well (as i have been told by her in the Kings Games thread)

Can the following people judge?
The Problem
Ship Smile
Cye Kinomiya
Keep noted that i will be keeping track of who judged what match... so before the match even starts, let me know which match you are judging. This is so i can double check if there is any error.
Let me know if you can. if you can't, let me know and i will remove your name from the list.
Smile = means you are a confirmed judge

Sky Prince
shadow X 9365
Ultimate Kcpj
Ultra Blader#1

Possible Attendees:
Flame Aries
Blader of Chaos
Ray shooter
black wing


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LOL that was just a tad bit too much bro. Kind of wish you did not tell EVERYTHING yet though. Don't even worry about it. Thanks for the support though. The way I see it, Zack is being deprived of the attention he deserves and if he should actually be taught to judge, who would be doing the teaching? I could very easily do it but of course someone would always have an issue with me doing something so who can? Spin-Sonic? That would of course mean he would have to stop judging to show him but then who would take his place? IKMV is gone.
(Jul. 14, 2011  5:03 PM)Spin-Sonic Wrote:
(Jul. 14, 2011  4:36 PM)Deikailo Wrote:
(Jul. 14, 2011  4:27 PM)Bluezee Wrote: I'll watch over you again buddy. Wouldn't be the first time so I have you covered and record all of your matches on my camera along with Spin-Sonic. You're really good and I wouldn't want you to be left out. I'll be here.
Quite frankly, the superman act is very annoying, Bluezee.

Zackorang should just be taught to judge instead because he is competent and a good blader. He doesn't need to be protected, but rather, he should just be given the opportunity to step up, take some control and be a bigger part of this community. You're not the end all solution. Each individual blader has their own solutions.

There needs to be a rotation in "staff" anyway. I think our current line up is burnt out because they never get a chance to freeplay. I know I am.

I highly doubt he is trying any superman act. We had a conversation about this earlier. He is just extremely annoyed at the lack of attention paid to things in these tournaments from small rulings to larger issues such as missing an ENTIRE blader's match not once but twice in different tournaments. It is completely unacceptable and if I were zackorang, I really would not even come to any more of these if I keep getting the same results. Having a chance to freeplay has absolutely nothing to do with this so that is no excuse because I don't really ever have a chance either. If I am not judging, I am trying to help Bluezee with a parent or a group of kids who do not understand what is going on or what to do next.

I even suggested Bluezee to take the camera and watch all of Zack's matches because this should not be allowed to happen three times in a row. There would not have to be a "superman" if people would do what they had to do and not try to point fingers at each other and rely on the views of others around them to actually get something done. Bluezee is doing the right thing and he has always been protective of younger ones especially due to how badly they get cheated at times and the lack of help they receive.

So in conclusion, it's not fair to say Bluezee is trying to play "superman" when he is just doing exactly what the judges should be doing because if you had not noticed, when he is not being challenged or trying to help parents and save them from leaving these tournaments disappointed at the lack of attention and support their child is getting, he is recording the matches on a camera.
You try handling a group of 50+ children with short attention spans. I do all that I can given my resources. Unfortunately, I will never have the opportunity to be seen as a "hero" because I am too busy creating and maintaining these sort of opportunities for Bluezee to help.

Every time I have had a parent complain about how I run tournaments, I ask them for help because I do this completely voluntarily. Of course, they never do help.

Karice, although you don't freeplay either, some people do not actually like the responsibility that comes with judging. You might, but I feel as though the judges we currently have do not. From what I can tell, kids between the ages of 12-16 have more motivation for judging because they want to feel like they are a part of something.

If I had to choose a new line up of judges right now, I'd pick The Problem, Firestar6595, Zackorang1, Hydreigon, Mr. N, Whitewave, Killerspinner (not father spinner. I think Killerspinner is rad enough to judge on his own!), SniperTM, and Cyber Blader. Although, that is just me.

The judges are too busy judging battles to teach kids. I don't know if you've noticed, but when I have low blood sugar or I have to pee, I don't even have enough time to go downstairs to use the bathroom or eat. More often than not, I am eating pandas and shouting as I chew to appease the parents.
(Jul. 14, 2011  5:09 PM)Bluezee Wrote: LOL that was just a tad bit too much bro. Kind of wish you did not tell EVERYTHING yet though. Don't even worry about it. Thanks for the support though. The way I see it, Zack is being deprived of the attention he deserves and if he should actually be taught to judge, who would be doing the teaching? I could very easily do it but of course someone would always have an issue with me doing something so who can? Spin-Sonic? That would of course mean he would have to stop judging to show him but then who would take his place? IKMV is gone.
The tournament organizer should teach him to judge. It's just basically a five minute briefing on the rules, which Zackorang1 already knows. When I taught Beystrategist, Ship, and Cyber Blader to judge, it only took like, 10 minutes. It was nothing. It was just going over what they already knew and method of reporting everything. Since everyone I just listed has tournament experience from multiple events, they should be completely on spot.

The Problem did not need any briefing and I would consider is judging to be damn accurate. There are also bladers like Othellog that have a natural eye for seeing things in split seconds.

Zackorang1 is not helpless. He can do this on his own because he's great at what he does. STOP LOOKING AT ZACKORANG1 AS A VICTIM AND START LOOKING AT HIM AS THE SOLUTION. He knows just what can go wrong in a tournament because of human error so he's more apt to being on top of fixing problems.
So this is about being a "hero"? Well if that's the case, go for it. You can have it. I'm not stopping you. I do this because it is the right thing to do. Not because I see a medal of honor or being seen as some "hero". I'm going to assume when you say "creating and maintaining" you are referring to the tournaments and nothing more because I have been doing this LONG before you started hosting tournaments. I watch over an entire city of bladers that I do tournaments with and supply prizes, food, and much more all the time and I have been since I started playing. It is only natural now and being a "hero" is the last thing on my mind or agenda.
Okay, Moses. You win. I will hold my tongue for that one.
oh hayy sign me up

sorry i've been busy !
okay, updated the list... correct me if i made any mistakes.

and guys, try not to have an argument on my thread. imo, it's considered spam and should really be brought into PMs instead of public threads. please and thank you.
i wanted to go but i can't because my parents work far in mathatten.
(Jul. 15, 2011  1:42 PM)kingofbeast Wrote: i wanted to go but i can't because my parents work far in mathatten.

You just wasted 3 seconds of my time.
wantED to go? (as in past tense?).... this tournament didn't happen yet.....
@!$# I cant come because of jury duty, my gf might drop by with her little brother though (stormpikachu) they might also bring a friend who is interested in entering. I hate being an adult.
I will definitely be able to make this. Anyone from North New Jersey, contact me for a ride into Brooklyn.
Sky can you move this to the weekend?
He already said the weekend was filled up. What would work would be to push the time back to about 4pm or so. If that should be the case, I can pick up Ship after jury duty because I have to stop in the building next door anyway.
Hi. This is LittleKev's mom. I am responding on behalf of my son because he is currently in day camp. He gets out after 5pm and is very upset at the date and time of this tournament. Many kids are in summer school/work/camps and will have difficulty attending and will be upset that they will not be able to make it. I wish all attending the best of luck and hope something could be worked out in the future so everyone could attend and be happy just having fun.
Thank You very much.
See sky! Can you work out something with the KGs manager for a weekend?
There's nothing stopping anyone from hosting a completely separate tournament in August on a weekend, but Sky may want this on a weekday to "test the waters".

Although, I would recommend pushing back the time at the very least. I don't think very many people would mind registration from 5-6pm and bladers like littlekev, who are committed, can sign up over the phone and you can put them into the tournament pool so all they have to do is hand you money as they come in. It is also very possible to plot out brackets based on time frames. For example, you can schedule block 1 at 4pm, block 2 at 5pm, block 3 at 6pm, etc. Although I would consider that mostly random, you should check with the committee in the proposals thread if you want to implement that since I am not committee.

But bear in mind, you should only do that if you know you're getting 18+ bladers (6 per bracket).

You're not going to get 30 bladers on a weekday anyway so you might as well do it later. It should not run late.
I feel the community should be catered to as a whole and not based on who can attend. NYC really needs to get something worked out for everyone. There are not enough events or community meet ups going on, especially now in the summer. There are other locations besides Kings Games. In good, dry weather (and not a day or two after rain), in Central Park would be great. Tarp or something under the stadiums can also be a help if people are worried about the grass or surface. The Central park tourney was great back in April, but it was a day after a heavy rain storm, so of course it was damp. There is not much rain going on, so that would be a nice central meet up location for alot of people. I really feel if Central Park is not good, then maybe something can or should be worked out with the KG's manager...
Kev can possibly make it at around 6-6:30, but the bad thing is traveling during rush hour and then back from Brooklyn to the Bronx late during the week because he has to be in bed early to get up by 7am to get to camp in the city. We are really trying to stay committed, but there has not been many events lately. As for hosting separate events, for most that is not an easy task, especially with no transportation, money, etc. Meet ups can also happen with no tourney, just a friendly get together of sorts so ppl can just play and have fun. The Pokemon community does it weekly at Rockefeller plaza in the downstairs concourse and all works out well. The Beyblade community should also think of a central location to have weekly meet ups, possible leagues, or whatever.
(Jul. 15, 2011  5:59 PM)littlekev0 Wrote: I feel the community should be catered to as a whole and not based on who can attend. NYC really needs to get something worked out for everyone. There are not enough events or community meet ups going on, especially now in the summer.
Because all tournaments are run voluntarily without pay, hosting tournaments will never be prioritized over work, school, and other financial obligations. "NYC" also includes you as well. If you really feel that way, then you should try to put something together. Finding the time to organize something like this and making everyone happy while restraining yourself from pulling your hair out is a nightmare.

I wanted to establish Kings Games because I wanted Alex to start carrying Beyblades, however, it seems as though he will not do that.

Everyone should be grateful that Sky Prince is even giving you guys this opportunity. RESPECT HIS EFFORTS. As a former tournament host, it's a real slap in the face when people don't respect the amount of work ONE person does to coordinate a tournament and keep asking for more. Sky doesn't have a job so everything he does for this is completely out of pocket, including his transportation. It's his first time hosting so he's better off keeping it small anyway.

On a side note, Sky, I will drive you home if you need a lift.
All we're doing is giving suggestions so that Sky's first tourney can be a success. Why you would consider it "a slap in the face" I have no clue.
(Jul. 15, 2011  9:05 PM)Ship Wrote: All we're doing is giving suggestions so that Sky's first tourney can be a success. Why you would consider it "a slap in the face" I have no clue.
Because everyone wants the date/time changed for personal reasons. Has anyone ever thought of or even asked what Sky's personal schedule is like? Last I checked, he spends it with his gf.

He doesn't have to do anything, and IIRC, he wanted to try doing a small scale tournament to see the difference between small and large scale events. I mostly suggested pushing back the time to guarantee that he makes the minimum (because some people just drop unexpectedly).
But even YOU suggested changing the date! smh. Like I said all we're doing is trying to help by giving suggestions on the date, youre taking it a little too personally this is Sky's tourney not yours. If I'm stressing him out then I apologize, I just want to have fun and beyblade with my friends, which is exactly what everyone else wants.
It was only ideas and suggestions, why take it so seriously? A slap in the face for an idea? You are right, he is trying, but at the same time the community is going to die and move on to other things because nobody seems to want to do anything. Me try to make an event? Not possible. I am a parent and landlord with too many responsibilities with no car and live in an area with limited transportation. I was only giving ideas and suggestions to help avoid frustrated parents like myself trying to figure out ways to get my child to an event and the kids who are upset and heartbroken because they can't attend. It is not easy being a parent who wants to bring their child to a nice community event such as the tournaments to meet other kids with similar interests. At this point I see children losing interest because of lack of events or a time frame where a decent amount, NOT all can be comfortable with. I was only trying to help for everyone, not slap in the face or bash anything. We all just want to attend and have a nice time, especially the parents with kids who have the hardest job of all.
And how is it for personal reasons if I said everyone should work together? I said community and community is NOT personal.
well... quite honestly, it IS a slap in the face... yes, suggestions but asking me to change the date is a bit hard... if you look at the Kings Games schedule, this month's weekends are completely booked. From the sounds of it, you guys are asking a change the location, time, and date. and this week is already a living hell. my mom is running me through the house (since she's still immobile from her stroke months ago) and we're having relatives/parent's friends over this week and i have to do EVERYTHING. my dad works a day job from 7AM-8pm as a physical therapist so making time to construct this tournament is like asking a miracle. i don't mean to tell you my "sob story" but as deikailo said, you guys have no idea how my schedule is.... my girlfriend doesn't live near me anymore so i can't hang out with her as much as i used to. i probably only hang out with her once a week now since she lives miles and miles away. it's depressing to see someone i love more than i love beyblade (or anything else for that matter) move farther away from me. just the thought of it all is stressful... then i have this tournament's stress....

yes, someone else could have hosted but CLEARLY from the results, i'm the only one who stepped up to the plate and took the initiative. i'm running on pocket money until someone actually hires me. if someone wants to host a tournament, FEEL FREE TO! i'm doing this because no one wanted to host and i was fed up waiting.... maybe that's y everyone is "losing interest".... no one wants to step up.... i want kids to enjoy it but i can't satisfy every child that comes crying to me that wants to join but can't. as the saying goes "you can't make everyone happy". i'm only human.... i can ask the store owner to move the time back but i can't give any promises. they have an event at 7:30pm being held there and i don't want to overlap events because IF YOU KNOW ME WELL, i don't like interfering with other people's events/meetups ... i feel it's rude and inappropriate for them to wait for us to leave. it's also embarrassing as a host because it makes me look disorganized to be held up later than i expect. please understand everyone.... i'm only one person and i'm trying to live a life....
Dude, i know how you feel. Since I've been in the WBO I have not seen one WBO tournament in Pennsylvania, so I decided to make a tournament with @THEKING97.
And if you ask me it quite hard.:\