(my turn I guess)
I'll post name ideas, but instead of posting Blade+Core/ring+chip I'll just do mythological names (because I'm lazy (Actually it would take me 5x more time, don't question it)).
Also everything is from the norse mythology because it is very underrated :
Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar (types of elves, the first is the good ol' pale while the other looks like a dwalf and burns at day light i think)
Fenrir (I've saw this name before on older generations of beys, it's a wolf that's going to kill Odin, could be Odin's owner rival?)
Mare (it comes to your house and gives nightmares, also it's name made the world nightmare alongside night (night mare))
Norns (more powerful than norse gods, They are 3 and their names are :
Urðr (or Wyrd) – meaning The Past or just Fate
Verdandi – meaning What Is Presently Coming into Being
Skuld – meaning What Shall Be
They're similar to the Fates on greek mythology)
Banshee (I forgot if it was norse or not, but it's a spirit that appears when somebody is going to die, they can also shapeshift into a human form)
Sleipnir ((Odin's horse, had 8 legs and can... Walk on air? Sure))
Draugar (Zombies but can change their size and possesses superhuman strength, It can't turn people into them by biting (a cool driver to use in this on gotta say (bite is a driver)))
That's all folks! Only some names that I never seen on fan beys and are cool. I was bored so yeah...
Rank 0th means I'm better than 1st