Beyblade age groups?

Poll: Which age group do you fit into??

11-14 Years.
15-18 Years.
19+ Years Old.
Total: 100% 817 vote(s)
I am 13 right now and had my birthday January 31 and people say I'm too old for beyblading XD
(Feb. 28, 2012  10:04 PM)MFB Mad Master Wrote: I am 13 right now and had my birthday January 31 and people say I'm too old for beyblading XD

I am 14(1/2)Eee so dont worry I talk about beyblades at school and get looked at funny but do I care no
Im 12 (turning 13) and im the only blader in my area. Do any of you guys get teased about liking Beyblade?
im 19+..XD i just join today and its kinda cool here..Smile
i am 12 and i love beyblade.
Some people just hate others for playing Beyblade and saids they are for kids, but I don't agree. Coz I am in my 20's and still love Beyblade. Although besides Beyblade, I also like Gundam and Zoids. But yeah, no one really cares if others said those are for children coz hobby have no limits.
Yeah i agree with you, foxy. I dont love beyblades coz theyre toys , i love them coz theyre cool.
I'm 12 and at first i never talked about beyblades at school, but one of my school friends in the year above who also beyblades seems to be really proud of it and everyone in the year above knows about it now, they don't actually seem to care, some even say " oh i remember i used to have a beyblade..." I still don't want to tell people in my class, they would bully me to hell...
Yeah, no one at my school knows i like beyblade. Probably im the best blader at my school. Maybe even my suburb. Thas coz im the only one
I always see people in my school cafeteria playing with beyblades. They all seem like noobs to me but they have a lot of hasbro beys. They play on stadiums and all that but i think i would pwn them all if they used TT stadiums. Hasbro stadiums arent fair.
I am 14, almost 15. I play beyblade and there are kids older than me at my school that beyblade. I am trying to get them to get accounts.
I am 12 probably the only one of my age who plays beyblade in my area, although there are others at school.
Im going to turn 9 in 1 month 15 days
I'm turning 15 this year .. and i like Beyblade. No-one at my school knows about this. xD
I am 26 and started plAying because of my 6yo nephew. man I feel old I think I'm the oldest one here
I started to like beyblades when I was 14. I collected the top parts of beyblades from a box of cereal and had to buy the real things to attach them to. My friends at school never knew I had any but I heard them saying how rubbish they were. I invited them round and displayed my 11 beautiful plastic beyblades on my bookcase. I know they saw them but they never said a word. I'd get my mum to play with me. That was ten years ago. It's only a few months ago I thought I needed to get them from the attic to realise that I'd thrown then all away,sparing only the top plastic parts (which I don't know what to call). Now I have 47 MFB's and I love them more than I did then. And now I get all my friends in their 20's to play and they flaming love it!!!
I feel you GRANDTEMPO after my nephew introduced me to them late last year I've been hooked, I now have 70+ MFB (i recommend looking into the 4D's) and I get my friends all 22+ to play......good times.... I joined the WBO to meet new bladers and get more knowledge about them such as tip names, track names,combos,etc. I would love to see a tournament with our age group(maybe there is, as I have never been to any....yet)
Yeah TwistedGasher,would be cool to have a tournament of people in their 20's. I haven't been to a tournament yet just incase I'm against a ten year old, but then again they do it in the amine. We'll have to pluck up the courage one day and will probably realise that playing with all age groups isn't wierd at all...maybe. As long as I'm not the age of their parents it might be ok :-D
Beyblading doesnot means that if we old we stop is a spirit.but you are right people around us are crazy they only think that small children play beyblade even my parents also think but i never listen to them and does not stop never listen to others do what you want.
(Mar. 19, 2012  9:20 AM)King eagone Wrote: Beyblading doesnot means that if we old we stop is a spirit.but you are right people around us are crazy they only think that small children play beyblade even my parents also think but i never listen to them and does not stop never listen to others do what you want.

I totally agree with you.
One good thing though is that I was the first in my school that bought a beyblade and took it with me there. That was about 8-9 years ago. I thought everyone would laugh at me, but instead they took an intrest and then it was on. People began to buy them and we were a lot of people going into battle =D That is like the best memory of school for me.

I'm soon going to turn 21 and the spirit still lives inside me. And probably it's going to do that a long time.
I am 17.. Turning 18 this month.
There is no age limit for blading & i dont care what others talk about it.
Because blading is a ultra rare and a unique hobby & a hobby can be anything..
I agree with no age limit. It's all the same when talking about toys like Gundams and etc. Hobby is not age based as others sees it.
There is no such thing as ''age limit'' it is only made up from people that want to control others and tell them what to do and not. ''Aren't you a little too old for this?'' That is something often heard. At least for me. But I don't give a **_**