(Mar. 21, 2017 10:14 PM)BeyGa Wrote: Hey, guys! Remeber sometime ago, when we had that little episode with this guy, stealing some BeyTubers content and reuploading to his channel? Well, he got his channel deleted and that was a relief. Thing is, looks like he's back, and doing the same thing. So, if you make Beyblade videos, take a look at his channel and, please, report him once again. It's so unfair to have people stealing our content. :/
Here's the link to his new channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCODSNNM...=0&sort=dd
And how do I know it's the same guy? It's practically the same name and it's the exact same channel description. :(
Thanks for your attention, guys.
I mean uploading the videos of others isn't a bad thing but the issue is he/she done so without giving credit to the original owners, that's where they messed up big. Always need to give credit where credit is due otherwise they have violated a bunch of copyright laws by claiming it's their own original work.