Is anybody else hoping that Haspro will release Grand Capricorne? Since they are releasing minor beys from the series (such as Burn Wolf and Thermal Gemios, or so the video showed they are) I think that there is a great chance that they might

(Aug. 29, 2011 5:59 AM)To Wrote:(Aug. 29, 2011 4:47 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote:(Aug. 29, 2011 4:22 AM)To Wrote:(Aug. 28, 2011 10:18 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: Do remember that if beyblade ends in japan, it will likely end everywhere. In other words, there is a chance that if 4D ends the beyblade series, it could stop internationally as well.
Not necessarily. International demand could keep the series alive longer than it would have been.
Don't forget that TT calls the shots, not Hasbro. Alot of HMS beys were not released outside of Asia because Beyblade the beyblade anime had ended in Asia 1st, as well as HMS not being as popular as the plastics series. I rememebr when i 1st saw HMS in stores, I had no idea what they were. I though to myself, "these aren't beyblades at all" I was wrong of course, and I regret thinking that, but that isn't the point. The only diffference between then and now is that Asia is very far ahead of the world beyblade-anime wise, which could present a problem if 4D does end beyblade. And if you think of it this way, the new MFB anime is the 3rd anime in the series, just as the original Beyblade got 3 seasons. Also, both anime's 3rd seasons had new types of blades. G-Rev had HMS, and the new MFB anime has 4D (which can be considered a new type of system within HWS, just not a new system on its own)
Don't get me wrong, I would love for beyblade to continue, but unless TT's sale predictions are wrong, MFB will probobly end when the 4D anime series ends, which has a strong possibility of ending it world wide, at least for a while.
Do not worry though, TT knows that Beyblade is a very succsessful product. if they do end it, then they will wait a few years, and then resume with a new series and a new type of beyblade, that much i can say with confidence.
International demand can keep the series. Takara Tomy has been making Duel Masters cards since 1999, and that is a Hasbro brand. Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast discontinued the game in North America in 2006 (though they are bringing it back for next year) but it's been a top earner for TT and they've continued with it. As for the anime, Nelvana can certainly order more seasons of the show (they did so for Bakugan) if they feel it'll work.
Hasbro's also been talking about how they plan on keeping the series fresh. You only tend to think that way if you're expecting a long time product.
(Aug. 30, 2011 5:40 AM)Kai-V Wrote: For Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, if the source is reliable, apparently the highest rating was 6.4%; the lowest rating was 2.4%; the average rating was 4.4%. This is only for the first season though. For 2002, the highest was not as high, but the lowest was higher and the average rating was generally the same.
Still, if Beyblade managed to sell so well with the anime we have, it is still quite good ...
EDIT : Bakuten Shoot Beyblade G Revolution definitely seems to have a lower average than the first two seasons. I would say that the highest ratings are around 3.0%, and the lowest, around 2.0% or less.
(Apr. 26, 2009 6:12 PM)Slaysya Wrote: I just found like a group of kids who blade at my school. But they think it will ruin they're lives if the school knows lol. So I got them to talk, and im going to have some battles monday
(Aug. 30, 2011 8:00 AM)Dracon Wrote: I sweaar, sometimes i can really hate shops. I mean, all the shops around where i live get beys reallly late compared to most of you who live in australia, i mean, most of you have already seen things like Gravity destroyer and stuff, but where i live, WE JUST GOT GALAXY PEGASAIS!Some places in other countries don't even have Galaxy Pegasis or only stocked it recently. Be patient wave 2 will come eventually.
(Aug. 30, 2011 7:05 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Hm, if the calendars I checked are right, then G Revolution was playing on Mondays ... ? What an odd time.
(Aug. 30, 2011 12:52 PM)天翔翼 TenshouYoku Wrote: I live in Hong Kong.Are you sure a worker didn't leak it? No wonder it was expensive.
Probably some factory in China made it as a sample or what, but the shop bought it with some method and I am the lucky guy who bought it.....,.
It is so fxxking expensive, so nobody offers to buy it.
(Aug. 30, 2011 6:57 AM)To Wrote:(Aug. 30, 2011 5:40 AM)Kai-V Wrote: For Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, if the source is reliable, apparently the highest rating was 6.4%; the lowest rating was 2.4%; the average rating was 4.4%. This is only for the first season though. For 2002, the highest was not as high, but the lowest was higher and the average rating was generally the same.
Still, if Beyblade managed to sell so well with the anime we have, it is still quite good ...
EDIT : Bakuten Shoot Beyblade G Revolution definitely seems to have a lower average than the first two seasons. I would say that the highest ratings are around 3.0%, and the lowest, around 2.0% or less.
Hmm, if that's the case than MFB 4D isn't doing terribly (as its highest have been a 3.0, and its lowest was like a 1.4) compared to G-Revolution. However, I'm not sure if we're going for the right comparison here. Bakuten didn't air on Sunday mornings did it? Ratings shares, depending on timeslots would vary I imagine.
I would be nice to have total viewership numbers instead of the audience shares, since those are a bit abstract and unless you dig a lot, don't necessarily tell you how many people are watching.
(Aug. 30, 2011 3:43 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote:(Aug. 30, 2011 6:57 AM)To Wrote:(Aug. 30, 2011 5:40 AM)Kai-V Wrote: For Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, if the source is reliable, apparently the highest rating was 6.4%; the lowest rating was 2.4%; the average rating was 4.4%. This is only for the first season though. For 2002, the highest was not as high, but the lowest was higher and the average rating was generally the same.
Still, if Beyblade managed to sell so well with the anime we have, it is still quite good ...
EDIT : Bakuten Shoot Beyblade G Revolution definitely seems to have a lower average than the first two seasons. I would say that the highest ratings are around 3.0%, and the lowest, around 2.0% or less.
Hmm, if that's the case than MFB 4D isn't doing terribly (as its highest have been a 3.0, and its lowest was like a 1.4) compared to G-Revolution. However, I'm not sure if we're going for the right comparison here. Bakuten didn't air on Sunday mornings did it? Ratings shares, depending on timeslots would vary I imagine.
I would be nice to have total viewership numbers instead of the audience shares, since those are a bit abstract and unless you dig a lot, don't necessarily tell you how many people are watching.
It would be nice to get actual numbers, rather than the %. Still, it is apparent that Bakutan was more popular than MFB, but not by much. Overall both seemed very unpopular in Japan, with all of the good anime that exists there.
Now in America, where things are treated much differently, I garatee both series have a much higher % for secured viewership.
(Aug. 30, 2011 4:02 PM)Nano Wrote:
I is confus
Why does it have Nickelback on it?
Then again, why does it have those other songs on it?
(Aug. 30, 2011 4:10 PM)To Wrote: Googling that soundtrack CD up, it seems the record company just dumped a bunch of unrelated songs with some they pilfered off the Canadian-exclusive soundtrack.
(Aug. 30, 2011 3:43 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote:(Aug. 30, 2011 6:57 AM)To Wrote:(Aug. 30, 2011 5:40 AM)Kai-V Wrote: For Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, if the source is reliable, apparently the highest rating was 6.4%; the lowest rating was 2.4%; the average rating was 4.4%. This is only for the first season though. For 2002, the highest was not as high, but the lowest was higher and the average rating was generally the same.
Still, if Beyblade managed to sell so well with the anime we have, it is still quite good ...
EDIT : Bakuten Shoot Beyblade G Revolution definitely seems to have a lower average than the first two seasons. I would say that the highest ratings are around 3.0%, and the lowest, around 2.0% or less.
Hmm, if that's the case than MFB 4D isn't doing terribly (as its highest have been a 3.0, and its lowest was like a 1.4) compared to G-Revolution. However, I'm not sure if we're going for the right comparison here. Bakuten didn't air on Sunday mornings did it? Ratings shares, depending on timeslots would vary I imagine.
I would be nice to have total viewership numbers instead of the audience shares, since those are a bit abstract and unless you dig a lot, don't necessarily tell you how many people are watching.
It would be nice to get actual numbers, rather than the %. Still, it is apparent that Bakutan was more popular than MFB, but not by much. Overall both seemed very unpopular in Japan, with all of the good anime that exists there.
Now in America, where things are treated much differently, I garatee both series have a much higher % for secured viewership.
Actually, I don't believe Beyblade Metal Fusion nor Metal Masters has broken the 2.0 barrier on Cartoon Network, haha. Though, comparing those ratings with Japan's are even worse than comparing Bakuten's as what makes a single percentage point are drastically different between the US and Japan.
(Aug. 30, 2011 4:54 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Do not bother buying that CD, I think I have it for download from the old Beyblade Spirit website.