Beyblade Random Thoughts
(Aug. 29, 2011 4:22 AM)To Wrote:(Aug. 28, 2011 10:18 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: Do remember that if beyblade ends in japan, it will likely end everywhere. In other words, there is a chance that if 4D ends the beyblade series, it could stop internationally as well.
Not necessarily. International demand could keep the series alive longer than it would have been.
Don't forget that TT calls the shots, not Hasbro. Alot of HMS beys were not released outside of Asia because Beyblade the beyblade anime had ended in Asia 1st, as well as HMS not being as popular as the plastics series. I rememebr when i 1st saw HMS in stores, I had no idea what they were. I though to myself, "these aren't beyblades at all" I was wrong of course, and I regret thinking that, but that isn't the point. The only diffference between then and now is that Asia is very far ahead of the world beyblade-anime wise, which could present a problem if 4D does end beyblade. And if you think of it this way, the new MFB anime is the 3rd anime in the series, just as the original Beyblade got 3 seasons. Also, both anime's 3rd seasons had new types of blades. G-Rev had HMS, and the new MFB anime has 4D (which can be considered a new type of system within HWS, just not a new system on its own)
Don't get me wrong, I would love for beyblade to continue, but unless TT's sale predictions are wrong, MFB will probobly end when the 4D anime series ends, which has a strong possibility of ending it world wide, at least for a while.
Do not worry though, TT knows that Beyblade is a very succsessful product. if they do end it, then they will wait a few years, and then resume with a new series and a new type of beyblade, that much i can say with confidence.
(Aug. 29, 2011 4:47 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote:(Aug. 29, 2011 4:22 AM)To Wrote:(Aug. 28, 2011 10:18 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: Do remember that if beyblade ends in japan, it will likely end everywhere. In other words, there is a chance that if 4D ends the beyblade series, it could stop internationally as well.
Not necessarily. International demand could keep the series alive longer than it would have been.
Don't forget that TT calls the shots, not Hasbro. Alot of HMS beys were not released outside of Asia because Beyblade the beyblade anime had ended in Asia 1st, as well as HMS not being as popular as the plastics series. I rememebr when i 1st saw HMS in stores, I had no idea what they were. I though to myself, "these aren't beyblades at all" I was wrong of course, and I regret thinking that, but that isn't the point. The only diffference between then and now is that Asia is very far ahead of the world beyblade-anime wise, which could present a problem if 4D does end beyblade. And if you think of it this way, the new MFB anime is the 3rd anime in the series, just as the original Beyblade got 3 seasons. Also, both anime's 3rd seasons had new types of blades. G-Rev had HMS, and the new MFB anime has 4D (which can be considered a new type of system within HWS, just not a new system on its own)
Don't get me wrong, I would love for beyblade to continue, but unless TT's sale predictions are wrong, MFB will probobly end when the 4D anime series ends, which has a strong possibility of ending it world wide, at least for a while.
Do not worry though, TT knows that Beyblade is a very succsessful product. if they do end it, then they will wait a few years, and then resume with a new series and a new type of beyblade, that much i can say with confidence.
International demand can keep the series. Takara Tomy has been making Duel Masters cards since 1999, and that is a Hasbro brand. Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast discontinued the game in North America in 2006 (though they are bringing it back for next year) but it's been a top earner for TT and they've continued with it. As for the anime, Nelvana can certainly order more seasons of the show (they did so for Bakugan) if they feel it'll work.
Hasbro's also been talking about how they plan on keeping the series fresh. You only tend to think that way if you're expecting a long time product.
In regards to Dual Masters, TT and Hasbro's agreement is generaly a 2 way deal; Hasbro dstributes TT's products in North America, and TT distributrs Hasbro's products in Europe, Asia and Australia.
Dual Masters was a good series with an all too short life in NA, it is nice to hear that DM, along with B-Damon, might be making a comeback.
Like I said, Hasbro will probobly drop Beyblade when TT does, however, they will always go back to Beyblade because of it's succsess. In other words, Beyblade won't truely be going anywhere for some time. They will stop when sales are no longer profitable (end of 4D anime) and restart "fresh" a few years later, as you said, with a new anime an a new system of beyblade. It actualy makes me excited to wonder what the future holds for beyblade.
Companies like TT and Hasbro never trueky forget about any of thier products. Whether or not it is years or decades apart, every popular toyline they have ever made has/will be remade and revamped. Just look at the Transformers series and thier astonishing success; Transfirmers has been forever immortalized in the toy industry.
Dual Masters was a good series with an all too short life in NA, it is nice to hear that DM, along with B-Damon, might be making a comeback.
Like I said, Hasbro will probobly drop Beyblade when TT does, however, they will always go back to Beyblade because of it's succsess. In other words, Beyblade won't truely be going anywhere for some time. They will stop when sales are no longer profitable (end of 4D anime) and restart "fresh" a few years later, as you said, with a new anime an a new system of beyblade. It actualy makes me excited to wonder what the future holds for beyblade.
Companies like TT and Hasbro never trueky forget about any of thier products. Whether or not it is years or decades apart, every popular toyline they have ever made has/will be remade and revamped. Just look at the Transformers series and thier astonishing success; Transfirmers has been forever immortalized in the toy industry.
However, is it really successful when everytime you introduce it (back), you can "only" get less than three years of "success" ?
Anyway, someone at DigInfo was telling me that the toys were still selling very well, and Adachi Takafumi has assured me that the manga was still doing well even though Beyblade gets less and less space on CoroCoro's cover.
To, do you know how Metal Fight Beyblade's ratings from its beginning and until now compare to Bakuten Shoot Beyblade's ?
Anyway, someone at DigInfo was telling me that the toys were still selling very well, and Adachi Takafumi has assured me that the manga was still doing well even though Beyblade gets less and less space on CoroCoro's cover.
To, do you know how Metal Fight Beyblade's ratings from its beginning and until now compare to Bakuten Shoot Beyblade's ?
Enlighten us, I am actualy curious to see a comparison. They both ran for 3 years at this point, so it should be a fair comparison
Although, MWS starting a year before HWS might juice the results a bit
Although, MWS starting a year before HWS might juice the results a bit
good point, i mean look at B-daman coming back! it's been ages. anyway i just posted my beyblade story, if anyone wants to read it, and also i am planning on making the bey in that story, by customizing a thermal leone 100HF/RF i can't decide
Make it a new tip, HF/RF, hahaha.
lol don't know how it would work, unless there was a bit you twist and the bit of rubber fills the hole
I wasn't comparing MFB's ratings to Bakuten Shoot, but rather just looking at it generally. The show does so poorly that it rarely even makes the lists I read. I'll see if I can dig up a potential comparison, but that may take a while.
(Aug. 29, 2011 5:09 PM)To Wrote: I wasn't comparing MFB's ratings to Bakuten Shoot, but rather just looking at it generally. The show does so poorly that it rarely even makes the lists I read. I'll see if I can dig up a potential comparison, but that may take a while.
Of course it is not as popular as other good shows, but perhaps that compared to the Bakuten Shoot Beyblade anime, which was appreciated, it is OK.
Think HF/S, but wider, and the RF smaller, with the RF having a coating around it to prevent the mode change from damaging it (think CS) So, the tip would have ti be taller so that the HF mode comes up high enough for the RF. That is what i would think an HF/RF is anyway. Do whatever you feel is right! =D
It'll take me a while to sort through MFB, Explosions, and Bakuten's ratings, but here are the average viewership percentages the first 20 episodes of 4D has brought in:
Metal Fight Beyblade 4D - 2.48%
Metal Fight Beyblade 4D - 2.48%
is that it? i would've thought more. it doesn't matter, also i'm still trying to decide which beyblade to get now i have some money. but for now i have my custom bey senpuujin
I thought I saw that sort of number for the first season of Metal Fight Beyblade anyway, hah.
@Nwolf: HF/S mode change involves twiating it. Just think of HF/S, but with and RF instead of S, and RF has a coating around it to prevent HF from tearing at it.
To: I am no expert on tV percent ratings, so what would that number mean exactly?
To: I am no expert on tV percent ratings, so what would that number mean exactly?
It's the percentage of the audience that MFB secured viewership for.
The first season of MFB has an episode that drew in more than twice that average.
The first season's not being fun to calculate since there's a few episodes with unreported numbers, and the tracker I'm using also reporting the secondary broadcasts ...
(Aug. 29, 2011 5:42 PM)Kai-V Wrote: I thought I saw that sort of number for the first season of Metal Fight Beyblade anyway, hah.
The first season of MFB has an episode that drew in more than twice that average.

The first season's not being fun to calculate since there's a few episodes with unreported numbers, and the tracker I'm using also reporting the secondary broadcasts ...
Hah, more than twice. Still, that means that Metal Fight Beyblade is just slightly less popular than it used to be, no ?
Well, it depends. In the first 20 episodes of MFB 4D there are more episodes under a 2.0 than 20 episodes of MFB (infact there's 0 TV Tokyo broadcasts of MFB under 2.0).
I'll have to take a rest from the numbers for a bit, as I've been up for about 20 hours, and being tired while working with numbers doesn't always work well.
I'll have to take a rest from the numbers for a bit, as I've been up for about 20 hours, and being tired while working with numbers doesn't always work well.
@To: What would be a good % to have?
I would be very interesyed in seeing the original beyblades ratungs. Are you calculating all if this with an app? If so I will gladely download it.
Which episode was it that went way beyond the average? Do you rememer?
I would be very interesyed in seeing the original beyblades ratungs. Are you calculating all if this with an app? If so I will gladely download it.
Which episode was it that went way beyond the average? Do you rememer?
No, I'm calculating this with an old fashioned calculator, and then finding the average via Mean, lol. This is why I'm taking a break as being tired can lead to mistakes.
I want to say the highest episode was around the first time Ryuga and Ginga battle, but I'm not 100% certain. When I post the averages I'll list the highest viewed episode.
I want to say the highest episode was around the first time Ryuga and Ginga battle, but I'm not 100% certain. When I post the averages I'll list the highest viewed episode.
Now i'm depressed...
@To: I am actualy very curious now. Where are you getting all your numbers from in order to do the neccisary math? I will do some myself to give you a break