Beyblade Mecha Sentoki: My Fan Series (Episode Thread Only)(Episode 33 Out)

Before anyone asks, YES I did get permission from Tri to post my series, AND I know it's the same fan series as my other thread of it, but my other thread got too cluttered and messed that people miss the episodes, my first post got too long and I'm here to post my episodes here

[Image: 14e99ht.jpg]

Main Character Beyblades Below:
[Image: 2drt2xs.jpg]

If anyone wants to send a request, just PM me for it!

Season 1(More to come)

If you want to see my Beyblade Mecha Sentoki Custom Mods for the series, look below:
so is this where your episodes are added on from now on?
Perhaps put all the episodes in a spoiler as well, it'll make it easier to navigate and such.
Sure! Later though. Should I put it as a "Season 1" folder or something?
(Dec. 13, 2014  2:33 AM)JinbeeTheShark Wrote: Sure! Later though. Should I put it as a "Season 1" folder or something?
That's a good idea!
I'll post episode 20 here and inform in other thread as well.
cool! it's more convenient and refreshing to find the episodes!
OoOoOOoh, now I can find episodes easier... also somebody has a Giffany profile pic O_O
Wait what? What are you on about?
Episode 20 done, enjoy!
i love episode 20! the battle seemed intense, i can't wait to see maria vs samaru! I hope maria loses for once!
This is a very good looking episode. Keep it up man!
Thanks a lot! I may do episode 21 today or tomorrow, not sure.
cool! i can't wait for that! need help making more beyblades?
Do what you want, I could use one for team west.
Episode 21 out! Maria isn't as bad as you think.
awww what a cute episode! maria was nice after all, though piasu still acts horrible.
It was very good. But what is Piasu's problem? He was a real nutter for no reason...
Oh no! (Recently read ep.20) I feel bad for yuki and poor basilisk... of course though every member in team south isn't going to win poor poor yuki.
i know he acts like such a d**k, especially to suzme and maria.
Well, piasu needs to take a chill pill or he is going to have veins poping out lol..but seriously he has anger management Issues Uncertain
He's just a leader obsessed with trying to win, but he can be really cruel.

Did you read episode 21 as well?
Yep... the battle ended in a tie, but piasu was still enraged.. if I was a leader I would say awesome job you tried your best as if a certain someone would say Wink
It's one of those "All or nothing" situations for him, anyway, I'm working on episode 22 now.