my collection is:
omega dragonis
cyber pegasus
death quetzalcoatl
gravity perseus
killer beafowl
galaxy pegasus
meteo l drago
counter leone
earth virgo
burn pheionix
storm aquario
rock pegasus
thermal pieses
rock scorpio
dark cancer
x2 aatack type stadiums i think
x1pegasus thunder whip
x1triple battle stadium
x1super voltex stadium
xloads or light launchers
x1light launcher 2
x1 launcher grip
loads of tools
and some other stuff
omega dragonis
cyber pegasus
death quetzalcoatl
gravity perseus
killer beafowl
galaxy pegasus
meteo l drago
counter leone
earth virgo
burn pheionix
storm aquario
rock pegasus
thermal pieses
rock scorpio
dark cancer
x2 aatack type stadiums i think
x1pegasus thunder whip
x1triple battle stadium
x1super voltex stadium
xloads or light launchers
x1light launcher 2
x1 launcher grip
loads of tools
and some other stuff