World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Show us a list of all the Beyblades you own currently!

Here is what I have right now (in HMS):

Strata Dragoon MS
Wolborg MS
Death Gargoyle MS
Advance Guardian
Advance Averazer
Advance Striker
Dark Leopard MS
Samurai Changer
Bearing Survivor
Phantom Fox MS

I would post all of my plastics, but for some reason my Beyblade Collection thread RANDOMLY DELETED ITSELF from BBF and I can't be bothered to make a new list right now.
I only have plastic.

Attack Ring and blade base of Driger F EDIT: Clutch broken
Random weight disk don't know what kind
Entire Dragoon minus weight disk (not sure what letter) EDIT: lost rubber piece, replaced with pen
Sunfire Weight Disk
Attack Ring and Blade Base of Wing Attacker
Attack Ring of Kid Draciel
Yeah, the topic on BBF isn't there, as Kei stated.


-ADV Striker
-ADV Guardian
-Einstein MS
-Thunder Dragoon
-Sea Dragoon

Pretty small indeed. And HMS are the only bey I have interest in now.
I had trouble fitting my entire collection in one pic. I had to zoom out pretty far.

[Image: earth.jpg]
Gah I can't find the Beyblade collection at BBF x.x
I couldn't find it in there either. Had to go dig it up on TK.

Plastics (Hasbro):
- Dragoon F, PF Dragoon S
- Dranzer F, Dranzer V, PF Dranzer S, Dranzer G,
- MBD, Draciel S, MM Draciel F, Draciel V, Draciel V2, Draciel G
- PF Driger S, Driger F, Driger V2, Driger G
- Gaia Dragoon G
- PF Wolborg
- 2xWolborg 2; HB Wolborg 2
- Wolborg 3
- Rock Bison
- Wolborg 4
- Flame Pegasus
- Galeon Attacker and PF Galeon Attacker
- Seaborg; 2x PF Seaborg
- Bistool
- CS Master Driger
- CS Master Draciel
- Roller Defenser
- MM Kid Dragoon
- MM Galman
- Seaborg 2
- Wyborg
- Metal Dragoon Bearing Stinger
- Metal Dranzer
- Metal Draciel
- Voltaic Ape
- Griffolyon
- Trygle
- Trypio
- Galzzly
- Hayate/Zinrai
- Metal Driger
- Shadow Driger

Plastics (Takara):
- Driger V
- Limited Editon Flash Leopard Event Special - Black Box
- Dragoon V2
- Dranzer V2
- Burning Kerberous
- Metal Driger (HMC)
- Dragoon GT
- Dranzer GT
- Gigars
- Zeus

HMS (Hasbro):
- Dranzer MS
- Hopper Attack
- Wyvern DJ

HMS (Takara):
- Dranzer MS, Dranzer MS black version
- Wolborg MS
- Death Gargoyle MS
- Dragoon MSUV
- ADV Averazer off white version
- ADV Striker
- ADV Eterner
- GS Phantom Fox MS
- GS Dark Leopard MS
- GS Magical Ape MS
- GS Round Shell MS
- GS Samurai Changer MS, SCMS Black version
- GS Aero Knight MS
- GS Jiraiya MS
- Dark Blue GS Slash Riger MS secret version
- GS Bloody Devil MS
- GS Shining God MS

On HMS RBs I got:
- Spark Dragon AR
- Circle Heavy
- Semi-Flat Core
- 2x lime green Ultimate Attacker
- CWD Defense Ring
- CWD Free Defenser
- Light Purple Einstein MS RC/Semi Flat core Bound Ver.
- Red Metal Change Core
- Purple and light blue Advance Balancer
- Dark blue Advance Attacker
- Circle Balance
- Circle Wide
- CWD Eternal Survivor
- White and orange Metal Weight Grip Flat Core
- Purple Metal Change Core
- Smash Phoenix
- 2xCWD Wing Attacker
- Black Free Shaft Core
- Advance Defenser (light brown/beige)
- Orange Manual Change Core
- Light Blue Seagon Attacker
- Orange CWD Wing Attacker
- Blue Metal Weight Grip Flat Core
- Off white Spark Dragon
- Light Blue CWD Defense Ring
- Black Metal Weight Grip Flat Core

MFB (Hasbro):
- Lightning L-Drago 100HF
- Storm Pegasis 105RF
- Burn Fireblaze 135MS
- Earth Virgo GB145BS
- Thermal Pisces T125ES
- Galaxy Pegasis W105R2F
- Ray Striker D125CS
- Flame Byxis 230WD
- Grand Cetus WD145RS
- Rock Zurafa R145WB
- Twisted Tempo 145WD
- Gravity Destroyer AD145WD
- Meteo L-Drago LW105LF
- Hades Kerbecs BD145DS

Other stuff:
- Dranzer Flame Field Stadium
- MG Tray
- MG accessory pack
- Dragoon Grip with rubber grips and metal trigger
- EZ Shooter Power Custom
- Spring support
- HMS Customize Grip
- HMS Double Shooter
- Tornado Balance Type S from the HMS Custom Try Set
Rather than listing what I have, it's easier to list what I don't...

Dranzer MF
Dragoon MSUV
CWD Free Saucer
CWD Free Defenser
CWD Reverse Eterner
Most of the Coro-Coro blades (I think I have an original Gaia Dragoon somewhere)
what i had before:

Galeon (hasbro)
Kid Dragoon (hasbro)
Draciel F (hasbro)
Driger S (hasbro)
Dranzer F (hasbro)
Voltaic Ape (takara)
Dragoon S (hasbro)
Wyborg? something like that, it was Ian's blade (hasbro)
Baby Dragoon (something like that, that remake of master dragoon, hasbro)
Dragoon G (Think it was hasbro
Dragoon GT (Think it was hasbro)
Dragoon MS (Hasbro)
Draciel MS (Hasbro)
DEMS (Takara)
Jiraya MS (Takara)
Magical Ape MS (Takara)
Samurai Changer MS (Takara)
DJ Wyvern MS (Hasbro)

but I gave them all to my little cousin since i stopped bladning. Only one I kept was DEMS because I loved it back when I used to beyblade
Dragoon v2 (plastic around magnetic WD came off)
Draciel S
Galman (super-worn BB)
Spark Knight (everything broken but the WD)
Dranzer F
Draciel v2
Dranzer S
2 Gigars
Dranzer v2, AR ONLY

All of them Hasbro. I should be getting a Dranzer grip some time soon...........

Small collection =/......hey, it was all bought when I was in 4th grade Smile

Advance Guardian
Advanced Averazer
Dranzer MS
Dragoon MS
Gaia Dragoon MS
Sea Drake MS
Spark Dragon MS

Wolborg 4
Driger Gatling
Dragoon Galaxy Turbo
Flame Pegasus
Draciel Gravity (re-release with the dark green colour and CWE)

I do have other plastic gen before EG, but it would take a bit to post..
the HMS I have:

Gaia Dragoon MS/Strata Dragoon MS
Driger MS
Dranzer MS
Einstein MS
Death Gargoyle MS
Sea Dragon
Advance Averazer
Advance Striker
Phantom Fox MS
Shining God MS

I think thats all of them....not alot of them, but you know its kinda hard to find beyblade stuff nowUnhappy
So far I only have Dragonn V, V2, G, GT, a Black dranzer and a Burning Kerberous, my other blades were taken by my mum and she forgot where she put them.

BBA Balancer
Spike Lizard
Clear Edition Driger S (with black Wide Attack WD)
Clear Edition Draciel S (with green Wide Defence WD)
Clear Edition Dranzer S (with red 8-Wide)
Clear Edition Dragoon S (with blue 8-Heavy)


Polta (V-force)
Wolborg (Phantom Force)
Galeon (Phantom Force)
Dragoon S (Phantom Force)
Dranzer S (Phantom Force)
Seaborg (Phantom Force)
Metal Dranzer
Draciel S
Dragoon F
Dragoon V2
Dragoon V
Burning Kerberous
Voltaic Ape
Griffolyon 2
Hayate 2
Auto Change Balancer
Metal Ball Defencer
Master Draciel
Wing Attacker
Dranzer F (black)

And a load of other random parts (like the Kellogs exclusive attack rings) that make up full beyblades.


Wolborg MS (1x normal, 1x ice blue)
Death Gargoyle MS
Advance Eterner
Advance Striker
Advance Averzaer (off-white)
Dranzer MS (black)
Samurai Changer (red)
Slash Riger MS (blue)
Thunder Dragon
Round Shell MS
Magical Ape MS

These make up full beyblades:

Attack rings: Sea Dragon, Driger MS (off-white), Thunder Dragon (white), Jiraiya MS (red), Advance Striker (blue), Death Gargoyle (2x blue, 1x purple), Advance Guardian (Dark green), Dranzer MF (orange)

Weight disks: Eternal Survivor (x2 red), Chain Attacker, Free Saucer, Reverse Defencer, Free Cross (red), Defence Ring (blue), Circle heavy (x2), Circle Balance

Running cores: Free shaft core, Metal semi-flat (1x purple, 1x blue), Metal sharp (green), Metal Change core (red), Dragoon MF (3x blue, 1x orange), Metal flat (green)


Driger MS
Gaia Dragoon MS


Blue TBTS stadium
Dragoon Grip
HMS Grip
Running grip (RSMS)
Blizzard Orthros
Draciel MS

Unless you're counting recolours as individual Beyblades, those are all I'm missing.
Tamer Brad Wrote:Venus
Blizzard Orthros
Draciel MS

Unless you're counting recolours as individual Beyblades, those are all I'm missing.

I wish I didn't have a Draciel MS!
Do you have the gyros too?
G Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:Venus
Blizzard Orthros
Draciel MS

Unless you're counting recolours as individual Beyblades, those are all I'm missing.

I wish I didn't have a Draciel MS!
Do you have the gyros too?

Damn, forgot about those. Unhappy
Well. since my Plastics collection is in a pretty messy state. I won't list those, since I'm missing so many parts.

but for HMS, I have:
Gaia Dragoon MS
Dranzer MS
Driger MS
Dragoon MS
Wybern DJ
Wolborg MS
Advance Guardian
Advance Striker
Advance Averazer (White version)
Death Gargoyle MS
Magical Ape MS
Aero Knight MS
Samurai Changer MS (1x Purple, 1x Red)
Jiraiya MS
Slash Riger MS (Blue version)
Bloody Devil MS

Seperate HMS Parts:
Sea Dragon (AR (Metal Ball Attacker) - Blue Version & RC (Metal Ball Core) - Blue Version)
Dranzer MF (AR (Smash Phoenix) x2 - Orange version & CWD (Reverse Defenser) - Yellow Version)
Dragoon MF (CWD (Eternal Survivor) x2 - Black Version & RC (Metal Weight Grip Core) - Black Version)

D: I'm mostly missing Gimmick Specialty blades..
Then you should win BND! Wink
Tamer Brad Wrote:Then you should win BND! Wink

Haha, yeah, I really should.

I should focus my beyspirit into one concentrated blast, and then channel that into my blade!
With that power, I can defeat everyone with ULTRA BEY POWER!

But, that of course is if I can manage to find a place to stay for that weekend (However, if I can't, I'll try my hardest to get to AN for just that day, so I can participate in the tournament.)
Everyone is still looking for roommates. I'm sure you won't have a problem! I really want you to come, so you better figure it out!
Kei Wrote:HMS:
Dragoon MS
Strata Dragoon MS (3)
Driger MS (2)
Draciel MS
Dranzer MS (Black version)
Wolborg MS (3, one RC broken)
Death Gargoyle MS (3)
Advance Guardian (+one extra AR)
Advance Averazer (2, one white version)
Advance Striker (2)
Dark Leopard MS
Samurai Changer (2, one red version)
Jiraiya MS
Phantom Fox MS
Round Shell MS
Slash Riger MS

Dragoon MSUV AR

Looots of new HMS since my first post.
All I have is Hasbro, though my collection was much bigger than it is now. I have left...

Dragoon Storm
Dragoon Fantom
Dragoon Victory
Dragoon Victory 2
Dragoon Galaxy
Dragoon Galaxy Turbo
Wolborg 4
Metal Driger
Driger Vulcan 2
Driger Gatling
Hopper Attack
Kei Wrote:HMS:
Dragoon MS
Gaia Dragoon MS (4, one white version)
Driger MS (2)
Draciel MS
Dranzer MS (Black version)
Wolborg MS (3, one RC broken)
Wyvern DJ (blue)
Death Gargoyle MS (3)
Advance Guardian (+one extra AR)
Advance Averazer (2, one white version)
Advance Striker (2)
Dark Leopard MS
Samurai Changer (2, one red version)
Jiraiya MS
Phantom Fox MS
Round Shell MS
Slash Riger MS
Bloody Devil MS

Dragoon MSUV AR
Finally got the Beyblades I pre-ordered from Brad. Stupid me for not remembering at AN! I'm still too lazy to list all my plastics, so this is it for now.

Added in:
Gaia Dragoon MS (white)
Wyvern DJ (blue)
Bloody Devil MS
The only real ones I got are plastic.
I couldn't get a very good shot, but ...
The red suitcase is entirely full of Beyblades. My HMS and some unopened ones are on the floor. I have too many ;;;