Hi guys! I'm starting a crazy new story! It has some characters I really miss, some of my own, and some you guys make! Chapters 1-3 shortly! Feel free to PM me or post your characters. All character creators will be cited for each chapter if they wish. For characters, can i have name, parts, gimmicks, special moves, and character personalities! Thanks! ?
WBO Characters:
Dt20000: Olivia Heart and Heaven Ouranous
Ghostly: Esther Celerium and Screamin Eclipsed
Castro Fate and Rise Chaos
Sophia Frost and Midnight Salamander
Dash Driver: Tyler Warden and Chrome Talos
bekfastblader: Rai Ghasp and Revolution Ghost
UltimateMaster: Rai Katsou and Rock Valkyrie
CheetoBlader: Roan and Destructor Revenge
Suoh sadboii: Akuma Yamikasia and Inferno Kagutsuchi
Aadi Lui: Lee Kozuna and Fang Leonis
Character Info:
Cyrus and Chimera:
Aaron and Ares:
Andy and Arae:
Tyler and Talos:
Ghasp and Ghost:
Wyatt and Wipzer:
Valt and Valkyrie:
Daina and Deathscyther:
Cuza and Cognite:
Kensuke and Kerbeus:
Cedric and Charybdis:
Castro and Chaos:
Sophia and Salamander:
Olivia and Ouranous:
Rai and Valkyrie:
Lee and Leonis:
Akuma and Kugutsuchi:
Ben and Boreas:
Chapter Titles:
Chapter 1: Worldwide Blader's Cup
“That concludes the semifinal round of the Worldwide Blader's Cup. Tune in later for the final match between Valt Aoi and his Bey, Knight Valkyrie, against Daina Kurogami and his Bey, Reap Deathscyther. I’m Hanami, and this has been a blast! See you tomorrow!”
The Next Day:
“Alright! This big duel has officially begun! Yeah! Introducing the Bladers! In the Blue Corner: The current World Champion! Defending his title, it’s Valt Aoi! In the Red Corner: After his loss at the Cup a few years ago, this Blader has fell off the radar, but this year he’s made an appearance and has and epic win streak. It’s Daina Kurogami! It is time to see who is really better! Let it Rip! This will be a 5-Point match. using the... Basic Stadium!”
“Valt. You may have beaten me last time, but Deathscyther and I will crush you with 3 Burst Finishes! You got that, partner?” Daina announced. “This will all be over soon!”
“Boy, are you wrong! Valkyrie will end this in a flash!” Valt countered. “Let’s go!”
“The title match will now commence!” the referee called. “ 1st battle. Ready, Set!”
“3, 2, 1, Go, Shoot!” Valt and Daina shouted. The battle had begun!
“Valkyrie and Deathscyther race to outer edge of the stadium. They are headed for a fierce collision!”
“Deathscyther! End it with Reaper’s Scythe!” Daigo called.
“Valkyrie! Let’s go!” Valt yelled.
After a moment of silence, Valt let out a shocked gasp when Deathscyther cut right through Valkyrie, and his Bursted Bey lay on the Stadium.
“What the...” Valt said with a shocked expression. “How?”
Chapter 2: Valkyrie versus Deathscyther!
“Reap Deathscyther with a Burst Finish! That’s two paints for Daina Kurogami!” the ref called.
“What an amazing strike! Daina Kurogami already has a Burst Finish under his belt!”
“2nd Battle! Ready and Set! 3, 2, 1...” the ref called.
“Go, Shoot!” the contenders launched their Beys.
“Two stellar launches! Uh-oh! This looks like the first battle!”
“Heh. You wish. VaLkyrie! Slash Launch!” Valt yelled. “Go!”
“Huh? Valkyrie has come in at such a steep angle!” Hanami announced.
“Rrr...” Daina growled. “Get him! Grim Launch!”
“Deathcyther heads toward the stadium center and accelerates! Looks like a collision!”
“Valkyrie!” Valt shouted over the cheering crowd. And just like that, Valkyrie was knocked back. But then it jumped up and dealt a devastating overhead blow.
“Knight Valkyrie! Two points with a Burst finish!” The referee called. “The score is 2 all.”
“Impossible...” Daina said, shocked as one could be.
“3rd battle! Ready, Set!”
“3, 2, 1, Go, Shoot!”
“Oh! And they are off power surging through those Beys!” Hanami said. It’ s looking like the last battle!"
"Not a chance!" DainA shouted, furious. "Triple Threat!"
"Huh? Another burst? Wow! Triple Threat is exactly like it predecessor, Double Strike, but 3 blows! Fascinating!" Hanami called.
"Reap Deathscyther: 2 points with a Burst Finish! The score is 4-2." The ref called.
Chapter 3: Midnight Clash! The birth of Curse Arae!
Chapter 3:
Midnight Clash! The birth of Curse Arae!
Andy was watching the epic title match between Valt and Daina! “OMG, this is so cool! I have to make myself a Bey! Luckily, Mom’s a world famous Beytrainer!” He thought, but he was quickly interrupted by...
“Oh! An Over Finish!” Hanami shouted from onscreen.
“Knight Valkyrie! 1 point with an Over Finish! The score is 3-4!” the referee called.
“Yeah!” Valt was Andy’s idol Blader, and Andy wanted to beat him someday and become the World Champion!
He kept watching until...
“This is close... Oh! Deathscyther stops a moment too soon!” Hanami called.
“Knight Valkyrie! 1 point with a Spin Finish! The score is 4 to 4.”
“C’mon Valt, win this...” Andy thought.
“A simultaneous Burst! And another! Wow!” Hanami said. “This is relentless!”
“24th Battle! Ready, Set!”
“3, 2, 1, Go Shoot!”
“The 24th battle of the everlasting conflict starts off with a bang! Both Beys bolt! It likes like a Slash Launch from Valkyrie! Here it is! Valkyrie jumps up, and Deathscyther is incapacitated! What a relentless barrage!” Hanami said. “The stadium is filled with excitement!”
“Grim Spin!”
“Deathscyther holds down the fort. How has it not bursted? Huh? It”s creating a field of spin, and repelling Valkyrie’s attacks.”
“Impressive! You’ve learned so many new things! But I’ll stop you! Run it through!”
(Beys clashing)
(clatter then silence)
“Knight Valkyrie!” 2 points with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!”
“Yeah!” Andy shouted, and then turned off the TV and rushed to his mom. “Hey Mom, can you make me a Bey? I drew it while I was watching the match! Valt won! I’d call it Curse Arae!
“Sure! I”d be happy to!” she said.
3 hours later:
“It’s finished: Curse Arae!” Andy shouted with glee. He ran around until he found his father, who was an experienced Blader. “ I know it’s midnight, but hey Dad, wanna battle?”
“Uh, well, sure? I’ll go ask your mom to be referee.”
A bit later:
“Ready, Set! 3, 2, 1...” Andy’s mom said.
“Go Shoot!”
Chapter 4:
Arae’s Curse!
Hi i like Beyblade and Star Wars. My favorite ship is the Viscount-class Star Defender.
A story of mine:
Interested in Hasbro Exclusives and Element-X Beys?
CHo-Z Musou Stadium Challenge
WBO Characters:
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Dt20000: Olivia Heart and Heaven Ouranous
Ghostly: Esther Celerium and Screamin Eclipsed
Castro Fate and Rise Chaos
Sophia Frost and Midnight Salamander
Dash Driver: Tyler Warden and Chrome Talos
bekfastblader: Rai Ghasp and Revolution Ghost
UltimateMaster: Rai Katsou and Rock Valkyrie
CheetoBlader: Roan and Destructor Revenge
Suoh sadboii: Akuma Yamikasia and Inferno Kagutsuchi
Aadi Lui: Lee Kozuna and Fang Leonis
Character Info:
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Cyrus and Chimera:
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Name: Tyler Warden
Appearance: Nicknamed the Chrome Warrior after his bey, Tyler wears a dark blue hoodie and long pants. He has short black hair.
Personality: He is quiet and polite, but sometimes makes snarky comments. He has a very short attention span.
Type: Balance
Layer: Chrome Talos(the giant bronze automaton from Greek mythology) is basically a right-spin Hell Salamander. It has 8 blades in defense mode and 4 blades in attack mode. in the middle is an armored silver face with a Gladiator helmet. Each blade is covered with metal. The color scheme is similar to the Hell Salamander from the Air Knight random booster but it has blue highlights instead of red ones.
Forge Disc: Flare has a light blue plastic free-spinning part that looks like the Cross disc frame meant to parry attacks.
Driver: Absorb' is metallic silver and functions the same way as Absorb, but with a stronger spring lock so that it’s harder to burst.
Launcher: He uses a Carabiner Grip and a right-spin String Launcher that is configured so that the string is pulled sideways. Both the launcher and the launcher grip are opaque white. He launches by holding his launcher with his left hand and holding the string handle with his right. He holds the launcher behind him on his left side, jumps, does a 360 degree spin, thrusts his launcher forward, and launches his bey in midair.
Special Moves:
Blade Shift: Chrome Talos crashes into a wall and moves the blades on its layer, changing its mode.
Absorb Dive: During his launch, Tyler jumps higher than usual and launches. When his bey hits the stadium, the spring inside Absorb' compresses then decompresses, launching Talos up into the air. Then, Talos smashes down on his opponent.
Flare Defense: When Talos is unbalanced or attacked from below, it exposes its disc and the free-spinning part of Flare deflects attacks.
Absorb Counter: When Talos is attacked from above, it's driver's tip is pushed in and it moves aggressively to deliver a striking blow.
Chrome Shield: When Talos is in defense mode, all 8 of its blades begin to glow and it uses its low recoil design to stay in the center of the stadium.
Chrome Slash: When Talos is in attack mode, it uses the downforce generated from its blades to compress the spring in Absorb', causing it to speed in circles before crashing into the opponent.
Chrome Whip: In attack mode, one blade on Talos glows. That blade then slices through an opponent.
Ultra Chrome Barrage: In attack mode with the driver's spring compressed, Talos uses the slope of the stadium do do a 360 degree hyper attack, just like Valt's Rush Launch.
Appearance: Nicknamed the Chrome Warrior after his bey, Tyler wears a dark blue hoodie and long pants. He has short black hair.
Personality: He is quiet and polite, but sometimes makes snarky comments. He has a very short attention span.
Type: Balance
Layer: Chrome Talos(the giant bronze automaton from Greek mythology) is basically a right-spin Hell Salamander. It has 8 blades in defense mode and 4 blades in attack mode. in the middle is an armored silver face with a Gladiator helmet. Each blade is covered with metal. The color scheme is similar to the Hell Salamander from the Air Knight random booster but it has blue highlights instead of red ones.
Forge Disc: Flare has a light blue plastic free-spinning part that looks like the Cross disc frame meant to parry attacks.
Driver: Absorb' is metallic silver and functions the same way as Absorb, but with a stronger spring lock so that it’s harder to burst.
Launcher: He uses a Carabiner Grip and a right-spin String Launcher that is configured so that the string is pulled sideways. Both the launcher and the launcher grip are opaque white. He launches by holding his launcher with his left hand and holding the string handle with his right. He holds the launcher behind him on his left side, jumps, does a 360 degree spin, thrusts his launcher forward, and launches his bey in midair.
Special Moves:
Blade Shift: Chrome Talos crashes into a wall and moves the blades on its layer, changing its mode.
Absorb Dive: During his launch, Tyler jumps higher than usual and launches. When his bey hits the stadium, the spring inside Absorb' compresses then decompresses, launching Talos up into the air. Then, Talos smashes down on his opponent.
Flare Defense: When Talos is unbalanced or attacked from below, it exposes its disc and the free-spinning part of Flare deflects attacks.
Absorb Counter: When Talos is attacked from above, it's driver's tip is pushed in and it moves aggressively to deliver a striking blow.
Chrome Shield: When Talos is in defense mode, all 8 of its blades begin to glow and it uses its low recoil design to stay in the center of the stadium.
Chrome Slash: When Talos is in attack mode, it uses the downforce generated from its blades to compress the spring in Absorb', causing it to speed in circles before crashing into the opponent.
Chrome Whip: In attack mode, one blade on Talos glows. That blade then slices through an opponent.
Ultra Chrome Barrage: In attack mode with the driver's spring compressed, Talos uses the slope of the stadium do do a 360 degree hyper attack, just like Valt's Rush Launch.
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Rai Ghasp
Owns Revolution Ghost 00'Spine Control: Revolution Ghost is a balance type with different armours like Phoenix and 2 burst stopper. Control is a Xtend+ mixed with Dimension with 6 modes: Attack, Barrage, Defence, Hold, Spin, and Last
Wears black Nike React Shoes, has a white hoodie, and has a calm attitude. Doesn't listen to trash-talk
Moves: Revolution Whip: Uses it Attack armour and slashes it with it blades
Control Break: Uses it's Tip in the lowest mode to scrape the outside and gain a speed boost
Ghost Defence: Uses defence armour and block all incoming attacks from the opponent
Ghost Spin: Aimlessly spin slowly and spin steals off the opponent. Can use any mode on the driver for this
Barrage Launch: Uses Barrage mode on driver and unleashes some powerful attacks
Hold: Uses Hold Mode and doesn't let anything take the centre.
Owns Revolution Ghost 00'Spine Control: Revolution Ghost is a balance type with different armours like Phoenix and 2 burst stopper. Control is a Xtend+ mixed with Dimension with 6 modes: Attack, Barrage, Defence, Hold, Spin, and Last
Wears black Nike React Shoes, has a white hoodie, and has a calm attitude. Doesn't listen to trash-talk
Moves: Revolution Whip: Uses it Attack armour and slashes it with it blades
Control Break: Uses it's Tip in the lowest mode to scrape the outside and gain a speed boost
Ghost Defence: Uses defence armour and block all incoming attacks from the opponent
Ghost Spin: Aimlessly spin slowly and spin steals off the opponent. Can use any mode on the driver for this
Barrage Launch: Uses Barrage mode on driver and unleashes some powerful attacks
Hold: Uses Hold Mode and doesn't let anything take the centre.
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Roan and Revenge:
Coming soon...
Roan and Revenge:
Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Name: Ben Jones
Age: 12
Personality: Really smart, but looks down on others who cannot match his intelligence.
First Appearance: The Bey Academy!
Beyblade: Gust Boreas Around Gale', Stamina type
Special Moves:
Levitation Vortex- The Gale' driver has an absolutely terrible grip on the stadium, and the Bey is very light. Therefore, it is KOed very easily. Before hitting the ground, however, Boreas can create a vortex of spin keeping it in the air. This move is able to outspin most Beys, but is susceptible if an enemy Bey choose to hop out of the stadium and crash into Boreas.
Borean Twister-
Boreas creates a wall of wind making it untouchable.
Gale Force-
When heavily attacked, should Boreas stay in the stadium, it will use a powerful counter using the slopes of the stadium and its aggressive Ragnaruk-like layer to deal a high-speed devastating blow.
Tornado Stall-
Literally just tornado stalling.
Age: 12
Personality: Really smart, but looks down on others who cannot match his intelligence.
First Appearance: The Bey Academy!
Beyblade: Gust Boreas Around Gale', Stamina type
Special Moves:
Levitation Vortex- The Gale' driver has an absolutely terrible grip on the stadium, and the Bey is very light. Therefore, it is KOed very easily. Before hitting the ground, however, Boreas can create a vortex of spin keeping it in the air. This move is able to outspin most Beys, but is susceptible if an enemy Bey choose to hop out of the stadium and crash into Boreas.
Borean Twister-
Boreas creates a wall of wind making it untouchable.
Gale Force-
When heavily attacked, should Boreas stay in the stadium, it will use a powerful counter using the slopes of the stadium and its aggressive Ragnaruk-like layer to deal a high-speed devastating blow.
Tornado Stall-
Literally just tornado stalling.
Chapter Titles:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Chapter 1: Worldwide Blader’s Cup!
Chapter 2: Valkyrie VS Deathscyther!
Chapter 3: Midnight Clash! The birth of Curse Arae!
Chapter 4: Arae’s Curse!
Chapter 5: The Bey Academy!
Chapter 6: The Return of Chronos!
Chapter 7: The Ultimate 4!
Chapter 8: Forces Unleashed! Demon Launch!
Chapter 9: The BeyChallenge!
Chapter 10: The Infinite+ Beystadium: Triple Style!
Chapter 11: The Battle Tower! (Part One)
Chapter 12: The Battle Tower! (Part Two)
Chapter 13: Team Battles! National League!
Chapter 14: BC Sol!
Chapter 15: New Evolution! Drago Fafnir!
Chapter 16: Curse Counter!
Chapter 17: Cyrus! Rupture Chimera!
Chapter 18: Fierce Battle! Arc Counter!
Chapter 19: Chimera Wrath! Arae’s Demise!
Chapter 20: Rebuild! Demon Arae!
Chapter 21: The World League!
Chapter 22: Ultimate 4: First Challenge! Ken!
Chapter 23: Into the Beymaze! (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Into the Beymaze! (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Into the Beymaze! (Part 3)
Chapter 26: Level Up! Semifinals!
Chapter 27: BC Galleon! Ultimate 4: Second Challenge! Daina!
Chapter 28: Deathscyther’s Power!
Chapter 29: Finalists
Chapter 30: Race to the Finish! Beyrace! (Part 1)
Chapter 31: Race to the Finals! Beyrace! (Part 2)
Chapter 32: BC Sol! Finals!
Chapter 33: The Struggle
Chapter 34: Breaking Through!
Chapter 35: World Champions!
Chapter 36: Worldwide Blader’s Cup
Chapter 37: Shock Khalzar!
Chapter 38: Ultimate 4: Third Challenge! Cyrus Returns!
Chapter 39: Chimera’s Wrath!
Chapter 40: Semifinals! Push Through!
Chapter 41: Kit Lopez! Hurricane Knight!
Chapter 42: Finals! VS Valt!
Chapter 43: Knight Valkyrie!
Chapter 44: The Championship!
Chapter 45: The End
Part Two!
Chapter 2: Valkyrie VS Deathscyther!
Chapter 3: Midnight Clash! The birth of Curse Arae!
Chapter 4: Arae’s Curse!
Chapter 5: The Bey Academy!
Chapter 6: The Return of Chronos!
Chapter 7: The Ultimate 4!
Chapter 8: Forces Unleashed! Demon Launch!
Chapter 9: The BeyChallenge!
Chapter 10: The Infinite+ Beystadium: Triple Style!
Chapter 11: The Battle Tower! (Part One)
Chapter 12: The Battle Tower! (Part Two)
Chapter 13: Team Battles! National League!
Chapter 14: BC Sol!
Chapter 15: New Evolution! Drago Fafnir!
Chapter 16: Curse Counter!
Chapter 17: Cyrus! Rupture Chimera!
Chapter 18: Fierce Battle! Arc Counter!
Chapter 19: Chimera Wrath! Arae’s Demise!
Chapter 20: Rebuild! Demon Arae!
Chapter 21: The World League!
Chapter 22: Ultimate 4: First Challenge! Ken!
Chapter 23: Into the Beymaze! (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Into the Beymaze! (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Into the Beymaze! (Part 3)
Chapter 26: Level Up! Semifinals!
Chapter 27: BC Galleon! Ultimate 4: Second Challenge! Daina!
Chapter 28: Deathscyther’s Power!
Chapter 29: Finalists
Chapter 30: Race to the Finish! Beyrace! (Part 1)
Chapter 31: Race to the Finals! Beyrace! (Part 2)
Chapter 32: BC Sol! Finals!
Chapter 33: The Struggle
Chapter 34: Breaking Through!
Chapter 35: World Champions!
Chapter 36: Worldwide Blader’s Cup
Chapter 37: Shock Khalzar!
Chapter 38: Ultimate 4: Third Challenge! Cyrus Returns!
Chapter 39: Chimera’s Wrath!
Chapter 40: Semifinals! Push Through!
Chapter 41: Kit Lopez! Hurricane Knight!
Chapter 42: Finals! VS Valt!
Chapter 43: Knight Valkyrie!
Chapter 44: The Championship!
Chapter 45: The End
Part Two!
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Chapter 1: Worldwide Blader's Cup
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“That concludes the semifinal round of the Worldwide Blader's Cup. Tune in later for the final match between Valt Aoi and his Bey, Knight Valkyrie, against Daina Kurogami and his Bey, Reap Deathscyther. I’m Hanami, and this has been a blast! See you tomorrow!”
The Next Day:
“Alright! This big duel has officially begun! Yeah! Introducing the Bladers! In the Blue Corner: The current World Champion! Defending his title, it’s Valt Aoi! In the Red Corner: After his loss at the Cup a few years ago, this Blader has fell off the radar, but this year he’s made an appearance and has and epic win streak. It’s Daina Kurogami! It is time to see who is really better! Let it Rip! This will be a 5-Point match. using the... Basic Stadium!”
“Valt. You may have beaten me last time, but Deathscyther and I will crush you with 3 Burst Finishes! You got that, partner?” Daina announced. “This will all be over soon!”
“Boy, are you wrong! Valkyrie will end this in a flash!” Valt countered. “Let’s go!”
“The title match will now commence!” the referee called. “ 1st battle. Ready, Set!”
“3, 2, 1, Go, Shoot!” Valt and Daina shouted. The battle had begun!
“Valkyrie and Deathscyther race to outer edge of the stadium. They are headed for a fierce collision!”
“Deathscyther! End it with Reaper’s Scythe!” Daigo called.
“Valkyrie! Let’s go!” Valt yelled.
After a moment of silence, Valt let out a shocked gasp when Deathscyther cut right through Valkyrie, and his Bursted Bey lay on the Stadium.
“What the...” Valt said with a shocked expression. “How?”
Chapter 2: Valkyrie versus Deathscyther!
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“Reap Deathscyther with a Burst Finish! That’s two paints for Daina Kurogami!” the ref called.
“What an amazing strike! Daina Kurogami already has a Burst Finish under his belt!”
“2nd Battle! Ready and Set! 3, 2, 1...” the ref called.
“Go, Shoot!” the contenders launched their Beys.
“Two stellar launches! Uh-oh! This looks like the first battle!”
“Heh. You wish. VaLkyrie! Slash Launch!” Valt yelled. “Go!”
“Huh? Valkyrie has come in at such a steep angle!” Hanami announced.
“Rrr...” Daina growled. “Get him! Grim Launch!”
“Deathcyther heads toward the stadium center and accelerates! Looks like a collision!”
“Valkyrie!” Valt shouted over the cheering crowd. And just like that, Valkyrie was knocked back. But then it jumped up and dealt a devastating overhead blow.
“Knight Valkyrie! Two points with a Burst finish!” The referee called. “The score is 2 all.”
“Impossible...” Daina said, shocked as one could be.
“3rd battle! Ready, Set!”
“3, 2, 1, Go, Shoot!”
“Oh! And they are off power surging through those Beys!” Hanami said. It’ s looking like the last battle!"
"Not a chance!" DainA shouted, furious. "Triple Threat!"
"Huh? Another burst? Wow! Triple Threat is exactly like it predecessor, Double Strike, but 3 blows! Fascinating!" Hanami called.
"Reap Deathscyther: 2 points with a Burst Finish! The score is 4-2." The ref called.
Chapter 3: Midnight Clash! The birth of Curse Arae!
Chapter 3:
Midnight Clash! The birth of Curse Arae!
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Andy was watching the epic title match between Valt and Daina! “OMG, this is so cool! I have to make myself a Bey! Luckily, Mom’s a world famous Beytrainer!” He thought, but he was quickly interrupted by...
“Oh! An Over Finish!” Hanami shouted from onscreen.
“Knight Valkyrie! 1 point with an Over Finish! The score is 3-4!” the referee called.
“Yeah!” Valt was Andy’s idol Blader, and Andy wanted to beat him someday and become the World Champion!
He kept watching until...
“This is close... Oh! Deathscyther stops a moment too soon!” Hanami called.
“Knight Valkyrie! 1 point with a Spin Finish! The score is 4 to 4.”
“C’mon Valt, win this...” Andy thought.
“A simultaneous Burst! And another! Wow!” Hanami said. “This is relentless!”
“24th Battle! Ready, Set!”
“3, 2, 1, Go Shoot!”
“The 24th battle of the everlasting conflict starts off with a bang! Both Beys bolt! It likes like a Slash Launch from Valkyrie! Here it is! Valkyrie jumps up, and Deathscyther is incapacitated! What a relentless barrage!” Hanami said. “The stadium is filled with excitement!”
“Grim Spin!”
“Deathscyther holds down the fort. How has it not bursted? Huh? It”s creating a field of spin, and repelling Valkyrie’s attacks.”
“Impressive! You’ve learned so many new things! But I’ll stop you! Run it through!”
(Beys clashing)
(clatter then silence)
“Knight Valkyrie!” 2 points with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!”
“Yeah!” Andy shouted, and then turned off the TV and rushed to his mom. “Hey Mom, can you make me a Bey? I drew it while I was watching the match! Valt won! I’d call it Curse Arae!
“Sure! I”d be happy to!” she said.
3 hours later:
“It’s finished: Curse Arae!” Andy shouted with glee. He ran around until he found his father, who was an experienced Blader. “ I know it’s midnight, but hey Dad, wanna battle?”
“Uh, well, sure? I’ll go ask your mom to be referee.”
A bit later:
“Ready, Set! 3, 2, 1...” Andy’s mom said.
“Go Shoot!”
Chapter 4:
Arae’s Curse!
Hi i like Beyblade and Star Wars. My favorite ship is the Viscount-class Star Defender.
A story of mine:
Interested in Hasbro Exclusives and Element-X Beys?
CHo-Z Musou Stadium Challenge