In your opinion:
Which is the best Hasbro Exclusive?
Sphinx S4, Typhon T4, Dullahan D4, Ogre O4, Kraken K4, Morrigna M4, Gargoyle G4, Balar B4, Rudr R4, or Cyclops C4?
Which is the best Element-X Bey?
Flame-X Diomedes, Iron-X Surtr, Lightning-X Istros, Poison-X Hyrus, Lava-X Anubion, Silver-X Jormuntor, Thorns-X Minoboros, Blizzard-X Gaianon, Gold-X Betromoth, Dark-X Neptrius, Stone-X Quetziko, Tornado-X Yegdrion, Aqua-X Spiral Treptune, Mountain-X Galaxy Zeutron, or Inferno-X Kerbeus?
Which are better: The Element-X Beys or Exclusive Beys?
I definitely prefer the exclusives design-wise
My friend Dash Driver says Lava-X Anubion is the best, as it is used in Burst Classic.
Which is the best Hasbro Exclusive?
Sphinx S4, Typhon T4, Dullahan D4, Ogre O4, Kraken K4, Morrigna M4, Gargoyle G4, Balar B4, Rudr R4, or Cyclops C4?
Which is the best Element-X Bey?
Flame-X Diomedes, Iron-X Surtr, Lightning-X Istros, Poison-X Hyrus, Lava-X Anubion, Silver-X Jormuntor, Thorns-X Minoboros, Blizzard-X Gaianon, Gold-X Betromoth, Dark-X Neptrius, Stone-X Quetziko, Tornado-X Yegdrion, Aqua-X Spiral Treptune, Mountain-X Galaxy Zeutron, or Inferno-X Kerbeus?
Which are better: The Element-X Beys or Exclusive Beys?
I definitely prefer the exclusives design-wise
My friend Dash Driver says Lava-X Anubion is the best, as it is used in Burst Classic.