I'm not sure how to put the screenshots of the app here, but just to elaborate: basically downloaded the app from google searching and installed via ApkPure (last 2017, didn't know about Beypoints yet). Last item I was able to scan for the Beycode was the Triple Booster Set that had Hazard Kerbeus and Dagger Frame upon obtaining a Beylogger Plus for bonus multipliers (scanned last August 28, 2018). After that, I updated my Samsung J7 Core's OS probably on the same month and when I got some of the newer ChouZ ones in September, the Bey Scanner just refused to work (even after 20+ times of trying to restart everything from the actual phone to the app itself). I even updated via ApkPure for the latest one (v2.05 I think) just a few hours ago, hoping it'd work but it still crashes when loading the camera.
I got a lot of Beycodes still pending for scans and I want to know if anyone has workarounds FOR Android, NOT iOS, because I'd rather have my Bey Garage updated and be able to prove to anyone that I have the parts instead of just having the unused codes lying about and gathering dust (or worse, being thrown away because of being "pieces of garbage cardboard")
If there is anyone who can actually provide a step-by-step workaround, you'd be the best Beyblader ever to probably save a thousand Bladers outside Japan who may also have the same issues.
Ore wa tsuyoi da
IG: @kinghadoukenbeypla
(I try to post daily for things like Beyblade and Gunpla)