[Bangalore,India] Wrath of the Dragoon (08/04/12)


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Bangalore bladers, you have had the most MFB tourneys in India so far. Now its time for you to get a taste of Plastics as well along with MFB. Feel the Wrath of the Dragoon.

So, its the first MFB+Plastic tournament in Bangalore and the second event of its kind in India.
Here are the details:

Cubbon Park, Bangalore (12.97°N 77.6°E) (Click to View)

Time and Date: Everyone is supposed to be present at the Queens Statue Gate by 11:30 or 12:00. The event will start by 12:30 after parts checking is done.

Entry Fee: Rs. 250 is the one-time entry fee and for passport you need to pay Rs. 500

Host: BladingSpirit5 N0body

There wont be a specific co-host for this event because I dont know anyone Chief - Sigh ... so I have no idea who the co-host should be.. ATM all participants can assume themselves to be co-hosts..

Format: Round Robin Block(if we get enough members) or else we'll have to go for Round Robin.

Make sure that you have gone through all the rules before attending the event.

If you have any questions regarding the entry fee and passport fee, Read this. All the money collected during the event will be sent to the WBO.

Make sure that all of your beys are legal. If you are not sure about them being legal, you can ask in the Ask a question, get an answer! #2 or Plastics Q&A Thread respectively

Prizes are not yet decided.

Now for the attendeesUnhappyin Alphabetical order) (Click to View)

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Congrats to the winners !
Guys,Mine and N0body's Match was Stunning he used Vari I used my Combo,1st two Rounds I got ko'ed and the Next Two Rounds I Some how managed to escape,so it Became 2-2 and in the last one we almost came to the Final part where we both are in the Inner Ring(I Dont think so it is the Propoer word),just then I got Kicked off and it was like the worst Upsets in my Beyblading Life.
By Inner Ring, you probably mean to refer to the Tornado Ridge. Smile
Yeah.. It was in the ridge and then Vari lost its spin but it pulled off one of the best low-velocity KOs I've seen so faf.
Man....Why should this Unbelievable thing of Vari Ares happen in my Match itself sadly.........
Does'nt Matter The Tourney was Awesome with N0body his Visit to Bangalore was worth it.
(Apr. 09, 2012  6:17 PM)SpikeBeyRaahul Wrote: Man....Why should this Unbelievable thing of Vari Ares happen in my Match itself sadly.........
Does'nt Matter The Tourney was Awesome with N0body his Visit to Bangalore was worth it.

thats Vari ares strategy.. Good that sam didnt use it at Mumbai.. Hehehe... But then flash went out of his control once the tourney began, before it KOeD diablo nemesis in one shot.
Hello everyone,

Due to the fact that, at the beginning of the Beybattle, BladingSpirit5 had apparently knowingly attached his right-spin combination to left-spin prongs, that was supposed to earn him a round loss already and in our eyes N0body won the next two rounds too, so he is the official winner of the finals.
The message I sent to Kai-V with changes made right now in Bolded Italics Wrote:First of all, I lied to two people about the results..
1. Relic: Because BladingSpirit5 didnt want Relic to tease him.
2. nik1392: I actually told him the false result before the finals started.

And, everyone was asked to stay quite until me, BladingSpirit5 or darkbull9999 posted.

So, it went like this:
The final was at 2:45 and we both(me and BladingSpirit5) had defeated SpikeBeyRaahul. When it was our turn to battle, everyone complained that they were hungry. BladingSpirit5 attached his Duo combo(MF_HDuo Aquario AD145 WD) to the left prongs of his beylauncher L/R. I tried to tell him that it counted as a selection but he did not agree. So, I started packing up the extra stuff I had in order to go for lunch as soon as the finals got over. When I had packed up everything(except my beyblades), BladingSpirit5 attached the Duo combo to the right prongs and I chose a spin-stealer(Gravity Destroyer 105 WD).

This is how it went after that:
Round 1: Gravity won by half-revolution but since half is not counted, it was taken as 0-0.
Round 2: The only round with a clear win. Gravity circled the stadium after the Duo combo stopped. The score was 1-0 with me leading.
Round 3: This was where the controversy started. There was a big dust particle in the stadium as soon as the beys were launched and BladingSpirit5 asked me to remove it. And without thinking any further, unintentionally, I blew a little air in the stadium in an attempt to remove the particle but it stayed. The judge said I was DQed for blowing air. I said it wasn't in the rules and that air wont even affect the outcome but he did not listen to me. This round again was won by Gravity by half revolution but again, it didnt count. Moreover, I was constantly told that I was DQed so the judge said it would be 1-1.
Round 4*: The controversy continued. At the dying moments of the battle, both combos stopped at almost the same time but the people at BladingSpirit5's side(that is, his side of the stadium) thought Duo won by half/full revolution(because it looks really symmetrical from the side of tip so half revolution also seemed like a complete revolution). But, the people at my side(that is, my side of the stadium) said that Gravity won by half a revolution. There was a split with 2 remaining neutral(they sat exactly in the middle so they said it was a tie), 2 on my side and 2 on his side. The judge called it 1-2(judge was on his side). Well I made a mistake here, I redid the battle with Death in place of Duo and yeah I must accept that Gravity stopped momentarily before Duo completed a revolution and then it turned again. At that time, my mindset was different, so I was not ready to accept anything else except a tie, but yeah, this is what happened so it should have been 1-2 indeed.
Round 5: Again controversial.. The people on my side said Gravity won fair and square. The people on his side said it was a tie. The people in middle didnt say anything. The judge called it 2-2(judge was on my side). Again, not too sure if I remember it correctly so BladingSpirit5 and darkbull9999, please re-confirm this.

Then things began to heat up and BladingSpirit5's parents asked us to go for lunch because everyone was hungry by then. We decided to continue the finals later but after the plastic event, it was too late and I had to leave for my flight so we left it incomplete. Then before leaving, all of us decided that only 2-3 people will post about it to avoid confusion and that you will decide what is to be done.

Of course, after the plastics event most of them forgot what happened in which round but this was really how it all went. Unfortunately, BladingSpirit5 did not want a video to be made so there was no recording of it.
Yep,so finnaly we have the MFB and Plastics

Here are the Results of Plastics:

Results of MFB:

Congratz N0body and BladingSpirit5 you both are Champs,and I have a lot to learn from you
And BladingSpirit5,N0body or Darkbul9999 please post the Beys of the top 3.
@SpkeBeyRaahul: I am not quite getting the feel of win here which makes me feel as if I have done something wrong. So, we better re-confirm what I typed in post #59 and then let Kai-V decide again because I think I may have been the only one PMing Kai-V with all this so yeah.. a mistake from my side would have turned the entire result my way.
Read, the mistake N0body had made there... before coming to a conduction please.
Yeah agree with the post above. Read the PM I sent Raahul.
So, BladingSpirit5, do you have any issues with the judgement we have made ?
(Apr. 10, 2012  5:12 PM)N0body Wrote: Round 3: This was where the controversy started. There was a big dust particle in the stadium as soon as the beys were launched and BladingSpirit5 asked me to remove it. And without thinking any further, unintentionally, I blew a little air in the stadium in an attempt to remove the particle but it stayed. The judge said I was DQed for blowing air. I said it wasn't in the rules and that air wont even affect the outcome but he did not listen to me. This round again was won by Gravity by half revolution but again, it didnt count. Moreover, I was constantly told that I was DQed so the judge said it would be 1-1.

First off, when you're not really sure about something, it's best to restart that round than to continue. As a host, it's your responsibility to take care of such stuff. No offence.

(Apr. 10, 2012  3:49 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Due to the fact that, at the beginning of the Beybattle, BladingSpirit5 had apparently knowingly attached his right-spin combination to left-spin prongs, that was supposed to earn him a round loss already and in our eyes N0body won the next two rounds too, so he is the official winner of the finals.

Quote:Round 5: Again controversial.. The people on my side said Gravity won fair and square. The people on his side said it was a tie. The people in middle didnt say anything. The judge called it 2-2(judge was on my side). Again, not too sure if I remember it correctly so BladingSpirit5 and darkbull9999, please re-confirm this.

You can't really make a decision here, you see ? First off, no one is really sure about what happened. Second, we haven't heard BladingSpirit5's side of the story.

And from what I heard, BladingSpirit5 "attached" the Beyblade to the prongs about 10-12 minutes before the actual battle. N0body was still deciding what to use whereas BladingSpirit5 already made his mind.

Now, there are 2 problems with what happened here. First, they weren't really "prepared" for the battle, BladingSpirit5 just casually "attached" the Beyblade onto the Launcher, unintentionally. Unless, both the players are ready, I don't think it's fair to take this rule into account.

Second, if at all what I said above is wrong, then it was practically a stalling clause. I'm not sure if the judge called it. But the question is why did N0body take so long to decide what he was going to use ? If I recall correctly, you're not suppose to take so long. BladingSpirit5 already made his choice and was just playing around, while N0body exceeded the 4 minutes limit.

Quote:Any longer delay will be counted as an automatic loss of
the BeyBattle by the Blader causing the delay
. The judge should demonstrate reasonable
discretionary power.

Doesn't this basically mean BladingSpirit5 won ?


This is just the information I gathered so far, that I'm posting here. I don't mean to "support" anybody here and I don't think a decision should be made yet, but if at all a decision has to made, I'd say call it a tie because we don't really have any fixed evidence about what happened.

And I'm sorry to say, but I'm disappointed with the way the judge(s) and the host took decisions.
Yeah,I totaly agree with this Relic this should be called a Draw,the Best thing.
Even if you are waiting for the other to select their Beyblade, if it was done in preparation for the match and that both players and the judge were in their position, then attaching a right-spin Beyblade to left-spin prongs is a loss right there, no matter how long N0body took before choosing his Beyblade after that point. N0body also reported that BladingSpirit5 took it off from the left-spin prongs and reattached it to the proper prongs later, when they were ready for the battle. This cannot be done.

For us, what happened after and even during round three does not matter, because N0body had his three wins before with the first two rounds already. The whole "full revolution" thing is ambiguous because you do not really know where to start counting the revolution. Since this whole Beybattle was based on ambiguity that depended, apparently, on where you were sat, then it is reasonable for Gravity to be declared the winner.
Well, I did ask them to restart it.. No one listened to me(N0body ordered them.. Tongue_out) and so I let it continue due to the great resistance I got from the judge and BladingSpirit5. No offence, but it isn't possible to go against two people who have judged most of the battles quite well.

BladingSpirit5 intentionally attached it to left spin 10 minutes before and the next 5 minutes were wasted in me trying to tell him that it counted as selection and then him detaching and re-attaching it to see what I chose. I was just cleaning my stuff in the meanwhile because I asked him and the judge to check for it in the rules. So I did not bother to choose my combo before the attaching thing was confirmed from the rulebooks. Moreover, in the previous battle we had, BladingSpirit5 took longer to choose his combo as well while I already chose mine within the 4 minutes given. However, I dont think anyone was keeping such a great track of time in the finals anyway.

And yeah, we dont have any evidence there at all and since battles kept getting so close and controversial, I decided to limit it till 5 rounds for the time being.. We wanted to continue later but it was too late so..
(Apr. 10, 2012  6:54 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Even if you are waiting for the other to select their Beyblade, if it was done in preparation for the match and that both players and the judge were in their position, then attaching a right-spin Beyblade to left-spin prongs is a loss right there, no matter how long N0body took before choosing his Beyblade after that point. N0body also reported that BladingSpirit5 took it off from the left-spin prongs and reattached it to the proper prongs later, when they were ready for the battle. This cannot be done.

We were not in position... actually.
N0body was sitting next to his suitcase, picking his combo and I was walking around waiting for him to get into position. He only got into position after I attached Duo to the right spin prongs.

(Apr. 10, 2012  6:58 PM)N0body Wrote: Moreover, in the previous battle we had, BladingSpirit5 took longer to choose his combo as well while I already chose mine within the 4 minutes given.

I had picked mine in the previous battle immediately after you picked your if you remember...
I agree to that.
Comparatively.. Yes it was a lot quicker.. But as I picked mine in close to 4 mins.. Yours was definitely picked after 4 minutes XD is what I am trying to say.
OK, but your choice was made for the match ?

Also, seriously, darkbull9999, if you were really the judge, you did a very bad job. I can count at least three things you did not do properly : denouncing what BladingSpirit5 did with his Duo on left-spin prongs, restricting the Stalling Clause to four minutes, and stopping the match to clean the stadium and reset the battle if the dust particle was really that big.
He was trolling me by doing that because my strongest combos were puny before his. But I think it was for the battle that the choice was made.
(Apr. 10, 2012  6:54 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Even if you are waiting for the other to select their Beyblade, if it was done in preparation for the match and that both players and the judge were in their position, then attaching a right-spin Beyblade to left-spin prongs is a loss right there, no matter how long N0body took before choosing his Beyblade after that point.

Again... since we weren't in position the left spin prong problem shouldn't count right ? We were not in position.
There really isn't any such concept as "in position". Once your match has been called and you have acknolwedged this/are aware of this, the expectation is that you are preparing for your match.

Plenty of people put their beys together away from the stadium after their match has been announced, and once they attach (or attempt to attach) to their launcher the bey selection has been made.
I'm getting confused Tongue_out
Amazing Situation!
My avatar tells it all...
I am really sorry about that kai-v as it was the first time i was the judge and not to mention for such an intense battle.
I assure you i won't let anything wrong happen ,if i am the judge for a future battle.
As for the battle i agree he had attached it to the left prongs first and then changed it .
As for the round in which NObody blew the dust particle bs5 did not give me time to think and was like he should be dqed and i by mistake DQed him without even thinking .
I don't think my opion matters ,but NObody should win