

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PA)
Tournament Results
FDR Park
1800 Pattison Ave
  Near the baseball diamonds, across the street from the skate park.
4:00 PM on 08/19/2018
Hosted by
Contact Host
Metal Fight Limited

A limited amount of official Metal Fight/Fusion gear can be used.

View Rulebook


One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

Read more
5 cash

The WBO is a volunteer, fan-run organization.
About the WBO

After the Burst tournament, there will also be a MFB Limited tournament, so make sure to set aside the entire day if you plan on attending both tournaments. Make sure you read up on all the WBO Official Rules here, with special emphasis on the Limited Section of the rulebook.

Location: FDR Park, near the baseball diamonds and across the street from the skate park.
[Image: gi7WvaT.jpg]
(shoutout to Jimmyjazz39 for the map)

Participant List: (15)
Wombat (Passport)
TheLVJ (Passport)
Ardmore Bladers (Passport)
Hyper xeno (Passport)
Beymax (Passport)
Common Pickle (Passport)

If you can make it to the event, make sure you post here and click the blue "Join Tournament" button at the top of the page!

No MFB? No Prob!
I will have plenty of combos and launchers to lend out before and during the tournament, and will hopefully have a bunch of NIB and used MFB to sell for anyone who wants them. Hopefully we can make this older format more accessible to host more tournaments, it's a lot of fun!

Mercury Anubis Brave Ver.
Big Bang Pegasis Blue Wing Ver.
Ray Unicorno Aurora Ver.

Side Notes
Please be aware of your belongings: We'd advise users to please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!

All players must arrive on-time: The tournament will begin shortly after the previous one ends and is expected to run for about 2 hours, though if there is a large amount of interest it may take longer. Please plan accordingly. If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events–Challonge–does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started.

If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.

All questions about this tournament may be asked in this thread.

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Will this be a round robin tournament
(Aug. 03, 2018  4:47 PM)Hyper xeno Wrote: Will this be a round robin tournament

That all depends on how many people show up, but at this point with 7 people signed up, yes.
Should I bring my stadiums
(Aug. 03, 2018  9:02 PM)Hyper xeno Wrote: Should I bring my stadiums

Yes you should. I only have 2 Burst Stadiums and 2 MFB stadiums.
The prizes for this event are in!
[Image: XSIfs27.jpg]

Just waiting on Duo Eclipse for the Burst tournament at the moment.
I was just wondering if the Diablo fusion wheel and the bd performance tip were banned
(Aug. 11, 2018  8:08 AM)NatedogPhilly Wrote: I was just wondering if the Diablo fusion wheel and the bd performance tip were banned
I am Posting the banned list

4D/Hyperblade Metal Wheels
  • Beat [4D]
  • Big Bang [4D]
  • Blitz [4D + Hyperblade]
  • Cosmic [Hyperblade]
  • Death [4D + Hyperblade]
  • Diablo [4D + Hyperblade]
  • Duo [4D]
  • Fang [4D + Hyperblade]
  • Flash [4D + Hyperblade]
  • Fusion [4D]
  • Kreis [4D + Hyperblade]
  • L-Drago Destroy Metal Frame [4D]
  • L-Drago Destructor Metal Frame [Hyperblade]
  • L-Drago Guardian Metal Frame [4D]
  • Omega [4D]
  • Phantom [4D + Hyperblade]
  • Scythe [4D]
  • Variares [4D + Hyperblade]
  • Wing [4D + Hyperblade]

Other Metal Wheels
  • Basalt/Twisted
  • Hell/Hades
  • Libra [Metal System]
  • Scythe [Metal Fury]
Clear/Crystal  Wheels
  • Dark Knight/Ronin
  • BD145
  • SA165
  • E230
  • SP230
  • RDF
Other restrictions-
Zero-G/Shogun Steel Chrome/Warrior Wheels
You may not combine Zero-G/Shogun Steel Chrome/Warrior Wheels and “Synchrome” them together in Limited Format. You may however use Chrome/Warrior Wheels with Crystal Wheels.[Image: jdwDPEsVMHzLLPwDlCfQRXb1nFpkM3YvS8951Z8B...kJERHNQ5a2]
Gravity Metal Wheel Mode Change Restrictions
For Limited Format, the mode (spin direction) of the Gravity Metal Wheel can only be changed once per match in both the first and final stages of events. If two players wish to change modes at the same time, they must turn around and do so in secret before continuing the match.
I don’t know what the name for it is but mfb bearing is ok to use right
(Aug. 11, 2018  7:26 PM)Hyper xeno Wrote: I don’t know what the name for it is but mfb bearing is ok to use right

Look at the list of banned parts.
:D Is it ok if I use a fake launcher

Anyone know how to get putty out of metal sharp

Is putting a face bolt on a shogun bey illegal
(Aug. 12, 2018  12:16 AM)Makai11 Wrote: :D Is it ok if I use a fake launcher

Anyone know how to get putty out of metal sharp

Is putting a face bolt on a shogun bey illegal

No you can't use a fake launcher

I don't know how to

No it isn't.
There is nothing in the metal fight rule book about not using a fake Launcher just a beyblade and the only way he can’t use it is if it has a wrong amount of spins then it would be illegal but I have never been to a tournament where judges test the number of a spin but if anyone has a Launcher Grip it can be fake the only thing you might have trouble with is the Launcher
(Aug. 12, 2018  4:09 AM)Hyper xeno Wrote: There is nothing in the metal fight rule book about not using a fake Launcher just a beyblade and the only way he can’t use it is if it has a wrong amount of spins then it would be illegal but I have never been to a tournament where judges test the number of a spin but if anyone has a Launcher Grip it can be fake the only thing you might have trouble with is the Launcher

No, fake launchers and launcher accessories are all illegal. Only Takara Tomy, Sonokong, or Hasbro gear is allowed, with the one exception of putting batteries inside your launcher grip to give it more weight.

oh boy cant wait 2 get scruck by the tempestral bovine this weekend
i’m a maybe bc i love me some mfb
Will any one be selling beyblades

Can I use a fake face bolt

I’m only going to the burst tournament now
(Aug. 17, 2018  10:12 AM)Makai11 Wrote: Can I use a fake face bolt

NO , you cannot use a FAKE face bolt ( it is ILLEGAL to use in OFFICIAL tournaments / matches )
(Aug. 17, 2018  10:12 AM)Makai11 Wrote: Will any one be selling beyblades

Can I use a fake face bolt

I’m only going to the burst tournament now

You cannot use anything Fake, But you will be glad to see there are people ready to help you
I change my mind me and my friend will be sharing Parts

I still going

Can I use a tip even if it has putty in it
I might not come but If i get the money I will
(Aug. 18, 2018  2:46 AM)Makai11 Wrote: Can I use a tip even if it has putty in it

NO , you cannot use the Tip ( with putty ) , Try to remove the putty , then you can use it for tournament !!!
Will anybody be selling beyblades
I will be selling some beys
In the final stage of this event, if you are using Gravity in your deck, it's initial spin direction must be declared to the judge while your deck is being inspected.

I couldn’t find you guys today! I can all the way from new york