Crash Ragnaruk.11R.Wd
Disappointed in the orange/red/yellow colour scheme of cR still but whatever. I'll get over it. Reach looks very cool, at least. Another yellow wedge is also disappointing. Gold would've matched the layer more
Winning Valkyrie.8.Gr
The layer is really nice but the rest of the parts are bad. Only buy for the layer.
Z Achilles.4.Ds
Layer is gorgeous, 4 is decent and navy Destroy driver is awesome. Looking forward to it!
Emperor Forneus.7.Zt
The white Emperor Forneus is gorgeous, 7 is decent and I cannot tell the colour of the Zeta Driver but "meh".
Sieg Xcalibur.5B.At
The layer seems more pink and electric yellow, which is very original! I like that. 5 is a decent frame, Black bump is always solid, I guess, and that atomic driver is really nice looking! I hope it's more teal than green, though. A must buy for me.
Spriggan Requiem.6M.Ir
Still like this layer. 6 is decent, electric yellow meteor is exciting but the Iron Driver seems like it's more of the same. Hopefully I'm wrong. Overall, I still like these parts.
Lost Longinus.2R.Mr
Pretty cool. Some decent re-colours and parts.
Legend Spriggan.0U.Nt
LOVE the white under, 0 disc is always useful and the black and yellow Spriggan is super nice. Disappointed by nothing, however. It's very boring and overused by TT.