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Or I could be just totally wrong. =(
I think Elliot might have been thinking of that white/pearl Cyber Dragoon reprint. Charles has the parts right.
It's more likely that he didn't see the "Battle Spec".
I saw it, I just forgot that was part of the name of one. I was interpreting it as "what are Cyber Dragoon's battle specs," or "what are the battle specifications for Cyber Dragoon". My bad.
does the jumping base beyblade really just jump?
and is it good?
Yes, it jumps. There's a spring.

It;s also terrible.
taru678 Wrote:does the jumping base beyblade really just jump?
and is it good?
I've never used it, but the AR it comes with, Tiger Defenser is really useful. Particularly for survival/zombie and compact customizations.
Though if you wanted Tiger Defense, you should just get Driger S. It has more than one useful part!
Kei Wrote:
taru678 Wrote:does the jumping base beyblade really just jump?
and is it good?
I've never used it, but the AR it comes with, Tiger Defenser is really useful. Particularly for survival/zombie and compact customizations.
iz it worth buying?
Yeah, but Annie, Driger Slash never came in lime green!
AnnieDuck Wrote:Though if you wanted Tiger Defense, you should just get Driger S. It has more than one useful part!
I've been wondering, does anybody know the actual name of Driger S's AR? Is it Tiger Defense or Tiger Defenser? I've seen both used.

And yeah, get Driger S if you can, it is way better overall.
It's Tiger Defenser.
srry 4 the spam but i have one more question did they evver make a galux and/or falborg
taru678 Wrote:srry 4 the spam but i have one more question did they evver make a galux and/or falborg

No, but there is a way to make Galux.
Check out the parts list.
i got a questions what is the move waterfall. and how do you do it
darkbladerx200 Wrote:i got a questions what is the move waterfall. and how do you do it

There's no such thing.
That was a parody of some kid on a beyblade video who claimed he was going to learn the move and win blahblahblah.

Waterfall may be the only article I've contributed to the wiki, but it's a pretty bad carp one imo.
Why would a (I assume) a KO manufacturer make a plastic WD? That kind of defeats the purpose of a WD. To cut costs maybe? I can see if being only terrible with attack blades(compared to it being horrendous with everything else) but even then, once you touch the other blade its' suicide, as the other pushes you for the ringout.
Takao Wrote:Why would a (I assume) a KO manufacturer make a plastic WD? That kind of defeats the purpose of a WD. To cut costs maybe? I can see if being only terrible with attack blades(compared to it being horrendous with everything else) but even then, once you touch the other blade its' suicide, as the other pushes you for the ringout.

Does it really matter?
Takao Wrote:No, but I'm bored.

This is not a good reason to make a post.