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(Aug. 08, 2008  11:01 AM)ChozenBlader Wrote: I have a question. Does the Upper Dragoon AR have any potential in a defensive custom?
I'm assuming you refer to the plastic generation one, not the HMS Upper Dragon, right?

Personally, I think it's one of the most awesome attack ring designs ever. It's heavy and rounded, and the shape is also rather difficult to upper, especially with a good choice of support parts.

Upper Dragoon
Wide Defence
Cross Survivor/Defence Ring
Bearing SG
Customize Grip Base

Very standard survival/upper customization that's good for general purpose usage.
In reply to Nic (Trying to avoid huge reply pyramid Tongue_out)

You're right, terminal velocity was a bad example but it was 3AM so my brain was not at it's best Tongue_out There is no maximum RPM that can be reached *while launching* but as soon as it leaves the launcher I'd have though that the blade would slow down to a steadier speed/ As far as I can tell there would be a very quick slow down and it would then reach a slower but more sustainable RPM. Assume the beyblade is in a vacuum- this is the only time there is no reasonable maximum RPM (I think Tongue_out).

Although, I doubt I know as much as you on the subject- I'm off to study Physics at college in september so I'll have an educated argument with you about it in two years, haha Smile
EDIT: letting it go now Tongue_out
Does any1 know why 10bBistool has so much endurance? (Logicly)

PS: Lol the 10bBistoool part of the Bistool page says its a balance type, yet it repeatedly states it has low attacking power and can be knocked into a hole easily...
This may be way off topic, but aren't the new blades supposed to come out today.
(Aug. 08, 2008  5:19 PM)trueblader Wrote: This may be way off topic, but aren't the new blades supposed to come out today.
The official release date is August 9th.
I am having a problem with my zombie combo. When I use the Double Bearing Core w/ Wolborg 2 shaft it seems to have bad balence. The bb I am using is Dragoon V2 w/ Volataic Ape sp, Tiger defencer and Wide survivor. Would it be better to use a bearing stinger tip?

Also when I launch my zombie in right spin it usually just flies apart. What can I do to prevent this from happening?
(Aug. 08, 2008  7:35 PM)Pinoy Blader Wrote: I am having a problem with my zombie combo. When I use the Double Bearing Core w/ Wolborg 2 shaft it seems to have bad balence. The bb I am using is Dragoon V2 w/ Volataic Ape sp, Tiger defencer and Wide survivor. Would it be better to use a bearing stinger tip?

Also when I launch my zombie in right spin it usually just flies apart. What can I do to prevent this from happening?

I'd use the Bearing Stinger tip.

When you launch it in Right Spin, are you using a Right SG?
(Aug. 08, 2008  7:40 PM)Bey Brad Wrote:
(Aug. 08, 2008  7:35 PM)Pinoy Blader Wrote: I am having a problem with my zombie combo. When I use the Double Bearing Core w/ Wolborg 2 shaft it seems to have bad balence. The bb I am using is Dragoon V2 w/ Volataic Ape sp, Tiger defencer and Wide survivor. Would it be better to use a bearing stinger tip?

Also when I launch my zombie in right spin it usually just flies apart. What can I do to prevent this from happening?

I'd use the Bearing Stinger tip.

When you launch it in Right Spin, are you using a Right SG?

Yea I am using a right spin SG when I launch. Can it be the attack ring?
It sounds like the SG is too loose. Replace it.
I have a question, if u used this combo

AR/SR: Strata Dragoon G
WD: 10-Wide/Round Takara WD
SG: Normal-left
BB: Driger S (Currently missing so i cant try it out Unhappy )

Wouldnt it have good Defence and Attack potential?
It looks more like an endurance combo to me..
Its not a terible attacker although there are alot of beter attack rings for attack.
(Aug. 08, 2008  9:33 PM)Gotruto Wrote: I have a question, if u used this combo

AR/SR: Strata Dragoon G
WD: 10-Wide/Round Takara WD
SG: Normal-left
BB: Driger S (Currently missing so i cant try it out Unhappy )

Wouldnt it have good Defence and Attack potential?

Not really, no ...
my bad, accidentally saaid Defence instead of endurance (its really light why would it be defence?)

Edit: If u want less attack but more endurance use Galeons AR but still use Stratas SR (U can use galeons also, if u want even MORe endurance)
(Aug. 08, 2008  2:40 PM)Nic Wrote:
(Aug. 08, 2008  11:01 AM)ChozenBlader Wrote: I have a question. Does the Upper Dragoon AR have any potential in a defensive custom?
I'm assuming you refer to the plastic generation one, not the HMS Upper Dragon, right?

Personally, I think it's one of the most awesome attack ring designs ever. It's heavy and rounded, and the shape is also rather difficult to upper, especially with a good choice of support parts.

Upper Dragoon
Wide Defence
Cross Survivor/Defence Ring
Bearing SG
Customize Grip Base

Very standard survival/upper customization that's good for general purpose usage.

Thanks Nic!Joyful_3
That makes sense to me because I was thinking, upper attack should work with a defence type if its heavier than the opposing blade
where are you guys getting all of these beyblades???? ive heard so many lol
(Aug. 08, 2008  11:41 PM)DZ Wrote: where are you guys getting all of these beyblades???? ive heard so many lol

As in buying them? Off the Internet.
well, i know on the internet but like toywiz? ideal? etc.
i bought one off of Ebay, but i am now currently buying 1 and all the MFBs off of Toywiz.
Is there any chance of me getting a MFB (from Toywiz) anytime soon if I ordered one, say, today? Or would I have to wait for shipments to come (to Toywiz) in at this point?
Nobody knows when the shipments are coming to it. If u ordered one today u probably should get it by 2 weeks.
(Aug. 08, 2008  11:56 PM)DZ Wrote: well, i know on the internet but like toywiz? ideal? etc.

Nowadays, some of us import from Japan, buying off of Rakuten, Yahoo Japan Auctions, etc.

Of course to do so you'll need to use a proxy service, like Mail Order Japan (MOJ).

A guide on how to use it is in the Buy Sell Trade forum.
I have another question
I know that if any part of your beyblade comes off during battle, you lose, but if your bitchip comes out does it count as a loss still?
(Aug. 09, 2008  10:11 AM)ChozenBlader Wrote: I have another question
I know that if any part of your beyblade comes off during battle, you lose, but if your bitchip comes out does it count as a loss still?


However, you are not to touch it during the battle. Touching the stadium or a Beyblade is a loss.
Thanks Brad Joyful_3
It USED to be considered a loss though, right? During the first generation of plastic Beyblades, when it came with the different kind of bitchip with the transparent cover.