Ask a question, get an answer! #2

(Mar. 18, 2012  6:34 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: @LT13
Nobody would know that unless they worked at the factory Hasbro produces Beys with..
As for the details, they're not paints, they're dyes.

Hmm..perhaps an email to Hasbro then?

Another question: Some of my older BMF blades are starting to deteriartae after use in many places. Some performance tips are damaged, and some metal wheels and energy rings are chiped. Is there anytging at all I can do? Or should I retire trhese ebys before the worst happens? Also, what are some things I can do to prevent future damage t my newer beys?
Things break down over time..
That's probably the most simple question.. I'm sure if you use your head you can figure it out.
I was looking for a "trade secret" response, if you get what I mean, but yes, there are plenty of normal ways to go about doing that. Thanks
Secret way to prevent wear of parts (Click to View)
I would say buy extras and only use them in stadium. As a kid I ground the carp out of my tips on the kitchen floor ><
hey, i have one more question concerning painting. wats good to use for painting clear wheels?
Any paint is fine, as long as it does not increase the weight of the Bey.
(Mar. 19, 2012  1:05 AM)Basalt230CS Wrote: hey, i have one more question concerning painting. wats good to use for painting clear wheels?

If you want, you could use RIT dye to change the colour of your clear wheel. There's a thread for it, too.
Is DF105 the same as LW105? By this I nean, do the wings on both support left spin?
Yes, they both support left spin, but LW has 3 wings while DF has 4.
Also, theoretically, wouldn't LW/DF105 give Stamina on right spins?
Those Tracks are just like a normal 105 Track ...
I was thinking thoeretically. I know that T125/DF145/LW105/DF105 and other wing-based Tracks have an inconsequential effect at best, but would there be even a minor change over a plain 105?
No, not really.

I like DF105 but I doubt there is a big difference.
Reminds me to get testing..
Okay, thanks. Now that I think about it, causing lift would reduce whatever Defense and speed the bey had.
I wonder, if the effect wasnt so insignifigant, I wonder how lift would influence battles?

The downforce/wing parts series do tend to add a few seconds of stamina to your combo, but so many other stamina parts contribute a larger effect.

Do remember though, all things could change with Zero G
The difference between DF145 and 145 was never conclusively established, the difference wasn't big enough to say that it had ANY effect on ANYTHING.

And lift isn't that useful, Trypio's AR is highly unstable in left spin (where it lifts).
That's what I was thinking about lift: It would kill grip, making you Smash fodder.
That's not at all what I'm saying. I'm talking about stability, as in it has very limited spin time because it topples too easily of its own accord...
Oh, kinda like how the WD family rests on its edge when low on stamina, it would simply slip?
I've already said all I know. Lift doesn't help with stability. It's not slipping it's just terribly unstable from the start...
But doesn't DF145 mean Down Force? To make it hug the ground or something, the way racecars do?
Yes DF145 mean Down Force and there is basically no difference between 145 and DF145. The only difference is the blades but they don't have any effect on the track.
@mayaman2 Yes, but the effect is practically nothing, and when used on left-spin beys, the wings move backwards to generate lift.

Edit: Whoops, posted this at the same time as BlitzMaster....