(Feb. 14, 2017 10:24 PM)Beybladerocx2 Wrote: I've created an OC Beyblade combo, Wild Wyvren Upper Assault. I was wondering whether it's good or carp in battle? (I'd LOVE to get Amaterios Aero Assault, but so many people price it extremely high. Wtf.)
I've tried Wild Wyvern Upper Accel before, and I wasn't too fond of it. It was easily bursted and only delivered decent hits. I wouldn't expect W2Ua to do better as it would have even less stamina and probably couldn't hold a flower pattern.
It's expensive as it is a rare Beyblade. The original gold Amaterios can no longer be obtained (unless somebody already has it), Dark Amaterios is difficult to complete and not many people have the platinum Amaterios for sale.