Leone19 had already answered my question, what was the point of replying and putting people down (once again)?
Ask a question, get an answer! #2
Try to stay on topic here guys. But yes, BD145 has a higher weight than E230.
Look at the time we replied, it was at the same exact time.
Just remove this post someone, I don't know why i replied. PM me if you'd like dragon king.
Just remove this post someone, I don't know why i replied. PM me if you'd like dragon king.
So does GF have as much stamina as XF and is Gf worth tournament use because i noticed it has a Extreme self KOing problem
Although you probably won't take what I have to say I'm gonna answer anyways.
GF doesn't really have much competitive use in the BB-10. In Zero G however, it is top tier for sway attack.
GF doesn't really have much competitive use in the BB-10. In Zero G however, it is top tier for sway attack.
But I have noticed GF also self KOs a bunch in a zero g stadium alao
If I'm not mistaken GF has more stamian than XF.
I don't think it would be a very good idea. GF isn't as competitve in BB-10, I don't think someone has a found a very good combo for it yet.
It only has self-KO problems if you're a novice to it. Most members that have practiced with it enough don't have many problems with it Self-KOing.
Edit: It's never self-KO'd on me in Zero-G, but there's still a chance it could happen. Soem sway attacker tend to do that.
I don't think it would be a very good idea. GF isn't as competitve in BB-10, I don't think someone has a found a very good combo for it yet.
It only has self-KO problems if you're a novice to it. Most members that have practiced with it enough don't have many problems with it Self-KOing.
Edit: It's never self-KO'd on me in Zero-G, but there's still a chance it could happen. Soem sway attacker tend to do that.
Ok so what do we do if we find a thread similar to one we want to do, but the author of that thread hasn't been on in a couple of years. Do we go ahead and make a new one or just post in that existing one? Like there's only the post made by the author and like -no one- has responded whatsoever.
(Nov. 16, 2013 5:40 PM)Duive Wrote: Ok so what do we do if we find a thread similar to one we want to do, but the author of that thread hasn't been on in a couple of years. Do we go ahead and make a new one or just post in that existing one? Like there's only the post made by the author and like -no one- has responded whatsoever.
If its "worth" bumping, than its ok to post.
You may want to PM a mod and specifically ask, but that's just what I know.
EDIT: Like kyler said, this would go in Questions about the WBO.
It kind of depends on the sort of thread. But most certainly do not make a new thread.
BTW, these kind of questions belong in the "Questions About the WBO" thread.
BTW, these kind of questions belong in the "Questions About the WBO" thread.
WHich is better for spin stealing W2D or WD?
Well its a thread about finding bladers in the area I'm in. So I guess I should sort of bring this thread back to life..?
Yes, that would be good. Remember to post your name on the BeyMap to find other members in your area.
Ok, so I put a regular metal face (not the custom version) onto a beyblade. When i used a beyblade tool to take the bey apart, the metal part of the metal face split apart from the bottom part of the metal face.. Now, the bottom part of the metal face is stuck onto the part of the bey where you put your facebolt. What should I do?
(Nov. 16, 2013 9:30 PM)unicornoFTW Wrote: Ok, so I put a regular metal face (not the custom version) onto a beyblade. When i used a beyblade tool to take the bey apart, the metal part of the metal face split apart from the bottom part of the metal face.. Now, the bottom part of the metal face is stuck onto the part of the bey where you put your facebolt. What should I do?
Well, the Metal Face is now illegal now. To get the bottom part out of the track, try attaching it to something sticky and then twisting that to screw it out.
So uh you no that clip part to the 3-Segment Grip thatholds thelauncher in place? somehowit cameoff ifIfindit I can snap it back in cause it isn't broken but until then is it legal to use tape to keep the launcher on the grip if it doesn't effect the performance or anything?
No I think I use Grip Tape on ny three segment launcher for Grip on my launcher.
I just put the tape near where the clip was and stick the the other side to the part where the clip snaps on to the launcher and it works fine and there's no difference
So yeah um, I use a Light Launcher 2 since my BeyLauncher broke and it seems to be skipping gears and I always a a 'crack' sound when I use it. Any ways to prevent this?
Maybe try not to launch so hard? The problem is probably broken gears. If so, you have to replace them which from my experience, is a hassle to do.
Since tape isn't intended to be used, I'd think it'd be illegal.
rats I can't believe it now I have to pay $20+ to replace a clip that can snap back in if I find it.... so not cool
Is there any significant difference between Hasbro and Takara Tomy/Sonokong Metal Wheels other than Mode changing and/or a moving part or two?? Like does it matter if I get a Phantom wheel from either?
It doesn't matter. Both have identical molds.