-= Tennessee Valley Beyblade =-
[TN, AL, GA, MS]
-= Tennessee Valley Beyblade =-
[TN, AL, GA, MS]
Hello my fellow Southeastern bladers! Let's face it, our respective states are pretty inactive when it comes to tournament play compared to places like NC or NY. As such, I think it's time we merged our metagames and come together to try to get some tournaments happening!
I'll get us started: On January 4th, I'm planning on hosting a Beyblade tournament in Huntsville/Madison, AL (northern Alabama)! We already have 4 people who said they can make it, so we only need a few more! I don't have an exact address yet because I'm working on getting an indoor venue so we don't freeze, but once I get that address I'll post it here.
If this tournament works out, I plan to host many more down the road, and hopefully we can get a real metagame going! If you're interested in this event or in possible future events in the area, leave a comment here and hopefully we can get the ball rolling!