[Product]  B-81 Light Launcher L

A recolour, coming out in April 2017 as well.
Lol. It will be with normal winder or long one?
Hopefully its nore durable
This release is actually Light Launcher L.
[Image: fQAm0oi.png]

You can see it in this video from TT on Drain Fafnir, as well as in the one they made for Tornado Wyvern.
I was hoping that's what this was! I saw the videos and thought it had to be a left launcher based on the coloring, it's the same colors as the proto one that comes with Fafnir.
Looks like a regular winder one. TT is actually pathetic enough to make us separately purchase a light launcher that's incompatible with the long winder lol.
(Apr. 14, 2017  3:08 PM)Bastillon Wrote: Looks like a regular winder one. TT is actually pathetic enough to make us separately purchase a light launcher that's incompatible with the long winder lol.

But wouldn't you just have to insert the winder with the notches facing the other way?
(Apr. 14, 2017  3:18 PM)SUGOI-KONICHEWA Wrote: But wouldn't you just have to insert the winder with the notches facing the other way?
No I believe the gap on the winder would be on the wrong side, but maybe not.
Love the blue ripcord
Left Light Launcher with white Long Winder is going to be so great! ^^
(Apr. 14, 2017  8:42 PM)TL14 Wrote: Left Light Launcher with white Long Winder is going to be so great! ^^

But it most likely does not fit...
(Apr. 14, 2017  8:49 PM)Kai-V Wrote: But it most likely does not fit...

We don't know that for sure, though.
(Apr. 14, 2017  8:56 PM)BeyCrafter Wrote: We don't know that for sure, though.

I cannot inspect my Long Winder for now, but as has been mentioned, I am very certain that the gap at the top or botton of the teeth on the winder cannot just be flipped and fit inside a left-spin launcher.
(Apr. 14, 2017  9:52 PM)Kai-V Wrote: I cannot inspect my Long Winder for now, but as has been mentioned, I am very certain that the gap at the top or botton of the teeth on the winder cannot just be flipped and fit inside a left-spin launcher.

weather or not this is the case is determined on whether or not they made a new winder, or are just using the regular winder flipped. I'd be quite surprised if they made a new winder just for left spin instead of just flipping the entry hole on the launcher itself.
Yeah, I'd be very surprised if they didn't design this to be compatible with all winders used for right-spin Light Launchers.
(Apr. 14, 2017  11:03 PM)ToxicAtom Wrote: weather or not this is the case is determined on whether or not they made a new winder, or are just using the regular winder flipped. I'd be quite surprised if they made a new winder just for left spin instead of just flipping the entry hole on the launcher itself.
The thing is, TT had already done this before with the sword launcher. Instead of making the sword winder hole bigger so that it's compatible with the long winder, they made an entirely separate one that only accepts the sword winder. There're no guarantees that they won't do this again, then sell the long winder separately in another package months later.
(Apr. 15, 2017  1:34 AM)Bastillon Wrote: The thing is, TT had already done this before with the sword launcher. Instead of making the sword winder hole bigger so that it's compatible with the long winder, they made an entirely separate one that only accepts the sword winder. There're no guarantees that they won't do this again, then sell the long winder separately in another package months later.

The Sword Launcher's gimmick was on the Sword Winder, of course they did that.
(Apr. 15, 2017  1:34 AM)Bastillon Wrote: The thing is, TT had already done this before with the sword launcher. Instead of making the sword winder hole bigger so that it's compatible with the long winder, they made an entirely separate one that only accepts the sword winder. There're no guarantees that they won't do this again, then sell the long winder separately in another package months later.

The difference is, the Sword Launcher had a very unique design and needed a differently-designed winder to ensure that it could function properly and also correlate with the improved internals. There were plenty of good reasons for that.

This is just a backwards Light Launcher in the end. They're reusing the designs they already have, and it makes perfect sense that, as a result, they'd reuse the old Winders. Why change something that isn't broken after all? Saves on design, means they can keep producing the same stuff they're already producing and just swap out one or two internals as needed.

Yes, there's no guarantees, but I think more signs point towards being compatible with older stuff than not, haha.
Yeah, if this was actually not going to be compatible with other Light Launcher Winders, I think they would have attempted to change the design of the launcher and winder itself more to differentiate it.
Thankfully, according to Leo Burst's video, the long winder is indeed compatible with this launcher. Still, I have no idea why wouldn't TT simply sell this in a package with a left spin bey like Drain Fafnir in the first place other than to milk more money out of us...... Oh well, business is business I guess.
Has anyone else who actually owns this launcher experienced problems with it wearing really fast and skipping a lot? I've used mine for literally a day and it now skips every time I launch it... In addition, when I borrowed @[Manicben]'s launcher during Beyblade North it also skipped for me during the battle when I used it.

Did I just get a bad launcher, or are they all like this? Is it because the combos I was launching with it were so heavy?
I had some problems with it skipping at the last tourney and i'd only used it a few times before that. Thank god for reshoots.
Mine skipped on the same day as well. But that's easily remedied by taking it apart, forcing the prongs off, and putting a layer of tape over the inner cog.
Now mine works perfect, and has been since release