[London, UK - 23/8/14] Rising from the Ashes


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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[Image: Rising_from_the_Ashes.jpg]

Saturday, August 23 2014, 12:00pm

Regent's Park - London, UK

It has been over a year since London last heard the sound of metal clashing against metal in exhilarating battles. London used to be at the forefront of beyblading, one of the hotspots alongside New York, Montreal and many others. However, it is now a barren wasteland, with no colour and with no cries of anguish nor cries of triumph.
The Beyspirit of talented bladers now lay in the ashes of a once proud and glorious city.

Beyblading was officially dead...

Earlier this summer a band of veterans, bladers like you and I, decided it was time to bring London back to its former glory. With the blessing of a Greek God, this group set off to accomplish what others dared not to do.
With their Beyspirit surging high beyond our galaxy and with the hope of others following their footsteps, we are certain London shall begin Rising from the Ashes and start a new age.

Welcome to the first of many events to come.
Welcome to a new era of London Beyblading.

The tournament itself will start at 12:00pm, so as a guide, aim to arrive for 11:30am. The Tube and public transport services are not very reliable, so plan your journey well in advance.

Regent's Park. We shall be at the Bandstand like ye olden days.

Here is a map of Regent's Park. Head to the area marked Bandstand. We suggest taking the London Underground or Bus to Baker Street.

Tournament Format:
Standard MFB Format. We will be doing Block Round Robin, seeing as we have a small participant pool. But hey, more battles, more fun!

As usual, all participants must pay a £3 fee. We accept cash only!
If you have a valid Blader Passport, entry is free. Blader Passports can be purchased on the day for £6 and last a whole year! Absolute bargain!

Sorry, no physical prizes this time, but credits and Face Boosters will be awarded!

Hosts and Judges:
This tournament is being hosted by Manicben, somewhat of a veteran and tournament host. I have chosen Ultra and Saisei (depending on numbers) to be judges this time round, due to their support and experience. If you have any queries, either here or on the day, feel free to PM Manicben or talk to one of us on the day, we would be happy to help!

Important Advice:
Despite being around friends and rivals, please remember we are in a public park. Bad behaviour and swearing will not be tolerated and will result in a ban from future events. Please keep your personal belongings with you or in a safe place while at the bandstand. If you see any personal items left around with no apparent owner, please hand it in to a judge, so we can return it to its rightful owner. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Remember to turn up on time. If you arrive later than 12:10pm, your place will be forfeit and you will not be able to participate.

Message from the Hosts:
Thank you everyone, especially Poseidon, for helping out with the Revival of the London Beyblading scene and I hope we make a huge comeback as one of the WBO's largest blading hotspots. As I'm moving to London, tournaments will be hosted by myself (and others most likely) a lot more often, meaning Beydays and other events are guaranteed to take place. Expect another tournament coming soon, especially if you cannot make it to this one!

Confirmed Attendees:

blade phoenix

Unconfirmed Attendees:

Balance Blader
Hell Kid

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Awesome man, never thought if see London come back so quick!
I guess put me down as unconfirmed, for now. Hopefully, I can make it!
AMAZING! It is now Official, which is great

I'll be bringing a BB-10 and i might be selling a few stuff, i guess and will most certainly try to be buying stuff as well.

We can use Synchrom in standard right???
I know this is a stupid question but i'm new to the standard and stuff things

[Image: c7936716-fadb-4fe0-acc3-9ff252446480]
Yes you can use Synchrom in standard. Also Hell Kid is on holiday but I think he'll be back in time to go. Don't put him on until he says so though.
Finally glad to see this is official. Though I don't think I'll place far, I'm more than looking forward to judging the first London tournament in about a year. I think I'll also bring a camcorder to record as much of the hype and make a video to promote further growth of the scene.
Smack my name onto that unconfirmed list because of other social life reasons
100% Confirmed
This is awesome can somebody record?
Oh my goodness, this is crazy!

So glad to see you guys making a comeback! Hell Kid, LeeDraciel. Never got to see you guys in action really.

And Blitz is gonna show up! This is so cool.
I Have finally Uploaded A Video About the Tournament On My Channel
AvengerBlader: Youtube Channel
The Tournament Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-IM53RRDdQ
[Image: photo.jpg]
That's great _Avenger_. However wouldn't it have made sense to the link to the thread in the description?
(Aug. 17, 2014  9:54 PM)UltimateOrion Wrote: This is awesome can somebody record?

A few members have already planned on recording at least some of it. As for myself, I will be recording the full bracket on the stadium I'll be judging as well as the entire finals.
Glad to see a UK tournament! Good luck, guys!
Good luck in reviving UK! This is my. Birthday tourney!
Good luck London! Too bad I can't go, but all I could say is that my comment on the WBO being North America based (in the Tournament scene) will be proudly broken!
I'm going to come so put me on the confirmed list
I gotta say that I'm genuinely glad to see UK's making a comeback. Awesome guys! Best of luck to all, and here's to a successful event :cheers:
I'm really glad to see London back on it's feet once more! Good luck Avenger Blader! Btw hopefully hell kid could change his mind that he can come to the tourney, I never seen him in action except for the bey-point records though . . .
I don't really know the time differences from Toronto to London, however in advance I'd like to wish you all a happy tournament, and make sure to enjoy yourselves!

Good luck to all!
Good luck guys for tomorrow, i'm still on holiday so i won't be able to make it this time unfortunately. Unhappy
Go London!!! W00t w00t!

My money's on Blitz.

This is so cool!! XD
Good luck guys, have a really good time. I'm sorry I couldn't make it this time, but this is the first in many to come. I'll be sure to come to at least one haha
Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
is there a selling thread? if not, if anyone is planning on selling pm me, I'm looking to buy some parts
Good luck to everybody tomorrow!