
Poll: wich mfb is the best out of theese

sol blaze
meteo l drago
gravity perseus
Total: 100% 14 vote(s)
You need to put in proper prefixes in the title.
i am interested im some parts but i highly recommend you to stop painting parts. They are nice original or maybe he someone asks u to paint it for them you could. I would prefer stuff like earth im original form.
I wants your ES. Checkout my shop and we can trade.
Too bad you're not selling the Burn wheel. . . I would've bought that, along with some other parts. Also, you listed T125, and then T125 x2.
He hasn't stated why his father won't let him sell parts so I reckon a mod should close this. His father said he wasn't allowed to sell stuff in a pm so?
I want the accesories rubber grip, launcher grip and LR string launcher please, I live in
Oceanside California 92058
United States if that helps with shipping. PM me with the price please. Thanks
Your L&R launcher is the gravity perseus one, right? Not just a right spin and a left spin.
Is the Grip rubber is the hasbro version or a TT version?

Your pm to me is absurd, I still stand strong that what you said hasn't a justification.
I would like to buy Poision Serpent. I pm'ed you.
the_wind Wrote:sorry i am no longer going to sell mfb parts because i dont have a paypal acouncet to send only to recive pleas donot reply baeause i will not awnser,THE_WIND

Apart from his father not letting him, he doesn't have a paypal account to sell with either, mod should close.
It would be good if the topic creator could confirm that.
Weirdly he doesn't want any replies via pm, maybe he's leaving WBO for some super scary weird absurd crazy supernatural reason? I mean why else would you leave WBO?!
What happened you said that your paypal account only could recieve and not send but you WERE recieving. Kai-V you should close this thread because he says one thing but does another! He said his dad wont let him sell stuff yet he has this thread! So, whats the point!!!!
Yep it's definitely annoying, he's very manipulative in private messages with me about what he's trying to sell/buy/do.
thats the same thing he said to me!
i was trying to cloes this post but it wont let me for some reson and pls dont be mad i would sell if my paypal account worked
Only staff members can move or close topics.

You could have posted an update ...