welcome to brave valtriak
brave valkyries! all from U.S.
what is this?
Whats this?
a team i gusss
whats this?
if yes then ill join its better than being in SpryzenLightnings for me
sigh not again you found out
addddd me please
Lol im in the lightstrike libra's
Genese Valt?
Im in no ones team
yes it is a team
what is that name tho XD
Ok a team doesnt sound to bad but I dont know what this is for
be back at 2:00 est
lol the name tho
how is this a rip off
Honestly I have no idea
plz change the name like to Volcano Genesis or The Brave Gods or even Brave Genesis or Magma Gods
You shouldcall the team Genesis Valkyrie