Worst pain you have ever experienced

(Mar. 14, 2009  3:08 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: quoting this so you can all "EWWWWWWWWWWW" about it

also, when i had tonsilitis and was hospitalized because my blood pressure plunged, i had a fever of 40 degrees celsius (about 103 fahrenheit), and i couldn't walk and had terrible hallucinations

pic of my throat at the time: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/d...Photo1.jpg

Did you also do awkward things while hallucinating?

A friend of mine once had a pretty bad illness and was in the hospital for several weeks. He also had pretty intense hallucinations. In one night, he saw friends of his sleeping over in his room and everyone except for himself was holding plush animals. So he left his room, went down the hallway and grabbed a towel from some other room as a substitute. Later that night, he saw a little crocodile's tail coming out of his arm. He freaked and pulled it out violently.

The next morning, nurses told him he was walking around and stealing a towel from some room and he pulled the needle for his infusions out of his arms, causing him to bleed a lot.

I always find this story pretty shocking, but entertaining.
I didn't do anything that bad, I just thrashed around a lot and thought a plastic bag was trying to kill me.

That's pretty weird, actually.
(Mar. 14, 2009  3:08 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: quoting this so you can all "EWWWWWWWWWWW" about it

also, when i had tonsilitis and was hospitalized because my blood pressure plunged, i had a fever of 40 degrees celsius (about 103 fahrenheit), and i couldn't walk and had terrible hallucinations

pic of my throat at the time: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/d...Photo1.jpg
Haha, I don't have to worry about getting that. I had my tonsils, adenoids, and uvula removed. I never get sore throats, either, because it's all gone. Smile

Pic = neato!
who took my uvula
who tooook my uvuuuulaaaaa
(Mar. 15, 2009  3:35 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: who took my uvula
who tooook my uvuuuulaaaaa
wtf is that from? Chocked_2
simpsons i think
(Mar. 15, 2009  3:49 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: simpsons i think
I wish I had cable Crying
(Mar. 15, 2009  3:59 AM)Deikailo Wrote: I wish I had cable Crying

The internet is a viable substitute.
(Mar. 15, 2009  4:50 AM)Arjun Wrote: The internet is a viable substitute.
I wish I had the internet. Unhappy
(Mar. 15, 2009  4:51 AM)Deikailo Wrote: I wish I had the internet. Unhappy

[Image: avatar_21.jpg]
(Mar. 15, 2009  5:00 AM)Roan Wrote: [Image: avatar_21.jpg]
Say what?
(Mar. 15, 2009  2:12 AM)Aqua_24 Wrote: Hope you feel better and heal fast.

What actually happened to your knee?

Thanks guys.
Well I was riding and my brakes failed and I crashed on to the road. Luckily there were no cars. Tongue_out
Ha, similar Anu - My friends board fell on the road, and a car was coming but luckily it stopped (even though cars go like 20 down the hill of our road :p) and I found it funny even though I was hurt. But my leg feels better now!!! Joyful_2
But Did you get Antiseptics poured on it...
No. X_X
mine is when i was like 2/3 i fell off a 1.5 metre slide and hit my head on the concrete i still have the bump!
that must have been one hard hit XD
I remember when I was skiing in 7th grade, I wandered into snow about two feet deep. I tripped, and I could have sworn that my right foot was twisted behind myself. I howled, and I was out of commission for about a week =/
I was playing Rugby League and i tackled someone and a player from my team attempted to help then his head smahed in to mine and my part of the face above my eye got smashed open Unhappy
(Mar. 22, 2009  8:52 PM)Hyuuga Neji Wrote: I remember when I was skiing in 7th grade, I wandered into snow about two feet deep. I tripped, and I could have sworn that my right foot was twisted behind myself. I howled, and I was out of commission for about a week =/
Skiing really isnt a safe sport xD your lucky is didnt twist behind you.
First Beyblade injury, The beyblade bounced up after I launched it and crack my nail, (damn you wide defense!). Wasn't close to the worst pain I experienced but my fingers gone numb lol. Also bashed my elbow at the same time Pinching_eyes_2

Owwie.....looks painful. D: Try not to hit it again. Pinching_eyes_2
In 5th grade i was playing soccer, and i was running. A guy in front of me turned around suddenly ly and started running my way, unaware. The bad part was that i was taller than him and my front tooth rammed into his head. My tooth bled bad and he had a toothmark in his head. I was probably mostly mad that i had to stop playing than about the pain lol.