Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Experimental Burst Format
1st: 1234beyblade
Victory Valkyrie Knuckle Xtreme
Wyvern Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Dark Deathscyther Spread Orbit
2nd: pyrus10000
Deathscyther Heavy Revolve
Odin Heavy Revolve
Dark Deathscyther Gravity Orbit
Deathscyther Spread Orbit
3rd: JesseObre
Dark Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Deathscyther Heavy Defense
Valkyrie Triple Trans
Odin Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Spread Orbit
Read my thoughts on the experimental Burst Format here.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Burst Format
1st: JesseObre
Dark Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Deathscyther Heavy Defense
2nd: 1234beyblade
Wyvern Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Dark Deathscyther Spread Orbit
3rd: Mitsu
Deathscyther Heavy Defense
Deathscyther Heavy Orbit
Dark Deathscyther Heavy Defense
Dark Deathscyther Spread Defense
Deathscyther Spread Defense
Deathscyther and Dark Deathscyther continue to reign supreme! Beginning to wonder what a format without them and with Odin back would look like.
Yeah, that would explain it. I don't find Neptune to be reliable against D2 at all, but if it isn't really present then I can see it being used successfully.
Yeah, I can get this for sure. Any Attack user who knows what they're doing can make short work of Deathscyther, especially if they're using Trans where it becomes very difficult for the Deathscyther user to know how to shoot their Beyblade.
Even though I do use Deathscyther with some frequency myself–like almost everyone else–I dislike using it on some levels not because it's "easy" to use but because throwing myself into a position where I can end up in an easy match-up for an Attack user or a mirror match is useless. The latter scenario becomes either about luck, launch strength, part wear, or whoever spent the most time perfecting the balance of their combo, none of which will subsequently end the battle in a fashion that you can take much satisfaction away, whether you're on the losing end or the winning end. There is certainly some satisfaction from being able to test and put together the best version of a Stamina combo in terms of balance and in perfecting your launch for sure–don't get me wrong–but not as much as being able to win by Bursting or KOing your opponent with an Attack type that is inherently more versatile anyways.
Neptune having better Stamina than Wyvern can be debatable! You should see 1234beyblade's Wyvern Heavy Revolve ... he can OS Neptune and other even better Stamina Layers sometimes. I've had it happen before too.
Yeah ... I just can't see Upper really helping. I haven't tried it on D2 but on Attack combos it just killed their movement patterns and I can't see how it would be good for Stamina either over the many other options we have.
Interesting! Your assessment of Unicorn's Stamina, but its tendency to burst sounds pretty accurate to me. I'm not a believer in URF yet ... but maybe I'll give it a shot haha.
What sort of opponents did you have @[Time]? I can see Neptune being a pretty safe choice in round robin play depending on the quality of your opponents.
That's not the proper name for that combo.
Don't know if using ANTim as an example is valid considering he was actually using a stock Dark Deathscyther and clearly had never played Burst before? Well, he was in the first round of the tournament against me if I remember correctly.
And the battle where Time outspun Valentin's Deathscyther Revolve with Neptune Revolve was certainly debatable in my eyes. Not saying it is impossible, but definitely not something I would rely on. Same deal with the D2 versus Deathscyther match-up; D2 can win, but it's very difficult if you're playing a skilled/strong opponent.
It's "beymazing", as you said! Trans is the best part released over the past several months for sure. It has a few caveats–like self-KOing when you try to stall at full power–but the pros far outweigh the cons. It's so empowering to be able to switch your strategy between two meaningful different tip choices mid-battle.
As for Valkyrie Trans specifically, I mean, Valkyrie is so good that it can work with so many different Disks: Heavy, Gravity, Spread, Knuckle, Limited, Triple ... take your pick. I honestly kind of just picked Knuckle on a whim that day; for me with Valkyrie Trans Stamina isn't really my goal, so using something like Spread doesn't make as much sense as it does when you use VSA and have a chance of outspinning something. With Trans I find I can't stall around the ridge with the same power as Accel or Zephyr without risking self-KO, so it's more about the versatility of being able to switch between stationary and mobile for Attack that is valuable to me when using Trans.
I used WGT against 1234beyblade only because I had a strong hunch he would be using V2GZ. I guessed right and the ability to switch between the tips on Trans was useful because it meant he had to guess how to launch his Beyblade each time. That said, some of the rounds were actually a bit close when I used the sharp tip ... even with V2, Zephyr has some good Stamina haha.
I'll let @[JesseObre] provide his own answer, but VHD is good if you have a strong launch because it provides movement that VHR does not. It also has more Stamina than Needle and is more controllable to launch very aggressively. When people use VHR many players bank their Stamina combo to try and avoid the center of the stadium for as long as possible; if you're using VHD you probably have enough movement to hit them from the beginning.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Experimental Burst Format
1st: 1234beyblade
Victory Valkyrie Knuckle Xtreme
Wyvern Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Dark Deathscyther Spread Orbit
2nd: pyrus10000
Deathscyther Heavy Revolve
Odin Heavy Revolve
Dark Deathscyther Gravity Orbit
Deathscyther Spread Orbit
3rd: JesseObre
Dark Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Deathscyther Heavy Defense
Valkyrie Triple Trans
Odin Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Spread Orbit
Read my thoughts on the experimental Burst Format here.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Burst Format
1st: JesseObre
Dark Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Deathscyther Heavy Defense
2nd: 1234beyblade
Wyvern Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Gravity Defense
Dark Deathscyther Spread Orbit
3rd: Mitsu
Deathscyther Heavy Defense
Deathscyther Heavy Orbit
Dark Deathscyther Heavy Defense
Dark Deathscyther Spread Defense
Deathscyther Spread Defense
Deathscyther and Dark Deathscyther continue to reign supreme! Beginning to wonder what a format without them and with Odin back would look like.
(Aug. 21, 2016 4:10 PM)*Ginga* Wrote: I must say, I really enjoyed using Dark Deathscyther in this one. As for Neptune @[Kei], it was probably my memories from Beyblade North that puled me towards it. Not many people had D2 anyway, so that was not much of a problem.
Yeah, that would explain it. I don't find Neptune to be reliable against D2 at all, but if it isn't really present then I can see it being used successfully.
(Aug. 21, 2016 8:53 PM)Wombat Wrote: Burst
- I still don't trust Deathscyther not to Burst enough to use it on a stationary combo.
Yeah, I can get this for sure. Any Attack user who knows what they're doing can make short work of Deathscyther, especially if they're using Trans where it becomes very difficult for the Deathscyther user to know how to shoot their Beyblade.
Even though I do use Deathscyther with some frequency myself–like almost everyone else–I dislike using it on some levels not because it's "easy" to use but because throwing myself into a position where I can end up in an easy match-up for an Attack user or a mirror match is useless. The latter scenario becomes either about luck, launch strength, part wear, or whoever spent the most time perfecting the balance of their combo, none of which will subsequently end the battle in a fashion that you can take much satisfaction away, whether you're on the losing end or the winning end. There is certainly some satisfaction from being able to test and put together the best version of a Stamina combo in terms of balance and in perfecting your launch for sure–don't get me wrong–but not as much as being able to win by Bursting or KOing your opponent with an Attack type that is inherently more versatile anyways.
(Aug. 21, 2016 8:53 PM)Wombat Wrote: As for its Defense, I would say that while Wyvern has better KO Defense, Neptune has better Burst Defense, which is why I chose it over Wyvern on Disk/Driver setup as prone to Bursting as Heavy Unite. Given how Burst-based the meta still is and that Neptune has better Stamina than Wyvern I still think it's a viable option, though.
Neptune having better Stamina than Wyvern can be debatable! You should see 1234beyblade's Wyvern Heavy Revolve ... he can OS Neptune and other even better Stamina Layers sometimes. I've had it happen before too.
(Aug. 21, 2016 8:53 PM)Wombat Wrote: - Zoroaste had told me a while back that one of the Japanese members here had told him Japanese players had been using Boost and Upper on their D2 Destabilizers. I tried Boost then and didn't like it better than Gravity or Armed, but Upper seemed to be on the same level as those two. I know Dark_Mousy said that Heavy is best for it in his video (which makes sense because compact/high RPM/heavy weight stuff is generally really good for destabilizer types) but I have yet to try it myself.
Yeah ... I just can't see Upper really helping. I haven't tried it on D2 but on Attack combos it just killed their movement patterns and I can't see how it would be good for Stamina either over the many other options we have.
(Aug. 21, 2016 8:53 PM)Wombat Wrote: - Yes!!! Believe it or not, due to its OWD Unicorn has about the same amount of Stamina as Neptune (From my testing slightly more, but it's a small enough difference that it might just be due to external variables), but the problem is that it's easier to Burst. Ring has the same problem, but for whatever reason Unicorn Ring doesn't burst nearly as much as Unicorn or Ring do on other combos. Plastic Change is actually not that bad of a Staller tip if you aren't worried about speed - while I haven't directly compared it to Accel or Zephyr I think the point in the middle might give it slightly more Stamina than them. It also catches the Tornado Ridge rather well and Bursts a lot less than you would think. Basically URF is just a combo where parts that normally suck randomly have good synergy together. For me, it outspins Deathscyther Heavy Defense about 50% of the time depending on which combo is launched first.
Interesting! Your assessment of Unicorn's Stamina, but its tendency to burst sounds pretty accurate to me. I'm not a believer in URF yet ... but maybe I'll give it a shot haha.
(Aug. 22, 2016 4:00 PM)Time Wrote: Other thoughts: I ran straight through Round Robin play to 6-0 record using Neptune Gravity Revolve after my yielding got damaged so Neptune definitely is still useful. Although, once I got to finals I went 0-3.
What sort of opponents did you have @[Time]? I can see Neptune being a pretty safe choice in round robin play depending on the quality of your opponents.
(Aug. 22, 2016 4:00 PM)Time Wrote: #unbangravity to make the ultimate options combo: gravity th170 hf/s #trollololololololooool
That's not the proper name for that combo.

(Aug. 22, 2016 9:23 PM)Wombat Wrote: As for Neptune, it still has a chance against (Dark) Deathscyther if your launch is stronger enough than your opponent's. Remember, at AN Time outspun Valentin's Deathscyther Revolve with Neptune Revolve and I outspun ANTim's Dark Deathscyther Gravity Orbit with Neptune Knuckle Revolve.
Don't know if using ANTim as an example is valid considering he was actually using a stock Dark Deathscyther and clearly had never played Burst before? Well, he was in the first round of the tournament against me if I remember correctly.
And the battle where Time outspun Valentin's Deathscyther Revolve with Neptune Revolve was certainly debatable in my eyes. Not saying it is impossible, but definitely not something I would rely on. Same deal with the D2 versus Deathscyther match-up; D2 can win, but it's very difficult if you're playing a skilled/strong opponent.
(Sep. 04, 2016 4:10 AM)Wombat Wrote: How did you like Valkyrie Trans, Kei? Personally I like Spread on it because it offers more Life After Death than Knuckle, but for the most part the two seem pretty interchangeable to me due to where they stand on the Burst Defense/Stamina/Weight spectrum. Wouldn't use Knuckle on a Staller though. Was Wyvern just used to mindgame Attack users?
Also Jesse is there any particular reason why you always use Heavy Defense on stationary Valkyrie? I bet it's less weak to Destabilization because it's a ball (pretty much the reason I wanted to git gud with Needle) but don't people normally use a lower friction tip like Claw or Gyro?
It's "beymazing", as you said! Trans is the best part released over the past several months for sure. It has a few caveats–like self-KOing when you try to stall at full power–but the pros far outweigh the cons. It's so empowering to be able to switch your strategy between two meaningful different tip choices mid-battle.
As for Valkyrie Trans specifically, I mean, Valkyrie is so good that it can work with so many different Disks: Heavy, Gravity, Spread, Knuckle, Limited, Triple ... take your pick. I honestly kind of just picked Knuckle on a whim that day; for me with Valkyrie Trans Stamina isn't really my goal, so using something like Spread doesn't make as much sense as it does when you use VSA and have a chance of outspinning something. With Trans I find I can't stall around the ridge with the same power as Accel or Zephyr without risking self-KO, so it's more about the versatility of being able to switch between stationary and mobile for Attack that is valuable to me when using Trans.
I used WGT against 1234beyblade only because I had a strong hunch he would be using V2GZ. I guessed right and the ability to switch between the tips on Trans was useful because it meant he had to guess how to launch his Beyblade each time. That said, some of the rounds were actually a bit close when I used the sharp tip ... even with V2, Zephyr has some good Stamina haha.
I'll let @[JesseObre] provide his own answer, but VHD is good if you have a strong launch because it provides movement that VHR does not. It also has more Stamina than Needle and is more controllable to launch very aggressively. When people use VHR many players bank their Stamina combo to try and avoid the center of the stadium for as long as possible; if you're using VHD you probably have enough movement to hit them from the beginning.