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Who would win in a bey battle Red eye or Shu?
well currently red eye by default. Storm sprigan can't battle because it is broken. but if you are talking the beyblades themselves, lS would win against S2.
currently shu has no bey if red eye is not shu. if shu actually does have Spriggan Requiem then we’ll have to see
Um first its a national blader vs a guy that can beat 3 god beys withot geting a scratch from the other beys all at the same time ummmmmm RED EYE legend spriggan is awesome!
(Oct. 09, 2017 1:22 PM)MWF Wrote: well currently red eye by default. Storm sprigan can't battle because it is broken. but if you are talking the beyblades themselves, lS would win against S2.
Yea for me its red eye because he seems to know more knowledge about he bey more then shu
(Oct. 09, 2017 10:26 PM)Jimmyjazz39 Wrote: currently shu has no bey if red eye is not shu. if shu actually does have Spriggan Requiem then we’ll have to see
I mean like storm sprigggan vs legend spriggan
(Oct. 09, 2017 11:33 PM)Julian df Wrote: Um first its a national blader vs a guy that can beat 3 god beys withot geting a scratch from the other beys all at the same time ummmmmm RED EYE legend spriggan is awesome!Ok
I'll say red eye because he uses the new and approved evolution .
Well if Red Eye was a different person and not shu he would've beat him, we're talking about a guy who man handed, valt, daina, Rantaro, Cooza and Wakiya without breaking up a sweat ? later on he went an beat Ghasem easily plus he took on xhaka he would've also beat Ruway if it wasn't for boa wanting to fight Ruway instead and don't forget he also beat Joshua in the manga red eye only lost is against Lui which is the second strongest blader in the world from the anime version as for the manga version only lui again burst and broke red eye bey before. So yes red eye would've beat shu if he wasn't shu