What's Your Beyblade team name?

Poll: Team or solo?

Team player
Lone Blader
Total: 100% 802 vote(s)
Just want to see who else belonged to a team and what you called it really!
I was part of the Blade Warriors my self.

My local teams were: The stadium kings, Dead spinners, Drigger core and us the Blade Warriors.
the spin doctors
Honestly never got popular enough to have big teams out where I lived and when it was "popular" with kids in my area. We did have a tag team tournament back in the day, my friend and I were team "Double Dragon", we had "ContrA", "Mr and Mrs Pac Man", "Counter-Strike", "D2 (For Diablo 2 at the time)", and "Metal Slug 2" as notable tag teams too. Haha, what can you expect from gaming nerds? :o

Team "Counter-Strike" was comprised of chinese twins, hahaha.

Currently no team, might get one might not, depends on how awesome I can make the Vancouver Beyclub ^^;

Don't actually know if I would join a team though, I test too much to work with team members, I'd be releasing all my information on super secret combo's and get my mates pissed at me Uncertain
the PPB Blade Tiger Majestic Borgs.
(Aug. 13, 2009  12:12 AM)Pepe le Penguin Wrote:
Fort Wayne Bladers

why do you keep centering your posts
Same as Hiro. There might teams, but mostly it was basicaly a free for all, but there was that one guy who was the best, and had groupies follow him. I was the complete opposite, but I still beat him a few times.
triple beef burgers
(Aug. 13, 2009  12:31 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: triple beef burgers

:o Win.
Well i joined Omega's team which is called Beyblade Prodigies . We have our own site and Youtube channel and everythingSmile
Never played on a team, but if I ever founded one, would have named them Team Dervish
The death eaters.
i had a mixed up dranzer (all dranzer pieces) that broke so many beyblades.
the other guys just had plain blades hoping to be as good as me.
but that was 7 years ago.
(Aug. 13, 2009  12:31 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: triple beef burgers

I demand to be on this team.
i cant even remember the name.
I want to say there was several, but one I rememberwas Team NightFall.
when i was in one...Team name: Serpent and ten we spit and i remade it to: Flame hawk
Oh I just remembered the other team name, it was Team Hydro Fire(something like that)
I'm the leader of the A.B.(America & Beyond) Bladers, lol.
(Aug. 13, 2009  3:37 PM)Zachaby63 Wrote: The death eaters.
i had a mixed up dranzer (all dranzer pieces) that broke so many beyblades.
the other guys just had plain blades hoping to be as good as me.
but that was 7 years ago.
potter fan?
(Aug. 13, 2009  9:48 PM)Jsc Wrote: Does my Imaginary team count!? XD

Suppose so! I mean if you didnt have a team just think up a name for one.Stupid
Team "Crossfire Darkstrike" Tongue_out Thats the team Im in. Pinching_eyes_2 I helped make up the name. XD
Its not an old team. but I still like it. Smile
our team use to kick but and we still do we weren't unstoppable but our name was the BLADEMASTERS
Id like to battle again but really dosent look like I will!
Although I may see some of you in London if you continue to hold events there.
Ooops Omega told me off. Its the Prodigies