WBO X: Let the 10th Anniversary Begin!

Why not? I’d like to enter. It’s really cool of The Wbo for doing this.
Happy anniversary

Lit squad fam 2018
(Jan. 23, 2019  11:13 AM)Aayushmaan Rana Wrote: How can i particepate
BeyLotto and WBOMemories is end. But you can participate in WBO X Championship, what coming soon.
When and where will this Event Happen , i wanna know i am thinking of Attending, haven't been here for long but I have always like to Socialize with others of my Interests, so a Beyblade Event sounds like lots of Fun
Does anyone know where to find the BeyLotto results, or if they are posted at all? I have been looking for them, and now I am thinking that they may have been PM’ed, but I could be wrong.
(Jan. 29, 2019  2:24 AM)MGoldZeo Wrote: Does anyone know where to find the BeyLotto results, or if they are posted at all? I have been looking for them, and now I am thinking that they may have been PM’ed, but I could be wrong.

They usually get posted in like February.
Happy Anniversary. Its been a long journey
Happy Birthday! 10 years! Thank you WBO for waiving the Tournament fees for January 2019, we had a nice turnout for our Classics Tournament!
Seems cool! Happy Tenth! As for the tournament, I would not be able to attend, sadly
Congrats to the 10 years, everyone!
i hope its in tn.
This is my fourth year of Beyblade. I'm way better strategist,with beys and everything else I do thanks to this website! In hope there's a 123,456,789,109,876,543,210th anniversary!
Sorry for asking but when BeyLotto and WBOMemories results coming.
(Feb. 28, 2019  12:19 PM)ks123 Wrote: Sorry for asking but when BeyLotto and WBOMemories results coming.

We're still waiting on some results from Organizers, unfortunately. I've been following up with them lately to try and get their participant lists so they can be entered into the BeyLotto.

So, hopefully soon!
Holy carp its been a long time.
(Feb. 28, 2019  12:19 PM)ks123 Wrote: Sorry for asking but when BeyLotto and WBOMemories results coming.

They've been out for a while... I wasn't able to get to them until today, but I actually received my prizes several weeks ago.
(Mar. 10, 2019  8:41 AM)Wombat Wrote:
(Feb. 28, 2019  12:19 PM)ks123 Wrote: Sorry for asking but when BeyLotto and WBOMemories results coming.

They've been out for a while... I wasn't able to get to them until today, but I actually received my prizes several weeks ago.

I mean WBO X BeyLotto and WBOMemories.
happy 10th aniversy will any battles be coming to jackson MO?

happy 10th anniversary will any battles be coming to Jackson MO?
when does the wbo x championship happen, do i have to pay, how much , what do i need
happy 10th aniversary WBO!
Can't wait for the tournaments! Hope I'll be able to make it XD
How can i partipate and where i will find partipation form
WBOX 10th anniversary like I want bits

WBOX 10th anniversary I want bit