WBO @ MCM Expo October 24th-25th


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Well I think most of you know this is happening but because I'm rubbish I never really totally comnfirmed anything, except maybe to some of the guys I was chatting with at Regents Rumble. Anyways, this is definitely on. Sorry for the wait.

Basically, this time around we won't be having a fullscale tourney. If you want to compete between yourselves I can draw up a few RR grids while we're there but we won't be having a large tourney like last time. It'll be mainly freebattles and then for newbies, demos, explanations, etc. We need to make people feel welcome, chat to them and battle with them, etc. Grin

Then, probably on the Saturday 3 weeks after the tourney, we'll have a tournament at Regents Park. Hopefully, we'll have got some new people interested at the Expo and might get a bigger turn out for this time around, but even if we don't then it'll still be nice to see everyone again and get some battles in. Can anyone who's interested PM or post here whether they can make that date? It'd be the 14th November. Also, any suggestions for tourney names and such are welcome. XD

If you have restrictions and think you'll only be able to make one event then I'd suggest trying to make the tourney. However, I still want to see as many people as possible at the Expo because we'll have loads of fun and battles there too and I need you guys to help spread the Beyword. Wink

Useful links:
http://www.londonexpo.com - For all your Expo queries.
http://www.tfl.gov.uk - Essential travel stuffs.
Any other questions, post here or PM me. Please, please make sure you know how you're getting there, travelling around London can be tricky, especially when random tube lines are closed sporadically. Pinching_eyes_2 So it's best to know exactly what you're doing and have a back up plan. My number is 07504988874, call or text if you're running late/lost.


This is the attendance list so far, question marks next to those who I'm not totally sure about or who said they were coming but didn't specify a day. I kinda assumed people were coming on the Staurday as that's normally the busiest day but I could be wrong so if you're coming on the Sunday or even both days then let me know!

Lee Draciel
Zander Soulwind
brazman (?)
drigers (?)
Clara6661 (?)
Clara6661's cousin (?)
revertedtozero's friends (?)
x_chaos riot
Cyber Kerberous


Lee Draciel

(4 ^^Wink

And can we try not to spam up this thread too much? I know you guys are pretty chatty and that can't be helped but I don't want people to have to sift through pages of meaningless chatter to find out what's happening. Pinching_eyes_2

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Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

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(Oct. 11, 2009  10:00 PM)Pikachao Wrote: I'll be sure to bring a camera this time for awesome pictures etc.

If anyone could bring plastics, I still play plastics. *feels old*

You're not the only one! ^^ I still play and battle with plastics too. If you like, we can battle at the Expo if you bring your Beyblades. I am certainly bringing mine. Which day(s) are you going? I will only be there on the Saturday so whoever is making a list of those attending please put me down!
Rocky should be updating the list Tongue_out

And ill bring my master dranzer Grin
Sounds good! I hope it's updated soon. ^^ I'll be bringing my Dranzers along too, namely V2, G, GT and Metal Spiral. I'll perhaps bring some other Beyblades as well. I'm looking foward to battling other people with plastics/HMS - maybe I could go up against your Master Dranzer if we meet, which I hope we will.
Ok so its sorted cant waitto come !
Can some1 send the link on what events is gonna happen on the day.
All my stuff is sorted, I'll see you people there =P probably won't be able to get in until 12 30 though... depending on the queue
(Oct. 12, 2009  5:38 PM)bbgoldflame Wrote: You're not the only one! ^^ I still play and battle with plastics too. If you like, we can battle at the Expo if you bring your Beyblades. I am certainly bringing mine. Which day(s) are you going? I will only be there on the Saturday so whoever is making a list of those attending please put me down!

I'm at least going on the saturday. Might go on the sunday too if I decide I want to...
Oh that's good! Hopefully, we can meet up on the Saturday and battle. As for the Sunday, I hope you enjoy the Expo and the WBO event if you decide to go then too.
I'm going i'm taking my 10 year old cousin with me so she can learn how to beyblade lol. I'll have her hooked in seconds Smile
Hey people sorry aint posted in a long time but im back and defo coming both days and as usuall people take my number 07731318531 and msn redhotirons@hotmail.com so if you get lost or whatever ring or arrange things if you need help or need me to meet you. Hope to see a good turn out like the rest and congrats on getting it all sorted Wink
Awesome leed draciel bring your dsi i wanna vs you pokemon mario whatever bring your pokemon the defo wanna vs you with my own pokemon that i traded you.
Pokemon stuff is going on too, eh? I might bring my DS along with my Diamond and see if anyone wants to battle that way too. Hehe.
If we're discussing Pokémon stuff, I'll have my Pokémon Yellow/Blue/Crystal/Silver all with me and a link cable if anyone's bothered to battle.

Yes, I will be bringing my plastics btw bbgoldflame, if that wasn't clear. xD
Okay, just letting you know I'm still alive. Smile

I went through and updated the Attendance List in the OP but there's still some missing info so if people could double check they're on it and it's correct that'd be great.

cyber Kerberous: You totally live within like walking distance of my house lol. I guess you joined recently seeing as I don't remember welcoming you before, I would've remembered if I had seeing as you live so close. In any case, here's my official welcome to the WBO. Joyful_3 As far as I can tell from the topic, you'd like to come but you don't think your parents will let you? Or are you coming now? It's all a little confusing. ^^;

Fizzle_Blades and cutewolfsam: Make sure your parents are alright with you meeting and such, if you need any help you know how to get to me, Sam especially.

Think that's all for now, to the guys that are helping, I haven't spoken to the MCM guys for a little while but I'll send a follow up email shortly. I'm fairly sure tickets and such are sorted, I think it normally works like this, things will get confirmed fairly late. And I'll prolly PM you guys later anyways but how many of you, if any, can make it to set up the day before? It won't be massive or anything but it can be good just to get to grips with the surroundings and stuff, and meet each other again.
The map is in this Ebook. Use the link below:


Ouch on the position. Right at the back of the hall, that sucks!
While not perfect it's good that we at least have a spot.

We could always pull the fire alarm. Bound to get more traffic coming our way. Wink
(Oct. 15, 2009  1:16 AM)Khel Wrote: While not perfect it's good that we at least have a spot.

We could always pull the fire alarm. Bound to get more traffic coming our way. Wink

That, and the use of megaphones, air horns and the loudest speaker system we can find.
[Image: mcmexpomapoctober2009.png]

For people having trouble reading the eBook Tongue_out And you also may want to print this...
Good call.
(Oct. 15, 2009  4:48 PM)Ash Wrote: [Image: mcmexpomapoctober2009.png]

For people having trouble reading the eBook Tongue_out And you also may want to print this...

strangely enough, we are next to a company who's logo looks like disney's. Oh, and is anyone going to make posters for our event thingy?
I'll definately be there and so will Daisy (My cousin) just to clarify.

The spot isn't that bad it's right near my friends stall, should be good lol
Might I ask what your friend is doing?

Anyway, I look forward to seeing all the familiar faces again seeing as I didn't attend the last Regents Park event due to personal and financial issues. I also look forward to seeing some new faces.

It turns out I may be bringing all my Bey gear excluding stadiums. This all depends on bag space =D.

(Oct. 15, 2009  7:38 PM)Clara6661 Wrote: I'll definately be there and so will Daisy (My cousin) just to clarify.

The spot isn't that bad it's right near my friends stall, should be good lol
(Oct. 15, 2009  7:52 PM)BeyUK-Espio Wrote: Might I ask what your friend is doing?

He's got a stall selling all his old and new Manga. He works in Game stores over here in London and that's how I know him (because I buy so many games)
could your mate give all members of the wbo a discount since were in the same community.
(Oct. 15, 2009  9:24 PM)cutewolfsam Wrote: could h your mate give all members of the wbo a discount since were in the same community.
