WBO Comic Strip

Haha, this is funny as! And some great drawings as well Tongue_out
Looking forward to more of these xD
2 new comics since i was last on, amazing!!!

keep up the good work Tongue_out you deserve a cookie, but i ate it Cool
This one's two pages, BECAUSE IT'S SPECIAL!

WBO Comic #7: Happy Birthday, Kai-V

[Image: WBOComic7.jpg]
Happy Birthday Kai-V!

Also, the people in the last frame aren't very identifiable except for a few, as I was trying to emulate the whole WBO community, but I didn't have 1,000,000 x 1,000,000 paper on me. And I didn't want to spend the rest of my life drawing. Uncertain Also, something weird happened to my sizing, so you might have to zoom in on this one.

Haha nice. Its nice to see kingkoopa is still looking for her...stalking her...
Ahahahaha, I lol'd

Little hard to read though man, but maybe I'm just getting old Gasp
LOL, loved the new comic! And is that why the mods are all aren't here? Because it's her birthday?
... Didn't know.
Happpy b-day to Kai-V if it is her birthday!
Awww... Nobody got Kai-V a baseball bat to use? Hah, I would probably do the same. (I wonder how Kai-V's gonna react, anyway?)
These are really nice! Can't wait to see more!
See, when my laptop chooses to die, I miss the good stuff (because the desktop is unbelievably unbearable). But it's so good to see fresh new comics with a new type of style.

Happy B-Day, Kai-V, and these are just beyond excellent, Ink!
Happy Birthday Kia-V, lol 'VODKA, get drunk and hit a noob'.
Or "Vodka: Hit a noob and Get drunk". It could've gone in both orders. Let this be a warning to noobs, avoid Kai-V, Roan, and McFrown vs. Bluezee fights! ("McFrown, my archnemesis, and intellectual equal!" [Much Respected...] "Bluezee! A n00b!" [No respect AT ALL])
callum, nice, that should be the official slogan of all vodka
and happy b-day to kai-v
you shouldn't trust me with vodka, I hate the taste, so it would be a full bottle coming, not an empty bottle...... you've been warned....

I like WKD tho, 'Kia-V has a WKD side'
You know that the subject of drinking can fall under the category of drugs, which is against the rules...?
Uh-oh. Okay, stopping with the vodka mentions.
(Jul. 07, 2011  10:50 PM)Deikailo Wrote: You know that the subject of drinking can fall under the category of drugs, which is against the rules...?

Oh carp.

Uhh... maybe I should take this one down.

Oh, and thanks for praising the comic, btw. Smile jk
She isn't using it, like in that purpose... but it's funny.

I don't think it has to be taken down.
Yeah, I guess we should just quit mentioning it as if she was drinking it. (As in, no more "Get Drunk, hit a n00b" puns.)
Pretty sure I've seen both alcohol and smoking discussed before, by mods or ex mods. Pretty sure that rule applies to illegal substances for the most part.

@Ink. I doubt it's warnable, chill man Smile
*Whistles innocently*
I know nothing
Naw, leave it up! Like BeyBladestation said, "she isn't using it in that purpose." Love the comics Ink.!

Oh, and happy B-Day to Kai-V!
Oh my God, oh my God, the 5th was hilarious (I, like SDamon, am a hormone ravened teenager, so I think why you understand I found it amusing). They all are! Happy B-Day Kai-V!
I know Maz once discussed a night out on the town after a Beyblade tournament back in the days of Brad and Brad told us to drop the subject.

Either way, this is a children's website so the comics should probably be kept PG. If alcohol is mentioned, its use should not be condoned.
Fair enough. Maybe Ink should place a disclaimer saying "Alcohol is not legal until you are 21; the WBO advises you to avoid such situations where alcohol consumption is even possible." at the bottom of the comic?
But that has never been the view of the WBO. Alcohol might be legal before 21 in some countries, or even states. We should just drop the whole conversation about it and leave the comic be