WBO Bits Discussion

(May. 04, 2011  9:15 PM)Sparta Wrote: I now, including this one, have made a total of 763 posts! Only 237 to go till I get the talkative face!

With posts like that you won't...
"proved your mettle"

I thought it was a cute play on words!
Really? Odd, I didn't.

Btw, I can't help but stare at my oh so pretty Cancer face every time I post.
It is a pretty Sexy Face.
Thanks to whoever gave me a Gold face (Dangit! just 3 more until I come close to Blitz and LeeDraciel's awesomeness). Poor ControL_, 4 Silver facesCryingCryingCryingCrying.
I remember in one of the Past Tourneys they Based used Basalt 230CS same CW Face everything.

Yet Blitz won 3-0. Its just because Blitz has a Stronger Launch. ControL_ Needs to into a Intense 3 Month Launch Strength Increasing Program. Ask Ginga all about it.
(May. 05, 2011  9:48 AM)Chups Wrote: I remember in one of the Past Tourneys they Based used Basalt 230CS same CW Face everything.

Yet Blitz won 3-0. Its just because Blitz has a Stronger Launch. ControL_ Needs to into a Intense 3 Month Launch Strength Increasing Program. Ask Ginga all about it.

Sorry, but I'd have to disagree; they didnt use identical CWs, nor did they use identical CS's (Heck a lot of the time ControL_ used WB!), nor did they use the same launcher set-up, nor did they aim for the same trajectory, nor was the placement of the combo on the same inclination or relative position, nor was it 3-0 for that matter. It wasn't about strength, but about decision making and execution.
Point Given. You obviously knew alot more about it then Me. Smile
Seven full rows.

DJ - Fab!
Kei, your faces stretch the page too much Angry
I was going to make a big post for my thousandth post for my ancient face thingy, but instead I used it to post a cynical reply to a bad question. I so grumpeh.
1001 posts. Considering I've never made more than 100 posts on a forum before, I'm pretty impressed.

Also, new faces for beydays. Dat's Coo'.

And also, does anyone have more faces than you, Kei?
(May. 06, 2011  9:03 AM)th!nk Wrote: And also, does anyone have more faces than you, Kei?

Seems not, though ControL_ isn't far behind.
Just Donated $10 bucks for Face Booster White and PM'd Kei.

Ill get it when I get it I guess!

(Lynx face PleaseLynx face PleaseLynx face PleaseLynx face PleaseLynx face PleaseLynx face Please)
You only get Black as of now. White is for AFTER May 28th..
Oh Geezus. Better go withdraw it..... Or just tell Kei.
Always read the small print, mate. Smug
donchu Mate me......Mate Wink

Aussie Stereotypes FTW! Even though you are from Sydney.
I ride a Kangaroo to school Everyday.

If this Melbourne Tourney is Accepted for Beyday I will be getting Beyday II Face (Looks YUM), Probably Emerald Face as well depending on How I go because I have about 8 already.......Even though my Battle Profile hasnt been Updated from 6 Months ago........ I will Hopefully get a Place Face (Heh! Ca Rime!)

Im Striving for 2 Rows Smug
I might get GreenX to host one in Syd. But is it too late. Beyday is looking sweet with all these Face Boosters...
If it is Accepted I will also Earn me a Wyvern face since I am a Confirmed Judge Smile

I might try to write something for BeyWiki.....Its a Face if you make a Few Right?
same its possible for me to get 2 rows well get 2 my second row but ti still counts .... heres how
Sydney needs to have a beyday event win i think it is 7-10 matches to get an emerald face because i have won 6-8 matches (2) plus the beyday face (3) if i place (4) if i attend i should have enough credits to buy a diamond face booster (5) and hopefully placing in the top 50 and getting another face booster (6)
doubt that will happen though Unhappy
I am striving to get at least one before June..
Thats 1 Row + 1. Its 15 Wins for Emerald Face.

I think I might have enough for Diamond Face as well. Smile

Also BeyLotto! There's another Very Possible one.

So thats 7 Faces if it all Happens. Smug
Pffffft. You guys and cho' faces. I'm happy with my one I received as a gift Smile
I'm kind of confused. I know this is a n00b type question but how come I don't see people with the actual color faces (Red, white, Yellow, ect.)? Is it just a color that determines if you get a different face?

EDIT: NVM, I'm jus a idiat. I really should listen to my own advice and read more often....

Ok! I think I'll get a black face booster!

Ordered the booster. When do they usually arrive? Do you get a PM saying you got it, or does it just appear on your account?