[United Kingdom] Team Byakko and Upcoming Events

Been waiting to anounce this for a while so here goes. There has been alot of hype for beyblade teams over the last few months and i am planning to hold some unofficial tournaments in the near future. I will most likely present prizes off my own back aswell. Rules are pretty straight forward and may very due to different tournament styles but they will be written up as and when we hold them.

So we are officially anouncing Team Byakko, this team consists of Me and Linh. We are not exepting offers to join off random people, we are a tag team duo as we are friends and blade on the regular. Not random people we have never met XD

This thread is for our team updates and info about upcoming events and ideas before we make threads for them so please do not spam.

Congrats Lee if all the members of my team impeach me and stage a hostile takeover I'll send you a Pm dude.
are you going to participate at the tag team match
Haha ok Moss and oh yes we are! Be afraid lol
oh now u tell me u have a team after i come up wif da best name ever...
Unhappy *sigh*
To take part in the tag-team side event then you must have 3 members and you must understand the rules.
Rules have been changed my friend, the final rules will be written up properly soon by yours truly.
Hmm, I see. Okay good luck.
Nice Number 1 Blader Has a Team! Grin
numba 2 now
This is true but i have a game in hand if you will, so hopefully i can get enough points to get back on top Smile
Good luck in the battles. I wonder what Lee is going to do to the rules... It is a mystery
And good luck with getting back to no. 1 Lee.
right,bring it on team Byakko, I think you may have met your match!!!Meet the blade hunters!!!
......I was going to post here earlier today but didn't because it kind of seems dead...*awkward silence*
The upcoming (unofficial) tag team tourney thread will hopefully be posted later tonight so start preparing yoiur teams
Unofficial Gasp

My team is made.

MF-H (Metal core and metal ring) Basalt Wolf DF145 XF

Meteo L Drago (Rage) 105 LRF

Flame Kerbecs 125 RF

This is just some random team I thought of just now but meh.....
Not a team on blades, a team must consist of two or more bladers, all will become clear once the thread is up
Yh I know, that is my team of blades, ofc I understood, just wanted to share that..........*Hopes they bought that*

My team will probably be out MWH team.