*OP is being Updated.
Users of Meteo L-Drago is usually confused on the choices of using tracks for their combo. So, this thread is to help you Avid Meteo L-Drago users.
On the other side, there is an hot debate between Heights for Meteo L-Drago. Dan keeps saying CH120 is the best, whereas momiji manju says Meteo is bad above 100 Height. There isn't any testings to prove this, so i test them and prove which height is the best. I will do testings for 135 track and for the other versions of L-Drago II Clear Wheel only if requested.
BB-10 Attack Stadium
Beylauncher L [Beylauncher Rubber included]
Beylauncher [Beylauncher Rubber included]
3 Segment Launchergrip [Beylauncher L]
Beypointer Launchergrip [Beylauncher]
Grip Rubber [Both Launchergrip]
Basic Notes
L-Drago II is Absorb Version.
Meteo L-Drago is in Assault Mode
LTDC stands for Low Track Defense Combo
MTDC stands for Mid Track Defense Combo
HTDC stands for High Track Defense Combo
When using CH120 (Primary track for Meteo.),120 height should be used when battling a 145-height defensive bey, and 145 height in all other circumstances. Feel free to discuss, and post your results/tests here. Thanks.
Users of Meteo L-Drago is usually confused on the choices of using tracks for their combo. So, this thread is to help you Avid Meteo L-Drago users.
On the other side, there is an hot debate between Heights for Meteo L-Drago. Dan keeps saying CH120 is the best, whereas momiji manju says Meteo is bad above 100 Height. There isn't any testings to prove this, so i test them and prove which height is the best. I will do testings for 135 track and for the other versions of L-Drago II Clear Wheel only if requested.
BB-10 Attack Stadium
Beylauncher L [Beylauncher Rubber included]
Beylauncher [Beylauncher Rubber included]
3 Segment Launchergrip [Beylauncher L]
Beypointer Launchergrip [Beylauncher]
Grip Rubber [Both Launchergrip]
Basic Notes
L-Drago II is Absorb Version.
Meteo L-Drago is in Assault Mode
LTDC stands for Low Track Defense Combo
MTDC stands for Mid Track Defense Combo
HTDC stands for High Track Defense Combo
85/90 Track (Click to View)
100/105 Track (Click to View)
CH120 Track (Click to View)
CH145/145 Track (Click to View)
When using CH120 (Primary track for Meteo.),120 height should be used when battling a 145-height defensive bey, and 145 height in all other circumstances. Feel free to discuss, and post your results/tests here. Thanks.
Other's Members Testing: (Click to View)
Which Part of Meteo L-Drago is the Smash coming from? (Click to View)