Chapter 9
"Keep going, Lynx!" Said my mom.
My brother was taking heavy damage. I had to help him. Besides, I couldn't even hit my dad.
"Protect Saggitario!" I said.
Blowfish got in the way of one of the attacks and started to take the hits. I Noticed something though. Lynx started to lose spin fast. But then, it happened.
"Go Eagle! Special Move! Power-up!" Said my father as Eagle started to give spin to Lynx.
"Alright! Special Move! Prey Cutter!" Said my mother.
Lynx started to jump higher and attacked at different angles and in different places, causing Blowfish to lose spin faster than an R2F covered in molasses (Yay for beyblade related metaphors!).
"You think it's time dear?" Said my father my father to my mother.
"I believe it is." Replied my mother alright.
"Okay, but first, let's tell them the secret to our attacks." Said my father.
"Alright. Your probably wondering how Lynx is hopping like that. Well, I have the new SPF Tip. It mean SPring Flat. That's why she's jumping and changing angles so randomly."
"Now for my Flame Eagle. It's basically a helicopter. Flame is great for flying due to it's propeller like shape and it's low weight. The real secret though is the Track. It's WDF145. It's a bigger and much stronger version of DF145. It makes more air hit the ground because it's wider. So much, that a light bey like mine, can easily hover over the ground and other beys." Said my father.
"Talk about over complicated." Said my mother under her breath.
"Now Eagle, let Lynx fly!" Said my dad.
Lynx then hopped on Eagle and they flew at least 20 feet above the stadium.
"Now! Tag-Team Special Move! Inferno Claw!" They said in unison.
It was over for Blowfish... or so I though. Right before the attack hit, Saggitario jumped in the way and was sent flying into the air. It gave me a slightly risky idea.
"Remember what we did to the Dranity Brothers?" I asked my brother.
"Ya...can we do it without Rez?" He asked.
"Probably but less effectively. It's our last chance." I told him.
"Okay, let's begin." He said.
"Go Blowfish! Next to Saggitario!" I yelled, "Now, Special Move! Waterwall Barrage!"
Water surround our beys.
"Now Saggitario! Special Move! Deadly Harpoon!" Yelled my brother.
It turned into a whirlpool and crashed down.
"Tag-Team Special Move! Whirlpool Arrow!" We yelled in unison.
The entire stadium was flooded except for a little dome with Blowfish and Saggitario inside. Lynx and Eagle were all washed up.
"Well done!" Said my mother.
"Well, where are our bit-beasts?" I asked. I didn't want it to sound so rude but, I was really excited.
"You will achieve them in a dream." Said my father as he walked inside.
"Get to bed. It's 2:00 A.M." Said my mother.
I ran to bed. I had a dream, but it didn't make much sense. All I saw was a blowfish saying:
"Use the spikes."
What was that supposed to mean?
Sorry for the double post.
My signature is so epic.
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