
Stuffed Leon Crest Pizza

  Lakewood, California
San Martin Park
5231 Ocana ave
  We will try to get there early to claim a shelter if they're not rented out, otherwise we will meet behind the baseball field
2:00 PM on 09/07/2024
Hosted by
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Most official Beyblade X gear can be used.

View Rulebook

Three Beyblades are prepared for each First Stage match, with all three being used.

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0 cash
Event Details

This event will be played using the WBO Beyblade X ruleset. Please ensure to have the following:
  • account
  • 3 legal combinations for this format - TT and Hasbro allowed
  • Legal BeyLauncher(s) for your beyblades
✺ Please ensure to show respect towards all fellow players by refraining from ill mannerisms, use of profanity, poor sportsmanship, or illicit part usage and performance. These events are for bladers of ALL AGES so it's encouraged to invite friends and family to play in these events. It's all about having competitive fun and we would look forward to your participation!  

✺ If you borrow parts from anyone, ensure to return everything that was used in an organized fashion we greatly reccomend keeping track on a physical sheet or on your phones notes if available. Refrain from leaving the park area messy and keep all of your parts together so nothing is lost.

Match Type & Point Values

Non-contact self KO will award 1 point to your opponent and result in the battle being repeated
Spin Finishes are 1 point
Over Finishes are 2 points
Burst Finishes are 2 points
Xtreme Finishes are 3 points

All final stage matches will be first to 7 points. All other official event matches will be first to 5 points.

We will be playing with the 3on3 Match Type throughout first stage. The final stage of the event starting at top 8 will be using the Deck Match Type.

Arrivals & Communications

Registration & Socials
✺ Registration will start at 1:30-1:50 PM and will end at 2:00 PM. Plan your trip beforehand and plan to arrive before or during registration. Account for traffic please! If you believe you will be arrive around 5-10 minutes later please contact me through PM's, Discord (@ jamcobs)
Attendance & Other
✺ When attendance is called and you hear your WBO username, please raise your hand or say "here" to be marked present. Refer to the note prior if you are not present for attendance.
✺ Tournaments can last up to 5 hours. If you need to leave during the tournament please talk to the host.

Stay in touch and up to date on all LA county events in our discord server!

Location Details


Due to the weather we have moved the location to San Martin park in Lakewood. It’s only a few minutes away from Del Valle. The address is 5231 Ocana Ave, Lakewood, CA 90713, United States. 

Feel free to message me about any questions regarding the event!

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

This event has been approved.
Just making a note. This is gunna potentially be a 100+ degree day right when the tournament starts. Please wear sunscreen and deodorant! Also be sure to bring water and other stuff to stay hydrated!
I’m gonna have th catch the next X event. I really wanted to come to this one but I’ve already spent all week outside in this heat -.-
Hello all! today’s tournament for 9/7 Stuffed Leon Crest Pizza will have its location changed to San Martin Park in Lakewood California. The address is 5231 Ocana Ave Lakewood, CA 90713 United States. There is a shelter we have claimed that was available behind the basketball court off of Ocana street. Please let your friends know if they are also attending and I appreciate the flexibility👍🏼
Not cool. I bused all the way to Del Valle Park and now I gotta Uber to the other place cuz it's already 2pm.

(Sep. 07, 2024  10:00 PM)OptimusPrime Wrote: Not cool. I bused all the way to Del Valle Park and now I gotta Uber to the other place cuz it's already 2pm.

Hey! I'm really sorry about the last minute change. I decided it was the best option since San Martin was so close and I wanted to keep people out of the sun to avoid heatstroke. I apologize you had to get an uber and hope it wasn't that much. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the water and other stuff provided today and hope you'll still come to future events!

Hey guys! So I’ve been out of the scene for a little while and since this is the most convenient group for me distance wise I had a few questions about stuff.

First off I noticed the Lakewood scene does a bunch of different formats. How often does the X format run for you guys these days?

In addition, now that we live in a post-Hasbro release world is the community distinguishing anything between the Japanese and American beys? For example if I’ve got a “Dran Dagger” and a “Dagger Dran” do people consider them completely interchangeable?

Same goes for the stadiums. Is there a consensus on what folks are using between the Japanese stadium and the narrower US one?

Finally I noticed there was a balance pass done not long ago. Are organizers putting the Limited Parts List into effect at events now? I’ve seen a whole lot of Wizard Rod, Phoenix Wing, 9-60 and Ball in recent results, for example.

Thanks for your time! Hope to join you soon!
(Sep. 09, 2024  7:53 PM)PepperPawbs Wrote: Hey guys! So I’ve been out of the scene for a little while and since this is the most convenient group for me distance wise I had a few questions about stuff.

First off I noticed the Lakewood scene does a bunch of different formats. How often does the X format run for you guys these days?

In addition, now that we live in a post-Hasbro release world is the community distinguishing anything between the Japanese and American beys? For example if I’ve got a “Dran Dagger” and a “Dagger Dran” do people consider them completely interchangeable?

Same goes for the stadiums. Is there a consensus on what folks are using between the Japanese stadium and the narrower US one?

Finally I noticed there was a balance pass done not long ago. Are organizers putting the Limited Parts List into effect at events now? I’ve seen a whole lot of Wizard Rod, Phoenix Wing, 9-60 and Ball in recent results, for example.

Thanks for your time! Hope to join you soon!


X is run pretty often here. Every other week or so.

Yes. Dran Dagger and Dagger Dran would be considered the same.

People seem to like the TT Stadium? That's been our standard since we've only had one Hasbro Stadium event.

We don't use any limited parts lists at the moment.

If you'd like to get into touch with any other info you can talk to us here: