It may sound harsh, but it will only be his third tournament and he has shown up with fake parts before ignoring my own personal prejudices.
Either way, I believe that is the host's decision to make, not yours.
No idea if they still do it or if it was just Arupaeo's thing there used to be a test you had to take before being allowed to judge.
Yes this still applies, and I myself had to go thru it.
Although I am not the host, I've been a judge for almost 2 years now and a judge has to have common knowledge and have been to at least 3-4 tournaments. Experienced hosts need to be able to test them. Rager, iirc, this is your first tournament that you're hosting, so you really aren't in any position to test anyone. Since this is your first, I would just recommend that you have judges who have judged before, judge on Saturday.
And unless it just hasn't been processed yet, you have not participated in a tournament yourself before, am I correct?
True, I forgot to check faces
I mean hosting, sorry, not attending.
Okay guys settle down. I know already who the judges will be. If somehow at the tourney we need judges I will ask who I think is worthy. There is a test to be judge. Some people I already trust enough to judge. If you want to judge be prepared to be able to identify fakes from real and do a practice judge battle. Got it? Currently the judges are Kaboom!!!, Me, Insomniac, and Tech. If we need more I will ask others, but for now we need no more judges.
If you do need others *ginga* has experience and if I am able to come I do as well.
Will this event be in a indoor community center? it would be very hot if it isn't.

No, it will be outside, everyone just remember to bring sunscreen and we will be alright.
Also bring a jacket in case it rains.
IT WILL NOT RAIN!!! I will win!!! LOL
So matthew57429 and I have a very slight possibility of going. Our grandfather past away at around 7:10PM today of alzheimers
(Jul. 19, 2013 3:00 AM)FangLeone130WB Wrote: So matthew57429 and I have a very slight possibility of going. Our grandfather past away at around 7:10PM today of alzheimers
Sorry for your loss...God Bless your Grandfather \^__^/

RagerBlade and Insomniac- I'll be leaving at around 7pm tomorrow night for Woodbridge, VA. I'll be at Sterling around 11 Saturday morning. If either one of you have a cell phone *which I'm pretty sure you do* Can I have one of your numbers? Might not have internet connection and texting is my second option.
That's some incredible beyspirit right there that you even have the desire to show up after such a tragic event, best wishes to your family.
Edit: just realized my blader passport doesn't expire till the 22nd so I am all good.
Edit: just realized my blader passport doesn't expire till the 22nd so I am all good.
I am really sorry about the loss. Hope you can attend this.
Just one more day till The Brawl is On. Time are you now confirmed?
Just one more day till The Brawl is On. Time are you now confirmed?
80% confirmed yea sorry I forgot to mention that, also can you post an actual address please?
Fairway not Park Chalet?
Ok, thanks and just to give a heads up as other MD bladers will attest I have a habit of not showing up till like 15 minutes before start time, but I have an attendee'a number and I will text them to give updates on my arrival.