World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Sterling, VA 7/20/13] The Bey Brawl!
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Hello Beybladers! I am RagerBlade and this is first tournament, but lets skip this and get to the good part!

Date: July 20th, 2013
Where?: Algonkian Park (Go to the Playground, but not Potamic Sportsplex Playground)
Format: Standard
Fee: Normal $5 WBO Fee and free with a WBO Passport
Registration: 12:00-12:45
Start Time: 1:15
End Time 3:00-4:00
Prizes and Results
[Image: goldface.png]1st
Kaboom!!! who chose Pirate Orochi 145D
[Image: silverface.png]2nd
Time who chose Theif Phoenix E230GCF
[Image: bronzeface.png]3rd
Insomniac who chose Pirate Kraken A230WJB

RagerBlades BeyBlades will be on sale! Check out the thread for prices!

Confirmed List

Maybe List
♪ I'll be there ♫
Plz put me as a maybe.
Can you guys bring some BB-10s so Tournament will run Smooth and Fast?
Call me maybe?
This sounds awesome! I am so pumped for this Tournament! Hope everybody can come!
Sonikkubey will be there
(Jul. 04, 2013  9:45 PM)RagerBlade Wrote: [ -> ]Can you guys bring some BB-10s so Tournament will run Smooth and Fast?

I'll bring my two red ones. Wink

Yeah!!! We have 4 BB-10's. Perfect amount! Me, Kaboom!!!, BladerXYZ, and TrollingBlader are the Judges. Anyone else wanna help?
Insomniac! My dude! You're coming!?Grin I'm definitely ready for this one! Good luck to everyone. Super hyped for this tournament.
I feel the exact same way!
If I do end up coming, I can help judge.
im a maybe... where is Algonkian Park? like which state is it in?
(Jul. 05, 2013  2:28 PM)GilaSpiderLizar Wrote: [ -> ]im a maybe... where is Algonkian Park? like which state is it in?
It is in Sterling, VA. Use Google maps to find directions.
I am trying to get at least 12 people to come so can people try to get some of there friends to come?
Slight location change and time change.
There is a legitimate chance i can come and if I do I can help judge and bring my bb-10 if still desired
So your a maybe?
Yes basically but a high chance of coming maybe
I'm Excited!!!
- *Important question* With us being out doors I have a few questions.

1.) If its rains, where will the tournament be? Will it be postponed? Will we find shelter?
2.) With all the judges and stadiums we'll have, have you considered how we'll record matches?? Will you have a Laptop, will there be Wifi, do we need paper and pen so we can write down all the battles??
(Jul. 06, 2013  10:12 PM)Kaboom!!! Wrote: [ -> ]- *Important question* With us being out doors I have a few questions.

1.) If its rains, where will the tournament be? Will it be postponed? Will we find shelter?
2.) With all the judges and stadiums we'll have, have you considered how we'll record matches?? Will you have a Laptop, will there be Wifi, do we need paper and pen so we can write down all the battles??
It will be postponed if it rains. I will be using a laptop to record matches and the beypoint battle sheet to record points.
(Jul. 07, 2013  3:15 AM)RagerBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2013  10:12 PM)Kaboom!!! Wrote: [ -> ]- *Important question* With us being out doors I have a few questions.

1.) If its rains, where will the tournament be? Will it be postponed? Will we find shelter?
2.) With all the judges and stadiums we'll have, have you considered how we'll record matches?? Will you have a Laptop, will there be Wifi, do we need paper and pen so we can write down all the battles??
It will be postponed if it rains. I will be using a laptop to record matches and the beypoint battle sheet to record points.

You'll only need the laptop in that case. I'll help if needed. Be sure to use
vcblader will be there!
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