feel free to shoot an offer on what you want, unsure what i am willing to sell but i would like to keep the GT & some Cho-Z beys (maybe some God too). keep in mind these have been used and were sent from a lot from japan so there may be sticker wearing or have no stickers at all, discs can also be less polished as well & drivers may be worn down. if you are interested in something i can send better pictures of the individual thing.
thanks for lookin
orb egis x2 (one Cho-Z Customize Set with blue plastic center, one Random Layer Collection with green)
crash ragnaruk x2
cho-z spriggan x2 (3 if you count the royal king exclusive)
bloody longinus x2 (white)
bloody longinus x2 (black)
archer hercules x2
z achilles x3 (two regular release one with the 3 pack with wolborg and kerbeus)
hell salamander x2 (regular release & random booster yellow one)
emperor forneus x3 (two regular release one exclusive).
geist fafnir x2
driger slash x2 (random booster 4 brand new out of box & random booster 8)
I do have a comprehensive list of all that I have. let me know if my indecisiveness on what i want to sell is rule breaking by the way, thanks