Rubber Ball Discussion

Rubber Ball seems like a pretty great tip, and so far it is!

Below I have posted 2 pairs of tests that are identical - except for the substitution of RB for "Tip X" (CS, MB). After that is a stamina test of RB vs CS on an Earth bull combo - and the results are somewhat surprising.

I will do some more testing next week, but please feel free to post your own results or request some match-ups!

MF-H Jade Jupiter BD145CS vs. MF Beat Lynx 90RF
Jade shot first
MF-H Jade Jupiter BD145CS 0/20 (0 OS, 0 KO)
MF Beat Lynx 90RF 20/20 (2 OS, 18 KO)
CS wins 0%

MF-H Jade Jupiter BD145RB vs. MF Beat Lynx 90RF

Jade shot first
MF-H Jade Jupiter BD145RB 19/20 (19 OS, 0 KO)
MF Beat Lynx 90RF 1/20 (0 OS, 1 KO)
RB wins 95%

Huge swing here for RB over CS on a not-so-great metal wheel. I suspect that this is probably the result of having rubber directly on the bottom, and that we would see the same kind of results with RS and RSF

Basalt Kerbecs BD145MB vs. Vari Ares BD145RF
Basalt shot first
Basalt Kerbecs BD145RB 19/20 (17 OS, 2 KO)
Vari Ares BD145RF 1/20 (0 OS, 1 KO)
MB wins 95%

Basalt Kerbecs BD145RB vs. Vari Ares BD145RF
Basalt shot first
Basalt Kerbecs BD145RB 17/20 (11 OS, 6 KO)
Vari Ares BD145RF 3/20 (0 OS, 3 KO)
RB wins 85%

I think that the lower win rate here is due to the more aggressive movement of rubber ball up the side of the stadium. Some launching at 80% or thereabouts might make a difference for some future tests.

Earth Bull 145RB vs. Earth Bull 145CS
alternating shots
Earth Bull 145RB 7/20 (7 OS, 0 KO)
Earth Bull 145CS 13/20 (13 OS, 0 KO)
3 ties were reshot
RB wins 35%

Well, I wasn't expecting this, but Rubber Ball isn't terrible compared to CS in stamina! Mind you, CS is far from the best stamina tip, but regardless I expected it to be almost 100% against RB and it wasn't...

Summary so far...

This really only scratches the surface of the potential for Rubber Ball, but i hope that it serves to generate some interest for the part and further exploration of the impact that it can have on some of today's more popular tournament combos!
Stamina's no good, but if it's getting those results for Defense, it is quite good.

Thanks, Arupaeo.
Rb is looking good in the 'pure' defense type, but again, like RS and RSF, horrible stamina.
Nice job Arupaeo , do you mind testing against left spin? I am curios to see if it suffers the same problems as RS and RSF.
I'd like to see the same kind of comparison tests you did with CS and MB, but with RS and RSF too.

I'd also like it if you did the tests that you did with RB against Beat Lynx and against VariAres, but launch so RB doesn't move lots. As powerful as you can without lots of motion. If it doesn't go too near the tornado ridge then that's perfect.

And wow, thanks for all the tests from Jade Jupiter's parts, you've done a lot!
RS would be really nice, I want to see how it would stack up.
Okay am I the only one who would like to see some RB attack tests?
Lightning LDrago BD145RB, VariAres BD/R145RB versus MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145/TH170CS/MB. Cool to see those stamina tests. That means RB would actually be better for stamina than WB! Though wearing of CS might have something to do with it.
RS would have more stamina than this,as RB is wider than it,thus,more friction and less stamina.
RS also has balance problems though. Smart thinking Dan attack tests with RB would be nice.
Yes,I do know that,but Basalt,BD145,MF-H could fix this.Seriously,I Would like to see some tests first.
Can you test this, MF-H/MF Scythe Bull/Kronos BD145RB against Top-Tier Attack Types and Basalt Kerbecs BD145 CS?
Wow, so thi is the best Defensive bottom ever created.
Like the others, I'm curious about its attack potential.
You cannot call this the best Defense bottom created, there have been just two tests on this dude...
Even so this result is much better than the previous bottoms.
Hopefully it gets more aggressive as its worn down like the wb. Then it could possibly be more useful than the RF in attack.
Ya, but also it, I hope, won't ruin Defense Standards.
Wow nice test results!
just a question was vari ares in left or right spin when you tested it?
it will be more agreesive as it wears down
(Aug. 14, 2011  12:45 PM)Arctic Wrote: Hopefully it gets more aggressive as its worn down like the wb. Then it could possibly be more useful than the RF in attack.

If a part is worn down so much that it changes the way it performs, it is illegal to use in a WBO tournament.
Thanks a lot for the tests, Arupaeo. Smile This part looks exquisite for Defense. It simply beats RS, IMO. The Defense power is great, and it might be usable for attack when it wears down(I think).
Wearing down will make t illegal isn't it?

And this thing is much better than we have gotten a competitor for the top-tier CS now.
CS isn't the best for defence though. It's just more balanced so people use it in combos more than RS and RSF.
(Aug. 15, 2011  9:11 AM)Chaos Blader Wrote:
(Aug. 14, 2011  12:45 PM)Arctic Wrote: Hopefully it gets more aggressive as its worn down like the wb. Then it could possibly be more useful than the RF in attack.

If a part is worn down so much that it changes the way it performs, it is illegal to use in a WBO tournament.

But is not really chaining the performance much. If its launched hard enough it becomes aggressive even out of the box, all wearing it would do is allow aggressive movement for longer periods of time with less effort
I bloody doubt wearing it down will make it good at attack...