Ridiculous School Rules

These rules are stupid:
NO hats.
YOU need permission to poop.
AND no bullying.

The last one, it doesn't apply to most kids.
(Oct. 10, 2011  3:03 PM)TheInGreek Wrote: AND no bullying.


Darwin would argue that bullying is for the betterment of human society, but anyone with a brain would know better than to apply Darwin's theories out of context.

So, I'm genuinely interested in hearing what part of emotional or physical abuse seems beneficial enough to other students to warrant you calling a rule that prohibits it stupid.

My Middle/Junior/Highschool rules were basically all clothes tucked in at all times, obey all on-site STAR Officers(In-school bootcamp for particularly insubordinate children), all lockers and backpacks are to be subject to search at any given time by school personel and/or drug police, maximum of one bathroom break per class, and no loitering in the hallways before school hours.

We also had to ban certain colors after a nasty little gang war that started on campus, but it didn't last long.
(Oct. 10, 2011  10:20 AM)UltimaPegasus Wrote: _______________________________

BUT!! These incidents will make you feel lucky! [NOTE: These are NOT from my school]

One time, a boy was a bit slow to finish 3 x 400m laps. As a punishment, the P.E teacher made him run it again, in front of the class, in his UNDERWEAR.
IIRC, There's a school where, instead of a normal detention, they make you write out the WHOLE Bible/Dictionary

Wtf, why would he make him run it again? It's not his fault that he's not that fast of a runner. That teacher has to owe me $100,000!

Anyways, I remember in my middle school, the year before I graduated, there was a french teacher that wasn't good and a kid pointed out a mistake he made on the board, he felt embarrased, so he threw a chair at him, and he didn't even get in trouble for it! That teacher, too, owes me $100,000!
my teacher doesn't let the boys play rps, bnc, cowboy, or thumb wrestling, thanks to me beating everyone in my class at rps, now to school rules and not class rules, you must wear a shirt that has a collar and no pictures, it has to be tucked in, and we get 5 minute recess (the most annoying kid in my class breaks school rule 1 and 2)
(Oct. 10, 2011  3:17 PM)Hazel Wrote:
(Oct. 10, 2011  3:03 PM)TheInGreek Wrote: AND no bullying.


Darwin would argue that bullying is for the betterment of human society, but anyone with a brain would know better than to apply Darwin's theories out of context.

So, I'm genuinely interested in hearing what part of emotional or physical abuse seems beneficial enough to other students to warrant you calling a rule that prohibits it stupid.

My Middle/Junior/Highschool rules were basically all clothes tucked in at all times, obey all on-site STAR Officers(In-school bootcamp for particularly insubordinate children), all lockers and backpacks are to be subject to search at any given time by school personel and/or drug police, maximum of one bathroom break per class, and no loitering in the hallways before school hours.

We also had to ban certain colors after a nasty little gang war that started on campus, but it didn't last long.

Bullying in my school is never harsh, more like flicking and laughing at other kids for some apparent reason. Sometimes, Yo momma fights come into play. That never ends well.
(Oct. 12, 2011  2:23 AM)TheInGreek Wrote: Sometimes, Yo momma fights come into play. That never ends well.

Because a fight using an over used "joke" never ends well...

This year, there aren't very many ridiculous rules that I know of. no eating in the north or south halls (break that rule every day Uncertain ) Other then that, nothing big.
This one sort of subverts the rule's seriousness..... But whatever. (Graduated, but still applies)

Well, understandably, only Juniors and Seniors are allowed off campus to the Walgreens literally across the street. Many of which don't want to put up with the states idea of quality school cafeteria food any longer. Me included since the ladies over there lost my money about the fourth time in one year. I am already kind of a loner since I realized how slack the school actually was about Security guards monitoring the crosswalk for ID's at Junior year. I swear I never had to pull out my ID more than 4 times ever for them. There were fifteen obvious Sophomores going in at once. Jesus people....
Hah, only this:
No beys. (acceptable)
No hat no play (acceptable)
On independence day, only wear school cap. (50,000 RP each) WTF man
For my middle school, you can't wear something 2 sizes larger than your original size. So, if i'm usually a small, I can't wear a large or an extra large. Also, we're not allowed to wear gym clothes when we're either not playing sports, or when we're not in gym.

This one really confuses me. You have to wear a suit/dress shirt/something fancy to grad. I wanted to support world rights, try to get in people's shoes who can't afford expensive stuff like blazers, so I decided to take off my suit and wear my regular clothes, and I almost got in big trouble for that.
(Oct. 19, 2011  2:49 AM)Cookies^^ Wrote: For my middle school, you can't wear something 2 sizes larger than your original size. So, if i'm usually a small, I can't wear a large or an extra large. Also, we're not allowed to wear gym clothes when we're either not playing sports, or when we're not in gym.

This one really confuses me. You have to wear a suit/dress shirt/something fancy to grad. I wanted to support world rights, try to get in people's shoes who can't afford expensive stuff like blazers, so I decided to take off my suit and wear my regular clothes, and I almost got in big trouble for that.

Many schools enforce a dress code at graduation ceremonies, as they are considered a formal event.

Only put yourself in the shoes of the downtrodden if it will actually come to some benefit for them - martrydom for the sake of martyrdom is just... silly.
(Oct. 19, 2011  2:49 AM)Cookies^^ Wrote: Also, we're not allowed to wear gym clothes when we're either not playing sports, or when we're not in gym.
My school is the same, and its not really that ridiculous, think, if principals didn't enforce that rule, what would happen?
For me, it's no drinks in the assembly hall. Why? , they're afraid of spillage. What do they do? They confiscate the drinks, even from those who follow the rules and even those who dont even drink then, even if the bottle or can was never opened. Their just taking $1 from almost ever child for no reason! The most annoying thing is, that prefects are almost allowed to abuse their power, especially the teachers . One prefect called the maths teacher a 'se* maniac' what happened next? He got away with a warning...
(Oct. 19, 2011  11:19 AM)Magical Ape Wrote:
(Oct. 19, 2011  2:49 AM)Cookies^^ Wrote: Also, we're not allowed to wear gym clothes when we're either not playing sports, or when we're not in gym.
My school is the same, and its not really that ridiculous, think, if principals didn't enforce that rule, what would happen?

Well, I wear it sometimes when I overslept. Also, sometimes at lunch when I want to play sports, I want to change into them to be able to play better. Well, now that I'm in highschool, they understand about that rule.
(Oct. 19, 2011  2:56 AM)Hazel Wrote:
(Oct. 19, 2011  2:49 AM)Cookies^^ Wrote: For my middle school, you can't wear something 2 sizes larger than your original size. So, if i'm usually a small, I can't wear a large or an extra large. Also, we're not allowed to wear gym clothes when we're either not playing sports, or when we're not in gym.

This one really confuses me. You have to wear a suit/dress shirt/something fancy to grad. I wanted to support world rights, try to get in people's shoes who can't afford expensive stuff like blazers, so I decided to take off my suit and wear my regular clothes, and I almost got in big trouble for that.

Many schools enforce a dress code at graduation ceremonies, as they are considered a formal event.

Only put yourself in the shoes of the downtrodden if it will actually come to some benefit for them - martrydom for the sake of martyrdom is just... silly.

at my graduation we had to wear our school uniform no formal dress what so ever
oh this was good your not alowed to carry around your skateborad THIS WOULDNT BE SO MUCH OF A PROBLEM BYUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you put your borad in hte staff office it gets stolen and if you carry it it get confiskated os either way you lose you 200+ borad
(May. 05, 2011  2:48 AM)DarknessBlader Wrote: I hate that we can`t make out in school. I `m only in ifth grade but I`m about to go to sixth grade.(school is almost over anyway) I know I almost never see kissing but some kids are always acting like they`re about to kiss each other. I wish they could just let people kiss! I`d loveeeeeee to see that in my school!Chocked_2 I meant that there would be a lot of schoolf news and gossip. I`m not a creep!

RLY?! Wow, I'm in Gr5 and some relationships are already blossoming:


Tom + Rosie. Dangit! There goes my crush DJ 2002 - Disappointed ... Crying

Connor + Kate. This one was *THAT* close to a date! Connor asked Kate[lyn] out, she said yes, and Con had practically ALL of the boys in our levelfollowing him and cheering him on. Then they met up, but Katey cracked under pressure and refused.

Adrian + Christine: Still in crush stage.
at my school there are as of my year 9 class Hunters:
1.Sit up straight(directed at me for a weak back musles)
2.No random nic-nacs i.e Beyblades or toothpicks (i'm dangerous, i accidently hurt a friend with a beyblade)
3. if one does bring in a beyblade there MUST be a stadium nearby.
4. If one is not the game moniter(myself) they must be supervised by the game moniter at all times.
5. One MUST write in pen and NOT Pencil.
6.To be safe playing ping pong to hit the ball softly(well i agaist certian people everyone ducks for cover).
My school has to be the worst
we are not aloud to walk in groups of more than 8 as it would be intimidating for the little year 7s.
No PDA although people give hugs to each other all the time.
Our striped ties ave to be at least four stripes also then we are given a clip on tie or a detention and shirts need to be tucked in
All our bags have to be black and white as it is seen to be smart also no design in our hair or our tutor colors it in Black
We really don`t have any really bad rules in our school. The onely one is we arn`t allowed to bring trading cards because of people losing/stealing/traing ect. The good thing is that I (For the Moment) have a good/bad bus driver that really doesn`t enforce anything. The good is you can do more fun things, the bad is that kids are screaming out the windows, walking over seats, screaming in general, ect. One other bad things is that the lunch trays are SICKENING. They have yelllow gunk on then and rarely, a small tiny bit of something on it... *Shudder* The supervisors get mad at us for setting down the plates in a table by where you pick up your trays. The thing is they don`t have to eat off of them. Thankfully this is my last year in primary school, and I`ve heared that the middle school I`m going to has cake. You heared me right. Cake. Just a few more months to endure and it`ll all be over.
Well this one is self explanatory, grade 9s aren't allowed to win an award. So awards like athlete of the year, honour roll, most improved etc, go to people in grade 10-12.
The rules in my school aren't mostly ridiculous. But there is one that gets in my nerves:
-No Beyblades(Why? Because they said it causes fatal injuries to people and beyblade accidents never happened in my school)Tired
I'm pretty sure the actual reason is they don't want theft or distracted students.

I know people who could swallow a Beyblade and not die from it.
My school rules suck!
1. No dancing in hallways
2 No yelling during thunder storms
3 no starting groups ( of guys) to sing " Its Raining Men"
4 No singing "Its Raining Men"
5 No spraying of Axe body spray ANYWHERE
6 Men can't have any type of bag during school
Well back when I was in middle school, our crazy vice principal made some pretty weird rules. Of the ones I remember:
- 3 students per table to eat lunch(the tables are big enough to fit atleast 7 people...)
-If you call 7th graders sevies you get suspended
-Physical cntact results in a 3 day suspension.
(Oct. 10, 2011  11:43 AM)Janstarblast Wrote: The other two punishments, of writing the Bible/Dictionary are also quite unlikely.
Heh heh, yeah... Funny story about that... My Mod-Tech teacher made me write the whole entire dictionary because I had nothing to do in study one day...