Recent Purchases

Killzone Liberation

Don't know why I never got it before...Also, there was a pretty face at the cash /me infatuated/
Albert Hammond Jr. - Como te llama
Pixies - best of
Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Coldplay- A Rush of Blood to the Head

It feels pretty awesome when the cashier at the HMV complements you on your cd selections.
Sega Wrote:Flannel Shirt


i wore flannel shirts when i was in, oh, 6th grade
Sega Wrote:Flannel shirts are the bomb yo Wink

Yes if you chop wood for a living, you carp hillbilly. lol
Ah man, nah the ones down here are really neat, everyones going apeshit over them at the moment.

And they're not like those Hillbilly ones they're completley different

I was kidding. But yeah, its hard not to associate flannel with lumberjacks.

Also, pics or I am going to keep assuming you are a lumberjack hillbilly. :-P
plaid can be done well
flannel can not
i have a plaid shirt with floral overlay lol
^lol flowers and plaid?

i'll keep my flannel pantts. pjs though
i have a flannel hoodie too

yes it makes me look like a lumberjack
but im canadian so thats to be expected
being canadian isn't an excuse for looking like a dumbass
- Final Fantasy IV DS
- Final Fantasy XII
- Psychonauts (Used; PS2)
- 12 Month +1 Bonus Month XBL Subscription
- 1600 Microsoft Points
- "Calculating Infinity" by The Dillinger Escape Plan
- New pair of jeans
- New shirt
- Taco Bell. Yummm.

EDIT: Forgot something. Added it.
AnnieDuck Wrote:being canadian isn't an excuse for looking like a dumbass

I wasn't aware lumberjacks looked like dumbasses.
I better tell my friend.

bought like sum Reebok and PUMA kicks. passport fotos. heineken 6 pak, but im not really digging it, not buying again. Unhappy
Space invaders Exetreme. ps3 memory card adapter, sup game saves.
Edge Subscription with GI (cost me like $3 lol)
1600 MS points
Artie Wrote:Resistance
Edge Subscription with GI (cost me like $3 lol)
1600 MS points


We'll have to try Resistance out online sometime.
Just spent $200+ on 3 wigs + extensions. Soooo expensive but they're sooooo pretty. ;A;