hahahahh what the carp sam
also ryan plz
also ryan plz
Artie Wrote:hahahahh what the carp samyou stfu
cheetos Wrote:used Wii 1.0 25$
new resident evil 4 30$
Roan Wrote:and yet wiis are 270$cheetos Wrote:used Wii 1.0 25$
new resident evil 4 30$
Tamer Brad Wrote:[Image: 131603227.1.jpg]
[Image: 131603227.4.jpg]
TORNADO MART leather jacket with weasel fur collar, $400
Roan Wrote:- WipEout Pulse (PSP)
Blue Wrote:the demo is available on Playstation store. Try it out...
I think I'm going to pick it up too....not sure if it will have staying power though
Roan Wrote:- "Alaska" by Between the Buried and Me
- "Hero" book by Perry Moore
- "The Odyssey" book by Homer (<33333)
- 2,000 Microsoft Points
- Zelda T-Shirt (carp yeah)
Artie Wrote:Roan Wrote:- "Alaska" by Between the Buried and Me
- "Hero" book by Perry Moore
- "The Odyssey" book by Homer (<33333)
- 2,000 Microsoft Points
- Zelda T-Shirt (carp yeah)
i read that for school this eya rlol
Gunner Wrote:PS3, Skate (PS3), Devil May Cry 4: CE (PS3), Super Smash Bros. Brawl, PS3 Controller and USB cords.
I bought some everyday stuff after that too like food, but I thought I'd put up my bigger purchases instead.
bugturtles Wrote:Forza 2 Motorsport (29.99)
Armored Core 4 (Used 25.00)
Well I thought these two would be priced higher tbh.