(Nov. 19, 2010 1:34 AM)é‡åŠ›ãƒšãƒ«ã‚»ã‚¦ã‚¹ Wrote: 1. Carpy Stadiums
2. Carpy Renames
3. Carpy Launchers
4. Carpy Winders
5. Carpy Sticker Adhesive
6. Carpy Plastic
7. Carpy Gear
8. Carpy Tips
9. Carpy Beylauncher
10. Carpy Keychains
That is a lot of Carp.... Anyways I think My biggest consern is The statium. I have been a hasbro blader all my life and I never found hasbro that bad. Then came along this site and now I think Hasbro could do better.