Random Thoughts 5 - READ RULES IN FIRST POST

I suspect it's all a consequence of Australia just being all the way out there in the water, perpetually isolated. Xenophobia and general resistance to convention kind of comes with the territory, as well as a superiority complex leading them to believe that their values hold righteousness and virtue, when in actuality, they just annoy their own population to the point of effectively controlling the population like blaring hypersonic noise into a rat's nest.

The problem is, though, that censoring the life out of video games, or trying to prevent them getting into your country entirely, won't do anything to help anything, lol. It's a country run by old minds and filled with people who want to be modern.

Still, lots of neat geography and critters in the region, but some of the whackiest weather there is.
Haha, my friend was talking about Fantasia earlier today, I remember watching it as a child. It was great.
My grandfather was one of the lead pyrotechnicians for the designwork and execution of the Fantasia ride at Disney World, when it launched. Formerly worked for Nasa.

Not sure which of the two things I admire more.
Americans really take water for granite. We just go to a faucet, get water, we happy.

People in Central/Northern Arica have to walk miles to get a stream or river and fill up as many buckets as they can.
(Apr. 12, 2012  10:43 PM)Hazel Wrote: My grandfather was one of the lead pyrotechnicians for the designwork and execution of the Fantasia ride at Disney World, when it launched. Formerly worked for Nasa.

Not sure which of the two things I admire more.

Go with NASA. As much as I like Fantasia...wait, no, I take it back. I don't trust the words of government projects and bodies. Go with Fantasia. I wonder if it's still there...I don't think I've come to appreciate Disney World the last time I went back in 2008...wow, it's been 4 years...
(Apr. 12, 2012  11:06 PM)TriSix Wrote: Americans really take water for granite. We just go to a faucet, get water, we happy.

People in Central/Northern Arica have to walk miles to get a stream or river and fill up as many buckets as they can.

It's not just Americans, you know... pretty much all of the modern world is equally guilty of this. Furthermore, it's not just Africa that has a hard time with it. Most toilets are full of pure, clean, safe-to-drink water, for example. We dispose of bodily waste in cleaner water than most third world nations ever get to drink.

Best not to dwell on it, though, because as an individual, and even as a group millions strong, it's pretty much a lost cause at present. You save and help no one by wasting the advantages presented to you by living in a first world society.

(Apr. 12, 2012  11:34 PM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote:
(Apr. 12, 2012  10:43 PM)Hazel Wrote: My grandfather was one of the lead pyrotechnicians for the designwork and execution of the Fantasia ride at Disney World, when it launched. Formerly worked for Nasa.

Not sure which of the two things I admire more.

Go with NASA. As much as I like Fantasia...wait, no, I take it back. I don't trust the words of government projects and bodies. Go with Fantasia. I wonder if it's still there...I don't think I've come to appreciate Disney World the last time I went back in 2008...wow, it's been 4 years...

I'm not sure how trusting the government plays into someone working there as an engineer(or most anything regarding NASA, really), but okay? Government or Horse affiliated couldn't mean less in this situation...

Anyway, I'm not sure if they still have the Fantasia ride, either, and if they do still have it, it is more than likely a bit overhauled(as they tend to spice up rides/redo tracks from time to time), but still. I haven't been since... 2002, I think.
Another downside to not having R18+ classification in Australian video games is that it makes games that would otherwise be very hard for young children to obtain become significantly easier. This is due to most R18+ games being slightly censored (or sometimes not at all) and having an MA15+ slapped on them instead. Every nine year old and their little brother can get games like COD and GTA anywhere and the 15+ classification makes it seem more acceptable than an 18+ classification would.
So... I was on the news in Charlotte, NC tonight.

I went to, and participated in, a silent march/demonstration against North Carolina's Amendment 1 (which seeks to define marriage in the state's constitution as being between one man and one woman) in Gastonia, NC. About twenty of us dressed in all black and covered our mouths with tape to signify that we felt our voices and our lives are being silenced.

Before the march started, I was interviewed by Channel 36 news, and my minister just emailed me to let me know that she saw my interview on tonight's news, so though I didn't see it myself, apparently I was broadcast.

I'm still digging around for a clip online to post. When/if I find it, I'll drop it here.
Good on you Roan, it's great to see people standing up for civil rights.
Well, as promised, here's the video:


For those wondering, I'm Ryan Smith, haha.
Roughly how many people were participating in this?
(Apr. 13, 2012  4:47 PM)Roan Wrote: Well, as promised, here's the video:


For those wondering, I'm Ryan Smith, haha.

Nice to see someone on WBO involved in a movement for equality. Smile
There were about 20 of us protesting, but there were MANY more people who opposed us, probably in the hundreds.
(Apr. 14, 2012  5:00 AM)Roan Wrote: There were about 20 of us protesting, but there were MANY more people who opposed us, probably in the hundreds.

Watched the video, find it kind of sickening. I will never understand this issue... if people are opposed to gay marriage then don't partake in it instead of encroaching on the rights of others. It's an absolute joke to call America 'the land of freedom' anymore. Good on you for protesting.

Going to go ahead and remind everyone about the rather firm rule about political discussions, particularly in this general area. Ain't no one stepped over the boundary yet, but the potential is there, and I'd rather not have to start erasing posts, guys.

Good on you for standing up for what you believe, though.
I watched the Discovery channel last night. It had the episode of the Concept of Space and Time. I just want to get it out there, "Einstein is a really one smart man."

Are you guys aware that we already know the basic 'know how' to travel into the future? It's just that we don't have the technology yet... not in the next 500 years or so. The thing is we will not be able to travel back into the past, despite what the Law of Physics say. Travelling back into the past is not and will never be possible. Having said that, live well guys... no regrets, carpe diem etc.
(Apr. 14, 2012  5:00 AM)Roan Wrote: There were about 20 of us protesting, but there were MANY more people who opposed us, probably in the hundreds.
That's not very m many people at all, but I can see why there were so many standing up to you. It's just the different attitude of that area. IF you were doing that in let's say... My state, you'd probably get more people to join you.

(Apr. 14, 2012  5:07 AM)Zain Wrote: Watched the video, find it kind of sickening. I will never understand this issue... if people are opposed to gay marriage then don't partake in it instead of encroaching on the rights of others. It's an absolute joke to call America 'the land of freedom' anymore. Good on you for protesting.
The whole thing just makes a big problem. By allowing gay people to get married in that state, your solving a problem by giving more freedom to them. On the other hand, you're creating a huge religious problem. If you leave it alone and keep doing what they're trying to do, you're solving a huge religious conflict, but you're also creating a problem with the gays. It's just such a big problem that the final result will have to be a biased decision from one side no matter what happens.

I think the word filter should be edited so we can say the proper term for gay people. Gay is a bit of an insult to them sometimes, and I prefer to use the correct word.

If you do laps around a black hole, depending on its circumference, time will slow down?
I would also like to point out one person said about thats how it is in the bible, but surely this is a void statement as there are people apart from christians and that god didn't oppose gay marriage, it's just how people have interpreted it. I find it unfair how gay couples can't enjoy life as much as man and women couples.
Beyheart, I don't think homosexuals find gay an insulting term. Also, church should be seperated from state according to the constitution. Getting married to who you want is a basic human right. We can not treat the bibles word as law because not everyone is christian. Smile
Guys, as Hazel pointed out, this type of discussion really is pushing it.

I didn't mean to start a debate, just wanted to share that I was on TV, lol.
I think we should REALLY now get off that subject as has been advised.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Friday the 13th is over, yay. *celebration starts*
It's probably worth dropping the topic before it gets into a full-on theological/political debate. We do have a no religious discussion rule as well as a no political discussion one.
I'd imagine if there were a moderator/CM online they'd have probably stepped in by now, so yeah. I'm managing to bar my teeth on this, so I imagine most of you should be able to as well. Smile

Near: I don't really see how a particular coincidence in our particular measurement of time could affect anything other than the what we call it. Uncertain
I will start warning people if Political and Theological discussion continues after this post. Enough is enough guys.
So today was badly overcast and we were expecting some rain. My stepdad needed to build a fence for keeping our dogs inside when the garage door was opened (when they were allowed to the garage) we seen five people offer car washes for ridiculously low prices.

Let me repeat- getting your car washed, possibility of rain after, ya know?