Random Thoughts 5 - READ RULES IN FIRST POST

I lol'd when I got that. How does pikachu make batman?Chocked_2

I tried it too, that's funny.
Well, do the same thing as SarabScientist, but instead of Pikachu, write Titi.
Guys, this is bordering on pointless SPAM. Please do not continue with this little back and forth about so little content.
Watching infested. *shiver*
My yu gi oh deck is weak, and I think I have no life..
Has anyone Claw machines are fun. Im really good at winning from them. Its fun!
Yeah people, listen to Hazel. Don't post the obvious.
So Im packing all the Zero G stuff, and my laundry is doing its job. As I get to mingloks order, I hear CRASSSHHHHH. I look around the house, nothing. Now as well all know, most laundry machines vibrate during wash. The Clorox vibrated off the laundry machine, crashed onto the floor, the cap broke, and now I have to mop a quart of Clorox...

Way to go Mom XD
So I was watching Tokuemi Sentai Go-Busters the other day and I realized these shows seemed to be getting educational. Reason being is that im learning Japanese and one of the main villains is speaking French O_O
We just experienced a minor Earthquake here, and I didn't even notice... weird. Chocked_2
We don't even get small tremors here. There is a Tsunami warning in the Indian Ocean as well.

EDIT: OK, according to the news there was an Earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter Scale somewhere in Indonesia... just hope they're fine..
I thought these Mayflies were gone.

Oh carp me.

I almost killed a MoA (Mother of All) Mayfly. Carp thing got away.
We're just now hitting heavy insect season down here - the upside is I have another chance to photograph the Flame Skimmer dragonflies(which are the only species I didn't get a good photograph of last year, we get about 3-7 species each year), the downside is fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and horseflies.

(Apr. 12, 2012  6:32 AM)Hazel Wrote: the downside is fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and horseflies.

I don't think you would ever survive Australia..
I don't think I'd even want to visit Australia - I'm familiar with the majority of its more irritating flora and fauna, but more specifically its climate, technological inferiorities, censorship idiocies, market eccentricities(such as paying four times as much for most everything except black market kangaroo meat, which is understandably more expensive in the US unless it's being snuck into our fast food places, which has been known to happen), and medical failures keep me well and long clear of its border. It's a shame, too, because I'd love to go on a faunae photography expedition along the coast and such, and many of my favorite species do hail from the region, but it's just not worth it.

We also have cottonmouth snakes this time of year, but I generally take care of them before they become problematic in the typical firearm-centric fashion of the South, since they're a danger to not only us, but our pets, fish pond, and the general environment. The 110 degree summer heat is another drawback, but I live in an airconditioned home, I have air conditioning in my car, and I do not go anywhere without AC during Summer, so... really, it's only an issue while I'm out working in the yard or taking photographs, which I can stagger appropriately.
To anyone who visits Australia, you better have lots of cash on you. Everything is double the price then anywhere else. Which Hazel also stated, well-ish. Aha

Also, the weather in Melbourne, is quite odd; being that when it was Summer, it was raining heavily, as well as rock-hard hail. Just recently, (2-4 days ago) it was the coldest day this year, and it's Autumn, in Melbourne. The weather is more like Winter to be honest. But other states and territories seem quite fine. (About weather issues)

(Apr. 12, 2012  9:44 AM)Cannon Wrote: To anyone who visits Australia, you better have lots of cash on you. Everything is double the price then anywhere else. Which Hazel also stated, well-ish. Aha

Also, the weather in Melbourne, is quite odd; being that when it was Summer, it was raining heavily, as well as rock-hard hail. Just recently, (2-4 days ago) it was the coldest day this year, and it's Autumn. The weather is more like Winter. But other states and territories seem quite fine.

I also live in Melbourne, the weather is very frustrating at times and the cost of living is quite high.
Yeah, I know. And, the carbon tax ... is just flying off the roof.
Let's stay clear of the carbon tax, it's overly political right now. There are very good arguments on both sides of the issue, but the whole thing isn't appropriate for this forum based on the "no political discussion" rule. It's quite hard to avoid that rule when discussing one's own country, but yeah Smile

(Apr. 12, 2012  9:33 AM)Hazel Wrote: I don't think I'd even want to visit Australia - I'm familiar with the majority of its more irritating flora and fauna, but more specifically its climate, technological inferiorities, censorship idiocies, market eccentricities(such as paying four times as much for most everything except black market kangaroo meat, which is understandably more expensive in the US unless it's being snuck into our fast food places, which has been known to happen), and medical failures keep me well and long clear of its border. It's a shame, too, because I'd love to go on a faunae photography expedition along the coast and such, and many of my favorite species do hail from the region, but it's just not worth it.

We also have cottonmouth snakes this time of year, but I generally take care of them before they become problematic in the typical firearm-centric fashion of the South, since they're a danger to not only us, but our pets, fish pond, and the general environment. The 110 degree summer heat is another drawback, but I live in an airconditioned home, I have air conditioning in my car, and I do not go anywhere without AC during Summer, so... really, it's only an issue while I'm out working in the yard or taking photographs, which I can stagger appropriately.

Medical Failures? I haven't actually heard much on that, we're generally supposed to be pretty decent. Unless I misunderstood what you meant, I'd be interested in more information Smile

No argument with all the others though, haha, particularly the prices. Western Australia is the worst for that, apparently, probably related to the very limited variety of shops here... Limited competition is largely also the issue with our tech I guess. Blugh.

As for the censorship, it mainly affects video games, and the ridiculous laws are countered by no one paying attention to them in most cases.

Still, Kai-V was completely right when she said "Australia is a Fraud".
Australia's got some noteworthy advances in the Medical field(some miraculous surgical operations performed on conjoined twins, for example), but they're still a ways behind the US and most of the UK in a lot of the important things, such as the organization, training and quality of staff, and general availability of noteworthy medications. It's definitely a place I would not feel comfortable getting ill or seriously injured, though, save for snake bites and jellyfish stings, which they are obviously proficient in dealing with as long as you get there in time.

The most noteworthy censorship thing was when they were(and still are, iirc) actually intercepting any and all imported copies of Mortal Kombat 9 and taking them, without refunding the money by any means, which is pretty disgusting - it is, in all honesty, a very North Korea thing to do.
Ahh, yes, the medication thing slipped my mind, though Europe tends to lead the both of our countries there in a few cases.
I haven't died yet, so it's not too bad.

And I guess I'm out of touch, videogaming related things like that are something I'd normally have heard through friends. That is pretty terrible...
It heavily depends on where in Europe, really - it is most certainly not a place of equality, in that field. Australia's not nearly as bad as Mexico, and in many ways still beats Canada in this regard, so it's not all losses!

Yeah, I'm not sure if they're still doing it, but for a period of time they definitely were. http://www.gamespot.com/news/aussie-cust...ts-6303984 As it turns out, anyone trying to import it was apparently fined a very massive sum of money...
(Apr. 12, 2012  11:09 AM)Hazel Wrote: It heavily depends on where in Europe, really - it is most certainly not a place of equality, in that field. Australia's not nearly as bad as Mexico, and in many ways still beats Canada in this regard, so it's not all losses!

Yeah, I'm not sure if they're still doing it, but for a period of time they definitely were. http://www.gamespot.com/news/aussie-cust...ts-6303984 As it turns out, anyone trying to import it was apparently fined a very massive sum of money...

A fair amount of my friends and I bought MK online and had it shipped to our doors without any problems.

I guess we were lucky Chocked_2
Yeah, some folks got them, others had them seized, apparently...

So, they make North Korea-esque threats, and they're too incompetent to carry them out.

woop woop kangaroop
'woop woop kangaroop'

I vote this replace the "girt" line in our national anthem.


Yeah, but on the whole that's pretty horrendous. I mean, the whole RC thing is ridiculous anyway, I guess because of the people in charge of that kind of thing, plus laziness on others parts.

And I think the best point was made by a commenter on that site: Once a censored version is released here, you won't have any trouble importing it.

Oh Australia...
I had a Listening Exam for my Survey of Music class, a class that teaches fundamentals of music by exploring music history and involves listening to classical works from the Medieval to Modern periods. We're currently on Post-Romanticism, but the Listening Exam contents went as far as Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" or Orff's "Carmina Burana."

So last night, I gave up because I didn't have the mental strain to learn all 75 excerpts. Yes, I give up easily, but anyway...after running through the CD, I learned that I know a good 75% of the disk and felt good about the test. Today, I was surprised that most of the answers were part of that 75% EXCEPT Sibelius' "Finlandia" and Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture". I actually had "Finlandia," but I changed it in the end to Debussey's "Prelude to 'The Afternoon of the Faun'" (the teacher used the second theme of Finlandia, with the softer woodwinds as opposed to the brass instruments in the beginning).

But that's not the point of my post. Because of that test, I've grown to have an understanding of an old movie I used to watch as a kid called "Fantasia", a 40s Disney orchestral movie using cartoon animation to visualize the works of the music world's greatest composers, including Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and Stravinsky. I went through tracks earlier such as Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring", Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker", and Mussorgsky's ominous and scary "Night on Bald Mountain", and I have grown to love them more than I ever have when I was a kid. I've come to appreciate this music history class a little more because of it.