Purchase Consultation (MFB + Burst)

(Mar. 17, 2012  1:27 PM)apple1075 Wrote: Sorry can somebody answer my question before
If you want a good plastic, go for any of the G series. They are generally cheap. Costing about $12 each. I like Driger and Dranzer G. (Or, if you don't like them, then get Dranzer V or something.)

As for HMS, i'm not really sure since i was never a fan of HMS.

(Mar. 17, 2012  1:29 PM)Funny Bunny Wrote: Seriously now, what should my next move be, I have udxs and diablo 4d wise, should it be flash or not, I still have my reservations as to how good it actually is, I seriously doubt that it could top variares or blitz... But please correct me if I am wrong...
Ps. Apple don't answer this, Im coming to ur house 2day anyways!!

Get Flash Sagittario. It has proven to be very powerful.
Clonetos The only site I know is eBay, and there's a seller I've bought from who sells SonoKong, has free, expedited shipping, and sells both Beat Lynx and Jade Jupiter. Here's the link to her store: http://stores.ebay.com/pacificexpressusa
Is this seller good? I see some bad feedbacks from him and I'm a little worried cause I just bought an item from him.
I haven't bought from him but he is a good seller. People on WBO have bought from him. He even has a selling thread here. But he does not come online as often as before.
What should i get? Hell Kerbecs, Spiral Capricorn or Ray Gil?
Is this probably a safe seller to buy from? The prices are pretty cheap, but i wonder.
(Mar. 18, 2012  12:13 PM)TheBlayder Wrote: Is this probably a safe seller to buy from? The prices are pretty cheap, but i wonder.

read the description carefully...they are fakes which is why it is "cheap" they are not worth it bro..
(Mar. 18, 2012  3:37 AM)CosmicDestroyer Wrote: What should i get? Hell Kerbecs, Spiral Capricorn or Ray Gil?

Depends on what parts you already have, but actually, the MOST useful out of these HAS to be Hell Kerbecs. Get it. Exceptionally useful, that bey.
Which Beyblade to get? l-drago destroy or Variares?
VariAres. Though it isn't as good as Flash, it has a lot of attack potential, whereas Destroy isn't really good for anything anymore.
Kinda off-topic, but why is Flash not on the TT list? Lack of testing?
That question was answered 1-2 pages ago.
Also, if you know it was off-topic, why post it here? That would've been better suited in the Ask a question, get an answer thread.
An on topic question now... ! Lol, but seriously, I have thirty pounds to spend, what be my best option, I have diablo nemesis and UDX set. Should I get flash because I have no attack beys, or should I delve into the world of plastics, I have great interest in plastics, but no experience, and they can get pricey... And my mum is kinda sick of hearing, "muuuuum, can u buy me some beyblades pwitty pweeeeease..." lol!
Ps, I have a hasbro stadium as bb10s are too expensive...
also, are these real:
Yes, those are real, and are probably the best offers on beys. Smile
As for what to buy, its upon you whether to go for Plastics or MFB.
If you are going for MFB, Flash is an AMAZING purchase.
But as you have 30 pounds to spare, I think you just have enough money for BB-10, sooo. Tongue_out

If you want to get into plastics, go to Plastics Q&A, and the Forum's Plastic Experts will come to your aid. Smile
Seems legit but why not use Brand-Korea instead..?
I find the Japanese boxes and designs a little cooler. Since they're the same price, I just go with the one I showed. But thanks for the name, I'll look at his stuff. Hopefully it's also from Takara Tomy though.

EDIT: Also, I prefer the beyblade to include the box.
The bey doesn't come out for another 10 days so we really don't have any idea.
(Mar. 21, 2012  12:01 PM)Ultra Wrote: The bey doesn't come out for another 10 days so we really don't have any idea.
I can't help it im so excited >w<
Hello! I'm looking at Diablo Nemesis, I've noticed its gone up in price on eBay but then I've found this deal with a launcher grip;


Is it worth buying a launcher grip, do they make your launch more effective, or are they really just for comfort?? Thanks

... Only $18 but with a fake grip I believe.

The grip for me , is only for a better launch. But i barely use them since I use the string launcher free handed-ly.

That is actually a worth it deal IMO. Diablo Nemesis is usually $14 and the Launcher grip is about $10. - So get YOUR one.
Wow $18 is very good, however the reason I'm looking at this one though (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220946577383?s...1404wt_974)
is because its an official Takara-Tomy/Sono Kong launcher grip, making a bit more expensive. If I went to a tournament and had just any old launcher grip would I be able to use it, or does it have to be an official one??
The WBO only allows official Takara Tomy, Sonokong, and Hasbro products for tournament use. Anything else would result in an automatic disqualification.