[Product]  BB-40 Dark Bull H145SD

There are some seens of Ginga vs. Benkei with what looks like BB-40 Dark Bull H145SD on this site
Dont know if its hepful
Wow, it really does look like a plastic ... can't wait to see how it is.
OMG,its Voltaic Ape as a guest star blade
Yeah, it does look alot like Voltaic Ape. XD
The outer part of the blade looks like a darker tone of gray, so I am pretty sure It's metal. The track looks pretty wide, but i cant think if an H-word for it....
I would guess that it's H for Heavy.
Maybe Hard? A hard track weighs more So it would be heavy.So maybe its heavy or Hard
EDIT:XD that made me think of the Hard metal system and heavy metal system
[Image: DarkBull-Benkei.jpg]

There's a pic of 0:28 . I think the blade is metal, your thoughts?
It has a metal wheel if that is what you mean. We were just saying that it resembles a plastic beyblade, weren't we?
Dark Bull, Dark Wolf.
It's definitely metal, considering we know that Dark is a metal wheel.

And man, between Flame Sagittario and Dark Bull, we're getting some 'Plastic-esque' MFBs.
(Apr. 19, 2009  4:28 AM)Pichuscute Wrote: It has a metal wheel if that is what you mean. We were just saying that it resembles a plastic beyblade, weren't we?
Oh sorry. I could have sworn reading a post saying it was plastic.

Anyways, yes it does. I think the track may have some sort of base system (this is a stretch haha) but if you look closely, the bottom looks as if it has a base from the plastic gen.
(Apr. 19, 2009  4:34 AM)Hero Wrote: I think the track may have some sort of base system (this is a stretch haha) but if you look closely, the bottom looks as if it has a base from the plastic gen.

This was what we were saying XD.
(Apr. 19, 2009  4:38 AM)Pichuscute Wrote: This was what we were saying XD.
I really need to learn to type faster, first i was making a post on the other page, and you guys were half way down this one and i didn't really have much time to read these XD . Man, I'm behind >.>
H-Heavy SD-Strong defense Thats my guess XD,
I think SD might be sharp _____. And H might stand for heavy
(Apr. 19, 2009  5:06 AM)Hero Wrote: I think SD might be sharp _____. And H might stand for heavy
S is sharp, so that doesn't explain the D
How do you know it stands for Sharp?
Vortex Ape Reincarnate.
Dark Bull Heavy 145 Solid Defence.
(Apr. 19, 2009  5:06 AM)Hero Wrote: I think SD might be sharp _____. And H might stand for heavy

I think Sharp Defence...if that makes sense to anyone else.

But i'm agreeing more with Giga
I just realized, this would mean that Dark Bull appears in the anime a full two months before it's released ... that's a bit odd. I wonder if the release will be moved.

also everyone complains that MFB aren't enough like plastics, and then they become more like plastics and everyone complains they're not enough like the original mfb

jeez you guys
edit:Well Im not 100% sure,But it seems H will stand for heavy,So I was probaly Right
(Apr. 19, 2009  10:47 AM)BladeBee Wrote: So I was right H is for heavy.

Nobody knows yet, it's all just speculation.
(Apr. 19, 2009  10:09 AM)Giga Wrote: Vortex Ape Reincarnate.
Dark Bull Heavy 145 Solid Defence.

Solid Defense is way too convoluted a part name ... I'd bet either Sharp Defense or Semi-Defense.
*Cough*Sharp Flat *Cough*
(Apr. 19, 2009  6:33 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: How do you know it stands for Sharp?

I don`t, but sharp was just about the only word I could think of.